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Creating dementia friendly environments

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1 Creating dementia friendly environments
Karen Clayton

2 90% of distressed/challenging behaviours are caused by the environment and other people (Bawley E-designing for Alzheimer’s disease strategies for creating better care environments) The right environment can: 70% reduction in slips, trips and falls 60% reduction in agitation and aggression 50% reduction in incontinence episodes

3 Traditional Signage What is a sign? What is the purpose of a sign

4 Clear Signage 7 principles of design
1 colour 2 shape 3 pictures 4 materials 5 text 6 Contrast 7 durability

5 Toilets

6 Nutrition & Hydration Mealtimes should be social occasions and being able to eat and drink unaided can make a huge difference to a person’s well being





11 Manor Gardens

12 Connaught House

13 Use of space and exercise – the Corridor strategy
Immediate changes: Social interaction, enjoyment, a sense of achievement, increased food and drink intake in some cases 3-6 month changes: Improved sleep patterns, participation in activities of daily living, improved strength and endurance Long term changes: Reduced anxiety, improved mood, improved cognitive abilities When encouraging residents to increase exercise, it helps to understand what motivates an individual, their history, interests and past experiences in order to promote meaningful activities. This would be a great exercise to undertake when making decisions regarding changes to your environment

14 Simple tips Ensure good orientation – signs and tactile objects
Make finding and using the toilet a priority The dining experience should be social and promote independence and confidence and include snacking Design a environment that both calms and stimulates with good use of colour, orientation and points of interest Encourage interaction and exercise to prevent isolation and boredom Ensure lots of activities are available

15 Summary of expected changes
Reduction in falls, agitation & incontinence Improved orientation, independence & confidence, social interaction, sleep patterns, enjoyment, mood & a sense of achievement – something meaningful Reduction in task driven duties by nursing & care staff – incontinence, cleaning – leading to improved morale, reduced attrition & absence More time available for dedicated 1:1 interactions, care & activities Reduced costs to a care home – incontinence/cleaning products; reduced attrition/absence of staff; Increased income to care home for increased life expectancy & referrals NHS – reduce number of hospital admissions/ambulance call outs NHS – reduced costs associated with medications due to reduction in agitation, reductions in falls and improved nutrition & hydration Possibly reduced abuse – DOES BURN OUT AND THE PRESSURE OF THE CARE ROLE LEAD TO UNECCESARY HARM FOR THOSE WE CARE FOR? – task driven, don’t see the person?

16 Thank you for listening
Karen Clayton

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