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Handwashing Wesley Lynn Gerstenkorn, Liang Yu Li, Joshua Christopher Mocek, Brandon Shahram Soleimani, & Omar Zambrano.

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Presentation on theme: "Handwashing Wesley Lynn Gerstenkorn, Liang Yu Li, Joshua Christopher Mocek, Brandon Shahram Soleimani, & Omar Zambrano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handwashing Wesley Lynn Gerstenkorn, Liang Yu Li, Joshua Christopher Mocek, Brandon Shahram Soleimani, & Omar Zambrano

2 Abstract The purpose of this project is to determine the effectiveness of a computer program on handwashing Handwashing is crucial in preventing the spread of germs, viruses and saving lives People might avoid washing their hands because it’s boring, time consuming, or they think their hands are already clean, etc. Create an interactive handwashing game to make handwashing more appealing

3 Cleanliness in the workplace
Problem Foodborne illnesses Cleanliness in the workplace

4 Problem Washing hands for 30 seconds Hand washing is boring

5 Objectives To show the importance of washing your hands not only in the food industry, but in your everyday life as well. Raise awareness for the possible viruses and diseases that can spread if you don’t wash your hands. To make a simple but enticing game in order to reach a larger audience. To make washing your hands fun and hopefully to become a habit in people that play our game.

6 Approach Create a game to incentivize people to wash their hands
This game will promote hand washing through repetition and a rewards based system We will create a foot pedal for the user to play on while they wash their hands - this will allow the user to wash their hands while playing the game at the same time Most importantly, inform and convey the seriousness behind handwashing

7 Tasks Understand the background information behind the importance of handwashing, and any other pertinent information. Outline ideas, and list software/hardware needed for project Implementation of project Testing and Debugging the project periodically Run progress by client to make sure our implementation meets their expectations Finalize project once fully implemented Document the project with a final report and presentation Demonstrate project to class whilst meeting time constraint

8 Deliverables Java code for handwashing game which will be implemented in Android Studio (subject to change) Database scheme and initial data: MySQL queries plus server data Design Document which will list the main hardware and software components that we used for this project Final Report which details everything we did throughout our implementation of the project. Includes many important aspects such as the project architecture.

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