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Chapter 1: Introduction.

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1 Chapter 1: Introduction

2 Aim: What is forensics? Do Now: Try to answer the aim.
The term forensic stems from the Latin word forum and applies to anything that relates to law. Forensic science, or criminalistics, is the application of scientific disciplines to the laws that are enforced by police agencies in the criminal justice system. Forensic science is the application of science to those criminal laws that are enforced by police agencies in the criminal justice system. Criminalistics and forensic science, are one and the same. The terms will be used interchangeably in the text.

3 Criminalistics and forensic science, are one and the same.
The terms will be used interchangeably in the text.

4 Sung-tsu – the Father of Forensic Science
Ideally, intuition and science come together as complementary processes. Gil Grissom, lead investigator of the CSI television series, offers a case in point, when he talks about an incident that supposedly occurred in ancient China. A group of men were laboring in a ditch when one worker killed another with some implement. No one would confess to the crime, and the questioning of witnesses turned up nothing, so the magistrate ordered the men of the village to gather with their sickles. In time, the flies came, attracted to blood and specks of flesh, and the killer was revealed. The killer confessed.

5 Not long ago identifying, capturing, and convicting criminals depended primarily upon eyewitnesses and confessions. The world was a small place. Every forensic technique is designed to either identify a perpetrator or connect him or her to the crime.

6 I didn’t do it.

7 I didn’t do it.

8 I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it.

9 Yeah, but I really didn’t do it.

10 ? ? /? XXXX

11 Science occupies an important and unique role in the criminal justice system.
The scientists’s role is to supply accurate and objective information that reflects the events that have occurred at a crime. Forensic science is the application of science to those criminal laws that are enforced by police agencies in the criminal justice system.






17 Criminalistics is the application of science to the physical evidence, such as bloodstains, DNA, and bullet trajectories. Criminology includes the psychological angle, which involves studying crime scenes for motives, traits, and behavior.

18 Crime scene technicians are trained in how to collect evidence.
Criminalists, identification technicians, or forensic scientists do the analysis of the evidence.

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