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What makes an ARC Linkage Project fundable?

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Presentation on theme: "What makes an ARC Linkage Project fundable?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes an ARC Linkage Project fundable?
John Roddick, School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics Thanks to Sharyn Roach Anleu for the initial set of overheads

2 Some Context All ARC Grants are assessed by a mixture of General Assessors and Detailed Assessors. General Assessors (normally 2) are members of the College of Experts who get between 30 and 80 applications to assess. They may also have proposals for various schemes. General assessors do not write any reviews that you see. Detailed Assessors (up to 6 but as low as 2) provide the detailed written reviews of your project. You get to see these and respond to them.

3 Process You submit grant.
Grants are assigned to a General Assessor who will find up to 8 Detailed assessors for each application. Detailed assessors write reviews and give rankings. The reviews are sent to you to respond to. The General Assessor then looks at the proposal, the detailed assessments, your response and gives their own rankings. This then results in an ordered list that the General Assessors discuss in Canberra.

4 What makes an ARC LP fundable
Research Team – Investigators (20%) Partner Organisation(s) (30%) - minimum: 1 But read: Funding Rules Instructions to Applicants & FAQs Funding Agreement Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

5 Research Team - Investigators
Research opportunity and performance evidence (ROPE Part G); Potential to engage in collaborative research with end-users; and Time and capacity to undertake and manage the proposed research in collaboration with the Partner Organisation(s) and Partner Investigator(s). Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

6 Research opportunity and performance evidence
Career and opportunity over last 10 years - especially any career interruptions, special circumstances Publications, grants, 10 career best publications Do: number, categorise, provide complete bibliography information, impact factors, etc? Don’t: misattribute publications, cut corners Skill set, capacity to do/lead the research, achieve outcomes. Journal v. Conference Publications Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

7 Potential to engage in collaborative research with end-users
Previous experience Have you worked with them (or similar) before? Are they just providing the funding? Skills that demonstrate potential Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

8 Time and capacity How much time is allocated to the project?
How many CIs and PIs? How will investigators be co-ordinated? Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

9 Commitment from Partner Organisation(s)
Is there evidence that each of the Partner Organisation(s) is genuinely committed to, and prepared to collaborate in, the research project? Will the proposed research encourage and develop strategic research alliances between the higher education organisation(s) and other organisation(s)? Is the budget justification for Cash and In-kind Contributions adequate? Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

10 PO Commitment Cash + in-kind
Eligibility Criteria for Partner Investigators (A10.3) A serious commitment – not just supplier of resources (Funding Rules A10.3.3) How Project fits into PO’s strategic plan is valuable PI must take significant intellectual responsibility, strategic decisions, communication of results (see Funding Rules A10.3.4) Engagement/involvement in research design Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

11 Budget justification Demonstrates planning Clarifies research design
Critical in environment of budget reduction Ask for modest amounts – ARC needs to show value for money Please do not cite, copy or circulate without permission

12 What’s Changed from Last Year?
Continuous application If first rate (or hopeless) you will find out very fast – maybe in six weeks. Maximum of 3 months. If hopeless, you might not be allowed to resubmit.


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