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Independent Living, Inc. Baltimore, MD

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1 Independent Living, Inc. Baltimore, MD
Making Choices for Independent Living, Inc. Baltimore, MD Frank Pinter, Executive Director

2 Lessons from Experience
Transitioning Non Elderly People with Disabilities from the Nursing Home to the Community

3 A. Identifying consumers appropriate for transitioning

4 In our experience, there are two people in nursing homes to ask about a person returning to the community: 1. Social Worker 2. Consumer

5 1. Social Worker Pros - May know the resident(s) who want to leave May be able to coordinate transitioning services from nursing home end May be knowledgeable of family and can intercede on consumer’s behalf

6 Social Worker - cont’d Cons - Position turns over a lot and new person may not be aware of community resources May identify only the “problem” residents as those wanting/able to leave May try to compromise “model” residents’ attempts to leave

7 Who better to ask!? 2. Consumer
Consumer most often knows exactly what services and how much of each they require and can tell a care provider how they want it done.

8 B. Barriers to a person transitioning to the community

9 1. Fear of the unknown 2. Learned helplessness, hopelessness fostered by nursing home 3. Attitude of nursing home loss of income unawareness of community resources They’re handicapped! They belong here!”

10 4. Community Resources - what already exists/what doesn’t varies with jurisdiction urban vs rural differing services for differing disabilities

11 5. Family support - May not want responsibility May feel inadequate May lack knowledge of community resources 6. Consumer credit history & personal background (convictions, legal judgements)

12 C. Considerations related to

13 1. Having a subsidy vs a subsidized unit
2. Finding affordable & accessible housing 3. SSI/SSDI check for 1-2 months (until account is transferred) 4. Security deposit at FMV & 1st month’s rent

14 5. Utilities deposit & 1st month’s
bill 6. Telephone deposit & 1st month’s 7. Telephone 8. Furniture 9. Food

15 10. Household items 11. DMS/DME 12. Personal care services 13. Medications 14. Medical Assistance/Medicare 15. Food stamps

16 D. Follow up Case Management vs living independently I’m not a case. I’m a person. In case I need you, I’ll call. (How many case managers are already involved in this person’s life?)

17 Independent living is not doing everything by yourself
Independent living is not doing everything by yourself. Rather, it is being in control of how things are done. Judy Heumann

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