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Online Matching System

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1 Online Matching System
Comprehensive Tutorial for Matching Supporters Last updated June,

2 If you went too far just click back
This tutorial has a lot of animation which comes when you click on the mouse – don’t be shy to click away. If you went too far just click back Back and Forward icons appear when you hover your mouse in this area

3 Click to advance to the next screen
I just got an and someone made me their supporter. How do I check this out. My candidate completed his matching application, how do I have OMS changes his status from Applicant to Candidate My candidate has done everything but he/she is not seeing the profiles of other candidates, how come? I received an telling me that my candidate received or sent an to another candidate, how do I check this out? My candidate has requested the full profile of another candidate, what am I suppose to do? I read a profile on OMS that I feel could be a good suggestion for my candidate, what should I do? My candidate or I, found a good match that is not listed on OMS. What must I do? Click on the link that is most important To you right now Click to advance to the next screen

4 Back to main menu if you wish
I just got an and someone made me their supporter. How do I check this out. Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

5 Select this, it will eliminate all the candidates that are not yours.
You may not want to see all the candidates. You can search by selecting several parameters. Age group, category, Status, Gender, Region, and so forth If you would want to see only you candidate, select the last parameter which says: “Check to view only your own applicants and or candidates”, don’t forget to click [Select] Next Select this, it will eliminate all the candidates that are not yours. Then click Select

6 These are your Candidates, only.
If you want to see your Applicants, you must select Applicants: under Status These are your Candidates, only. If you have individuals that are still applicants and not candidates you can see them too. For that you will have to select the Status of [Applicant]. It is a nice feature that allows you to keep track of how much information your applicants have already entered on OMS. Now scroll up back to the top Next

7 Here they are. Your own Applicants NOTE: All matching supporters on OMS can see ALL Candidates, but only you can see your Applicants.

8 Back to main menu if you wish
My candidate completed his matching application, how do I have OMS changes his status from Applicant to Candidate In North-America: Once a candidate has received approval of their matching application, they must uploaded it as a PDF file on OMS under, document upload. If they do so, they will be made a candidate within 24 hours. For Other Regions: They need to upload a form on OMS which will have been signed by their BFD. Back to main menu if you wish

9 This document is a sample of the BFM – Matching Application PDF file
This document is a sample of what OMS prepared for the BFDs across the world so that we can have proof that their candidates are qualified

10 Back to main menu if you wish
My candidate has done everything but he/she is not seeing the profiles of other candidates, how come? Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

11 My Candidate was made a candidate but he says that he does not see the “Potential Candidate” button. Why? Let’s look at E

12 Click on PrintView

13 The RED print indicate missing information
The RED print indicate missing information. Until all the required information are there they will not be able to see the “Potential Candidates” button Now, let’s go and look at P

14 Scroll down

15 There is nothing that indicates he is missing something

16 Therefore, what he is missing is the PDF file of his Matching Application
In this case, send an to your candidate to let him know that he is missing this important document. If all fails – contact OMS.

17 Back to main menu if you wish
I received an telling me that my candidate received or sent an to another candidate, how do I check this out? Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

18 We are back on the HOME SCREEN. See the yellow envelopes
We are back on the HOME SCREEN. See the yellow envelopes? This means that they are messages exchanged by your candidates that you have not read. Let’s select F

19 Click on it. Your candidates expect you to read these messages. Every time your candidates send an anonymous message to someone, or receive an anonymous message from someone, you will be notified by , and you can go to OMS to read that message. Here we go. This is the list of potential candidates for this particular individual. If you want to read their profile, select the ID number of the left. See the yellow envelop – this mean this particular candidate has received a private message from another candidate and YOU NEED to read it. It is your responsibility as MA to keep an eye on the conversations that happen on OMS. Your candidate expect you to read these messages. Every time your candidate send an anonymous message to someone, or receive an anonymous message from someone you will be notify by and you can go to OMS to read that . Let’s select the yellow envelop. Next

20 Click here And you get this.
Please note the ID number at the very top; that is important because you will need this ID number to check the full profile of this candidate. Please note the ID number at the very top, that is important because you will need this ID number to check the full profile of this candidate let’s keep track of that. You can click on the Subject line to read the exchange. Next RETURN TO HOME PAGE

21 Here we are. Note that the envelope is not yellow any more because you have checked the correspondence. Here we are. Now let’s go back home. Next

22 Back to main menu if you wish
My candidate has requested the full profile of another candidate, what am I suppose to do? Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

23 You log into OMS You select – Check to view only your own applicants and or Candidates. Oh Oh… My candidate is not there! What happened???? That’s because you need to select Level 3

24 Here she is…… Because in your you will have been given the exact name of the candidate requested – you can go and check him out and consult with his matching supporter.

25 The Advisor for P First Name P Last Name Is Advisor, Three Sincerely,
Dear Matching Advisor, Your candidate F First Name F Last Name from Anytown, Canada, has requested P First Name P Last Name from Anytown, United-States. Please click on the following link How to Handle a Full Profile Request to understand how to handle this request. The Advisor for P First Name P Last Name Is Advisor, Three Sincerely, Anne Marie Administrator of OMS Matching Advisor, BFM - USA All the information you need is in the , including how to report to the Matching Committee.

26 Back to main menu if you wish
I read a profile on OMS that I feel could be a good suggestion for my candidate, what should I do? Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

27 Male Your candidate is a lady, you have read the gentlemen’s profile and you like E. Take note of this # Give this # to your lady and have her go read his limited profile on OMS

28 And then you wait Connect with the gentleman’ MA Have the Matching Supporter of the gentleman check your lady. If your candidate is hesitant and has questions, encourage the use of the anonymous messaging system. Keep track of the conversations

29 Back to main menu if you wish
My candidate or I, found a good match that is not listed on OMS. What must I do? Back to main menu if you wish NEXT

30 Let OMS know so that your candidate is not available any longer to other prospective candidates.
Follow the process written in the Matching Plan Check to make sure that the candidate is fully qualified. Connect with the Matching Supporter Report to the Matching Committee as soon as possible if this involved 1st Generation candidate. If you are not sure – remember the BFM is just an away and OMS too!

31 Back to main menu if you wish
That is all for now. I hope this presentation is helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out via and you can also use the CHAT. I am often on my computer. Back to main menu if you wish Oh, and by the way What about supporting OMS with a monthly donation of $10.00  I guarantee, it will be very, very, Helpful. And, if you cannot… It is OK too.

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