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Beauty and the beast Summary: Beauty along with her siblings and father had once been rich but as their house caught on fire they lost everything. Their.

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Presentation on theme: "Beauty and the beast Summary: Beauty along with her siblings and father had once been rich but as their house caught on fire they lost everything. Their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beauty and the beast Summary: Beauty along with her siblings and father had once been rich but as their house caught on fire they lost everything. Their father in search of a new beginning for them went off on a journey. As he was leaving beauty told him that she wanted him to bring her back a rose. Having failed his mission and not being able to recovered what they had he was strolling back home when he found a castle and decided to explore in search of someone who could help him. He didn’t find anyone but he did find food. As he went outside to look again he found some beautiful roses and decided to take one to beauty as he had promised. When he heard a beast voice so upset asking him why he was taking his roses. The merchant told the beast his whole story, and the beast feeling compassionate made a deal with him. The deal was that he would let him free for one of his daughters. As the merchant went back home he told his kids all about the journey and beauty agreed to go to the beast. At first she was frighten. Then once when the beast was in danger of dying she realized how special he was to her and she loved him. When the beast asked her to marry him she said yes. Soon after her response he turned into a charming prince! A fairy and the queen came out to thank her for saving the prince from the terrible enchantment. The queen granted her consent for the weeding and so beauty and the prince lived happily ever after. from “Ulysses” by James Joyce “Ought to attend to my appearance my age. Didn’t let her see me in profile . Still, you never know. Pretty girls and ugly men marrying. Beauty and the beast.” "SurLaLune Fairy Tales: The Annotated Beauty and the Beast." SurLaLune Fairy Tales: The Annotated Beauty and the Beast. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Aug < "What's New." Beauty and the Beast by Scott Gustafson. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Aug < "Ulysses." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Aug <

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