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ArtTalk Chapter 4 Notes.

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1 ArtTalk Chapter 4 Notes

2 Chapter 4 Terms Line- the element of art that is the path of a moving point through space Dimension- the amount of space an object takes up in one direction Outline- a line that shows or creates the outer edges of a shape Implied lines- series of points that viewer’s eyes automatically connect

3 Value- the element of art that describes the darkness or lightness of an object
Crosshatching- the technique of using crossed lines for shading Contour lines- define the edges and surface ridges of objects Gesture- expressive movement Calligraphy- beautiful handwriting

4 Kinds of lines Vertical- lines that move straight up and down and are perpendicular to the horizon Diagonal- lines that slant and look as if they are rising or falling Zigzag- lines made from a combination of diagonal lines Curved- lines that change direction gradually Horizontal- parallel to the horizon

5 Line Variation Length- lines can be long or short
Width- lines can be thick or thin Texture- lines can be rough or smooth Direction- lines can move in any direction Degree of curve- lines can curve gradually or not at all

6 Line and Value The value that line groups create depend on four factors The number of lines The size of the spaces between the lines The media The tools

7 The expressive qualities of line
Different lines express different ideas or feelings Vertical (static) – express stability, dignity, poise and formality Horizontal (static) – express peace, rest, quiet and stability Curved (active)- depends on direction of curve, usually expresses luxury Diagonal (active)- express instability, tension, activity and excitement Zigzag (active)- express confusion, excitement and nervousness

8 Contour Drawings Contour drawings are done by following the edges of an object with your eyes and drawing those edges on the paper at the same time in one continuous line

9 Gesture Drawing Gesture drawings are drawn quickly and loosely and attempt to capture a feeling of motion

10 Calligraphic Drawing Calligraphy is done by making characters that represent language and in themselves form pictures. The artist uses lines with a brushstroke that changes from thin to thick in one stroke.

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