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BCIT Westampton Law and Public Safety

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Presentation on theme: "BCIT Westampton Law and Public Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 BCIT Westampton Law and Public Safety
Classroom procedures and rules

2 Homeroom and during class
Be on time for class Not running down the hall Not in the bathroom If you are late you will be mark as such Be in dress code Everyday All day It gets cold in here bring a sweatshirt not a hoodie

3 Behavior Some behavior last year was very unacceptable
I will no longer tolerate horseplay in class If it is a problem I will limit the amount of hands on activity for the class Everything you do will affect your participation grade and or discipline Good behavior will also be rewarded via your grades and through parties and other activities You will earn what is given to you Excessive behavior violations will result in discipline referral and home contact

4 Assignments ALL assignments will be handed in on time.
If they are late you will loose credit. (20% per day) After five days a zero. You will not give me assignments at the end of a marking period that was due in the beginning This is not fair to those that do their work on time They will be in the proper format Any homework that is not completed prior to the start of class will be considered late and subject to the next lowest grade based on the quality of the work.

5 Class participation This was implemented last year in this format in this class 10 points per day possible 100 points over a two week period Points are lost for the following reason on a daily basis. Sleeping or trying to sleep (including head down on desk) Disruptive behavior Excessive talking during instruction Unauthorized use of cell phone (includes checking phone without permission) Back talk or insubordination Lack of participation during class activities Discussions Kahoot Hands-on activities

6 Phones They will be away unless I give permission
I will still allow charging of phones THEY MUST BE ON SILENT 1st offense will be a warning 2nd offense no phone charging All further offenses will result in discipline and home contact You WILL NOT check you phone during instruction time either charging or at your desk you may listen to music and take out you phone ONLY when I give permission. Reading Computer work Not during group work Phones will totally be away during testing and quizzes and you will not take them out until I say

7 End of Block Straighten up the room
Everyone participates NO ONE congregates (gathers) at the door in the locker area You are to remain in the instructional area. DO not, Do Not, Do not leave the room until the bell rings unless you have permission

8 Lockers They will be assigned by availability
Seniors Juniors Sophs During class time remain out of the locker area unless I give you permission to be up there.

9 LAB Room No students are allowed in the lab room without permission (including to get drinks) The equipment is very expensive There are chemicals being stored in this area

10 Computer use If all of your work is complete and you do not owe me any work I will allow time on the computers in accordance with the acceptable use policy If you are doing other than class work on the computer during time you should be completing an assignment you will be warned and if you are still not working and are on other than work related sites you will loose credit for the day. A second a further offense will result in a phone call and to home.

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