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Science Introduction Class Rules Class begins when the bell rings.

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1 Science Introduction Class Rules Class begins when the bell rings.
Be in the door when the bell starts ringing. Tardies: 4 Free Tardies, on the 5th you get your conduct card marked. Each is worth ½% points extra credit at the end of the 9 weeks. Each “0” due to not turning in an assignment or “Unexcused” assignment is a mark on the extra credit card at the end of the 9 weeks. Extra credit should not be rewarded when required assignments are not being done.

2 Up to 2% extra credit per 9 weeks. Way to lose credit:
Tardy R.R. Locker Losing an assignment and need to get another one Getting zero’s on assignments...each is ½% deduction from the extra credit. Tardy is anytime you have to leave class once the bell has rung. Does not include Emergencies “Personal”

3 Show maturity at all times
Main Rules: INTEGRITY- “Do The Right Thing” RESPECT Show maturity at all times Once the bell rings do not talk and stay in your chair especially if I am talking. There will not be a seating chart if one is not needed (it’s up to you). Discipline Problems: Conduct card mark.

4 Late or incomplete assignments will not be allowed
Late or incomplete assignments will not be allowed. You will receive a zero and it can NOT be made up. “You” are responsible for getting what you missed when you are absent from class. Extended Assignments and Labs are NOT HCP eligible.

5 HCP can be used for incomplete work on the day it is due…(NOT for Labs or Extended Assignments)
Make sure your parents see the policy you are given and sign in English class. It applies in all core classes. Labs: 0 credit for labs missed because of behavior problems, conduct card mark, or a safety violation. Zero tolerance for lab safety violations… Safety is always the first priority.

6 You will use a pencil on all work…NO pen!!
The green pens will be used for grading and writing your hypothesis on labs only!! If I can not read your work it is “0”.

7 Never abuse any school property.
No cell phones, MP3 Players or I-Pods will be allowed in class at any time. I will confiscate the device and take it to the office…If it happens again, it will be a mark of the card.

8 Cheating Cheating is not limited to the list below…Common sense should apply. Defined: acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination. Using hidden notes, copying from another student or helping another student during an examination. Giving test questions or answers to a member of a later class or obtaining test answers from a student in a previous class.

9 Submitting another student’s work as your own.
Stealing and/or accepting test answer. Stealing or copying another student’s homework, paper, project, report or take-home test, or labs. Changing answers on an already graded exam or performance project.

10 Allowing someone to copy your homework.
Using calculators or computers in an unapproved manner. Allowing someone to copy your homework. Doing ½ the homework and another person does ½ and you turn it in whole. ing/texting.messaging the answers on a homework assignment to another student.

11 Using a small sheet of paper with test answers on it during a test.
Storing chemical or mathematical formulas in a calculator before a test. Cheating will result in s “0” on the assignment and a call home to the parent /guardian, and a mark of the conduct card.

12 Tips You must take good readable notes and study to survive! Hand in all assignments on time. No late or incomplete work will be allowed. The amount of homework you have is up to you, you will usually (not always) have class time to work on your assignments. Study for Quizzes!!

13 Be in school: Treat it like a job
Be in school: Treat it like a job. You can’t lean if you are not in school. Bring your tools for work EVERYDAY!! (text book, note book, pencil, colored pencils, hi-liter,calculator…ect) What ever you need. Be responsible for your actions Integrity and Respect is the KEY!!

14 Integrity and Respect is the KEY!!
I can overlook many thinks with kids that have integrity and show respect…. because most issues arise from a laps in judgement as it pertains to one or both of these.

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