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Circulatory System.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System

2 Purpose of Circulatory System
Transport materials within the body Oxygen, carbon dioxide, biomolecules

3 What does the circulatory system transport?
Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) Doughnut-shaped Contains hemoglobin- complex protein containing iron that transports oxygen

4 Other Blood Cells White Blood Cells Platelets Immune response
Blood clotting

5 http://www. youtube. com/watch

6 Plasma Watery portion of the blood
Carries digested food particles to cells

7 HONORS EXTENSION: Digested Molecules in Blood
Digested molecules absorbed by villi in the small intestine are carried by capillaries Blood travels via the hepatic portal vein to the liver

8 Types of Blood Vessels: Arteries
Away from the heart Thick muscular walls

9 Types of Blood Vessels: Veins
Toward the heart Contains valves to prevent backflow of blood

10 Types of Blood Vessels: Capillaries
Smallest blood vessels Most restricted of blood vessels Only allow 1 red blood cell through at a time

11 The Heart

12 Blood Flow Through the Heart

13 Systolic vs. Diastolic Pressure
Systolic Pressure Ventricle contracts Blood forced into the arteries More pressure on walls Artery walls expand Diastolic Pressure Ventricle relaxes Less blood in arteries Less pressure on walls Arteries walls relax

14 Coronary Circulation Coronary Circulation: Circulation of blood to heart muscle cells

15 Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary circulation: Circulation between the lungs and the heart Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in pulmonary circulation

16 Systemic Circulation Systemic Circulation: Carries blood to
rest of the body Deoxygenated blood ENTERS the heart from the body via the superior and inferior Vena Cavas Oxygenated blood LEAVES the heart to go to the rest of the body via the aorta Blood goes back to the heart from the lungs- heart pump provides enough force for blood to travel through the rest of the body

17 Lymphatic Circulation
Transports immune cells Immune response Large # of white blood cells are found in the lymph nodes where bacteria are destroyed

18 HONORS EXTENSION: Lymphatic System Cont’d
Removes fluid from between cells (interstitial fluid) Exchange of materials between blood and intercellular fluid occurs via lymph vessels Extra fluid transported via lymph vessels

19 Cardiovascular Diseases
Anemia- too few red blood cells Atherosclerosis- fatty deposits on the walls of arteries Caused by high cholesterol Hardens Narrower opening for blood to get through Heart attack- blood vessel to heart is blocked

20 HONORS EXTENSION: Other Circulatory Systems
Hydra (Phylum: Cnideria) Diffusion across skin

21 HONORS EXTENSION: Other Circulatory Systems Cont’d
Earthworm (Phylum: Annelida) Closed circulatory system (blood transported through vessels) Contains 5 “hearts” that pump blood to various organs Grasshopper (Phylum: Arthropoda) Open circulatory system Heart pumps fluid into spaces Diffusion into cells Transport sluggish in this system

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