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Paxton Cloud Program Orientation

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1 Paxton Cloud Program Orientation
Growing Up Ready

2 Welcome Learning in a Different Way Before you get into the hands-on activities, there are a few things that you will need to know. This introduction is intended to teach you about the basics of using the system to ensure that you have a rewarding experience. Every class is unique however your class is likely made up of a variety of different modules. You may not know a lot about the different modules now, but by the end of this introduction you will know more, and by the end of the class you will become a guru. Beyond the variety of modules, another thing that makes this class unique is the ability to navigate the system independently. Once you are scheduled in the class you will be able to work through the module at your own pace. You will still be required to complete activities and tests, but the times may vary based on your module. In the next few pages your Personal Digital Tutor, "Kromey" will teach you more about the system.

3 Kromey The Fun Begins Hi, my name is Kromey and I am a K-bot. I may not look like much today, but with your help I can transform into a lean, mean, learning machine and so can you! During our time together, my goal is to help you learn and hopefully make you laugh or at least chuckle. Here's how it works: each day you will have pages that you need to read, videos to watch, audio to listen to, activities to engage in, and Evidence to submit. At the end of each day I will create a Knowledge Check for you to see how much you know. Based on your Knowledge Check I will eliminate pages that you already know and only leave pages that you should review. By reviewing the pages and improving your knowledge, we both get upgraded! Now for the fun stuff! As you progress through the module and improve your knowledge level, you will help me transform from this mop bucket into a real Klassy K-bot. When you complete a Knowledge Check, I will also measure and report your progress on achieving the next level. When you achieve the next level, we both get an upgrade. I will send you a souvenir picture of "moi" (that means "me" in French) and my new upgrade. Pretty fancy, right? Your friends will be jealous to see the places that I go and how good I look, but we have to do it together.

4 Team Work Better Together
You and your partner will be able to collaborate on activities, discuss questions, and most importantly learn about teamwork. At the end of each day, you will both need to complete your own Knowledge Check and submit Evidence individually. We will talk more about how to do that later. Reading Out Loud It is hard for you to work collaboratively with your partner if you are reading silently. One person may finish the readings/directions before the other student which leads to issues. You and your partner should read EVERYTHING out loud – taking turns of course. Please remember we all have strengths and we all have weaknesses. If reading is not your strong skill it is okay. That is why you are here at school – to learn and get better. Please be understanding with each other.

5 Logging onto Paxton Program
Open Google Chrome (there are several glitches with Internet Explorer) Website Username: Password: first initial last initial 6 digit birthday Can access program from school and home

6 Navigating the Program
To get started Click your period and your module (Your teacher will assign you a module) Once you have navigated into the Day of your module you can either click on the first page (red arrow below) or you can click Start (blue arrow below). One Screen at a Time Start with screen one- read out loud with your partner. Watch/listen to any of the videos that are on the page. If the screen is an informational screen – you will take notes on the central idea, vocab, and careers. If the screen is an activity screen – you will complete the activity and answer all evidence questions. Remember you will need to answer the evidence questions on both partners profiles. Arrows After you have completed screen 1 use the forward triangle to move onto screen 2. Arrow takes you back to the list of all screens on that particular day.

7 What Do You Know? Green Underlined Words
A Simple Game On Day 1 of your module you will find a simple True/False game titled "What do You know." This is a great way to find out what you already know about the topic! Think of it as a pretest. All you need to do is read the question and click either True or False. If you get an answer wrong, it will stay on the screen. Once you have answered all of the questions you can click the blue triangle in the upper right-hand corner to move forward. Green Underlined Words If you hover over a green underlined word it will show you the definition of the vocab word or a description of the career.

8 Activity Screens Activity Steps As you navigate through the module you will find screens that look like the picture to the right. These are Activity screens. When you get to an Activity you will notice that there are a series of steps. Use the steps to complete the activity. You can also find the activities in your Activity Reference Binder located on top of the cabinet under your desk. You will have some sort of evidence you need to submit for most activity screens. Evidence may be in the form of questions or it may be a worksheet. There are a few activity screens that don’t require any evidence.

9 Activity Screens continued.....
Resources You will notice in the sample below that there is a file attached to resources as well as one linked in Step 3. Resources are either a worksheet that you need to complete, a website you need to use, or a separate reading/reference page. Worksheets: Download the worksheet from the resources section. Complete the worksheet on the computer, save the worksheet (saving directions located in your Activity Reference binder), then submit the worksheet on the activity screen under evidence. Some worksheets are already printed for you – located in the cabinet/drawers under your desk.

10 Evidence Questions Evidence questions are on the bottom of activity screens. They are questions that help you to process what you learned during the activity. Each partner must answer the evidence screens under their own profile. Evidence questions must be answered using good writing skills. Capitalization, punctuation and proper sentence structure needs to be used. Questions need to be answers in depth. Do not answer them with the bare minimum response or you will have to redo them. Worksheets Download the worksheet from the resources section. Complete the worksheet on the computer, save the worksheet (saving directions located in your Activity Reference binder), then submit the worksheet on the activity screen under evidence. Some worksheets are already printed for you – located in the cabinet/drawers under your desk.

11 Knowledge Checks At the end of each computer day you will take a knowledge check (Day 1-4 and 6-9). These are questions to help you check yourself for understanding. They are not graded because you are still in the learning process at this point. Knowledge checks are to help you study and prepare for Checkpoint Tests. You can work on Knowledge Checks with your partner but don’t let your partner do all the work because then you won’t know the information for your checkpoint tests Even though you may work with your partner on Knowledge Checks each partner will need to take their own test After you take a Knowledge Check the program will color code your results. Below are what the colors mean. Red indicates Novice Yellow indicates Apprentice Green indicates Scholar Black means that you got zero correct  Gray means that the page isn't tested

12 Checkpoint Tests Checkpoint Tests are to evaluate your understanding of your station. Checkpoint Tests are graded and will count as an assessment grade. You will take Checkpoint Tests individually without your partner on day 5 and day 10. Never take the Checkpoint test at home or without your teacher telling you it is time for the Checkpoint test. If you access the Checkpoint Test without permission you will receive a ZERO.

13 Working Together vs Individual Work
You will be working with your group collaborating throughout your whole station. You will work through the readings and activities on one persons Paxton account/profile. However, you will be required to make sure that Evidence and Knowledge Checks are completed on everyone's individual profile. You can open to Google Chrome Tabs at the top of your screen in order to navigate between the student profiles. Sometimes we have chrome books that your group can use in order to navigate between profiles. Important: While your partner is taking a Knowledge Check or answering an evidence question you are not to be off task. Your role is to follow along with them, help them, and to collaborate with them.

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