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LHeC and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Emmanuelle Perez CERN LHeC and Physics Beyond the Standard Model Sensitivity to new physics in ep collisions at 1.4 TeV : quark radius, electron-quark resonances, eeqq contact interactions. LHeC w.r.t. the interpretation of LHC discoveries : are there limitations due to our limited knowledge of high x pdfs ? Crude studies so far, and only a few topics. 3 June 2006 LHeC Steering Committee meeting, 27 Oct. 2007
Beyond the Standard Model in ep collisions : introductory remarks
Since ep is not an annihilation machine, the cross-section is “small” for (heavy) pair-produced new particles. Investigate single particle production instead The sensitivity depends, in addition to the new particle mass, on its coupling to SM particles. In case of a discovery: information not only on M but also on this coupling. Examples : Leptoquarks, Rp-violating SUSY, excited fermions, … HERA vs. Tevatron showed nice examples of the complementarity between both facilities, in such model-driven BSM searches. Once LHC has discovered “something”, additional data from ep and/or ee may be necessary to tell what the “something” is. E. Perez October 07
DIS at highest Q2 : towards quark substructure ?
- 1 ) f( 6 > < = Assign a finite size < r > to the EW charge distributions : d/dQ2 = SMvalue x f(Q2) Global fit of PDFs and < r > using d/dxdQ2 from LHeC simulation, 10 fb-1 per charge, Q2 up to GeV2 : < rq > < m One order of mag. better than current bounds. At LHC : quark substructure may be seen as a deviation in the dijet spectrum. Such effects could also be due to e.g. a very heavy resonance. Could we establish quark substructure with pp data only ? E. Perez October 07
e+ and e- probe different
Electron-quark resonances Apparent symmetry between the lepton & quark sectors ? Exact cancellation of QED triangular anomaly ? (unknown) coupling l-q-LQ “Leptoquarks” (LQs) appear in many extensions of SM Scalar or Vector color triplet bosons Carry both L and B, frac. em. charge difficult, large backgrounds ep pp eq q llqq lqq qq NC DIS CC DIS Z/DY + jj QCD W + jj W/Z + jj LQ decays into (lq) or (q) : ep : resonant peak, ang. distr. pp : high ET lljj events Such eq resonances also predicted in Supersymmetry with “R-parity” violation: ’1jk e+ dk ( u j ) _ u Lj ~ ( dRk*) Rp e+ and e- probe different squarks & couplings Example: resonant stop production in e+ p, resonant sbottom in e- p. E. Perez October 07
“Leptoquarks” : pp versus ep
= BR( LQ eq ) Tevatron probes large masses for large (LQ eq) independently of . But large (LQ q) is difficult. HERA better probes LQs with small provided that not too small = BR (LQ eq) LHC vs LHeC : MLQ (GeV) LHC pair prod A.F. Zarnecki MLQ (GeV) LHeC em 1 TeV LHC could discover eq resonances with a mass of up to 1.5 – 2 TeV via pair production. Quantum numbers ? Might be difficult to determine in this mode. E. Perez October 07
Determination of LQ properties
pp, pair production ep, resonant production e+ e- q or q ? _ + F = -1 F = +1 e, q Fermion number F=0 LQs : (e+) higher F=2 LQs : (e- ) higher (high x i.e. mostly q in initial state) _ _ Scalar or Vector e q * qq g LQ LQ : angular distributions depend on the structure of g-LQ-LQ. If coupling similar to WW, vector LQs would be produced unpolarised… cos(*) distribution gives the LQ spin. Chiral couplings ? Play with lepton beam polarisation. E. Perez October 07
ep : golden machine to study LQ properties
F = 0 or 2 ? Compare rates in e-p and e+p Spin ? Angular distributions Chiral couplings ? Play with polarisation of lepton beam Couples to ? Easy to see since good S/B in j channel Classification in the table below relies on minimal assumptions. ep observables would allow to disentangle most of the possibilities (having a polarised p beam would complete the picture). F = 0 F = 2 E. Perez October 07
“LQ spectroscopy” : LHeC versus single LQ production at LHC
Single LQ production at LHC brings information in principle. But cross-section e.g. at 1 TeV is a factor ~ 400 lower than at LHeC. e+ q g e- F=0 Example : Fermion Number F. Look at signal separately when resonance is formed by (e+ + jet) and (e- + jet). Sign of the asymmetry gives F, but could be statistically limited at LHC. Easier in ep ! LHeC: 10 fb-1 per charge = 0.1 Idem for the simultaneous determination of coupling at e-q-LQ and the quark flavor q. Asymmetry If LHC observes a LQ-like resonance, M < 1 TeV, with indications (single prod) that not too small, LHeC would solve the possibly remaining ambiguities. LHC: 100 fb-1 MLQ (GeV) E. Perez October 07
Beyond LQs… To be further studied :
SUSY with R-parity conservation ~ e q ~ 0 Pair production via t-channel exchange of a neutralino. Cross-section sizeable when M < 1 TeV i.e. if squarks are “light”, could observe selectrons up to ~ 500 GeV. Could extend a bit over the LHC slepton sensitivity Possible information on couplings by playing with e+ / e- / L / R in pb, e- p in pb, e+ p Single production of excited fermions E. Perez October 07
Esp. models which predict new effects
Further models … Esp. models which predict new effects - “easy” to see in ep because of low, well-understood backgrounds - more difficult to establish in pp because of large bckgs Example from HERA experience: Anomalous top production via BSM coupling tu. Single top analysis at Tevatron is difficult (large W+jets bckgd). E. Perez October 07
p structure & interpretation of LHC discoveries
The interpretation of discoveries in AA at Alice may require direct measurements on pdfs in A – not covered here. Here, focus on ATLAS & CMS discoveries : highest masses highest x. Constraints on d and g at high x still limited : E. Perez October 07
Current high x uncertainties and NP processes at LHC : qq processes
_ Current high x uncertainties and NP processes at LHC : qq processes Example: new W ’, resonant slepton production in RpV SUSY (reach for a W’ with SM like couplings) CMS Physics TDR Vol II 40% uncertainty on part. lum. For a 6 TeV W ’. g(W ’) ? d u _ W ’ s c ’ _ ~ RpV SUSY : reach would depend on the strength of the coupling ’ . With sea quarks involved, uncertainties large already well below the kinematical limit. Would make the measurement of the coupling difficult. E. Perez October 07
Drell-Yan mass spectrum
4 TeV 8 TeV (shown uncertainties: from CTEQ 61 sets) CMS Physics TDR Vol II Example : new Z’ boson, KK gravitons in Randall-Sundrum models etc.. Signal = a mass peak. Partonic luminosities can be “normalised” to the side-bands data if enough stat. But close to the discovery limit, couplings of a Z’ boson may not be measured accurately. E. Perez October 07
DY mass spectrum and “Contact Interactions”
NP in Drell-Yan spectrum might not manifest itself as a mass peak… e.g. large extra-dimensions, interference with very heavy boson etc… Effective “contact-term” Lagrangian : d/ds = SMvalue + … s /2 + … ( s / 2) 2 LHeC sensitivity (10 fb-1 e- & e+) : 25 – 45 TeV / 2 LHeC HERA VV model VV model depending on the model Similar to the expected sensitivity at LHC. (GeV-2) E. Perez October 07
eeqq Contact interactions in DY and DIS
LL model, = 30 TeV, sign = -1 : effect in DY can be “absorbed” in pdf unc. In some cases, may be difficult to determine the sign of the interference of the new amplitude with SM. LHeC, e- p, LL At LHeC, sign of the interference can be determined by looking at the asym. between /SM in e- and e+. Polarisation can further help disentangle various models. E. Perez October 07
High x gluon and dijets at LHC
Some NP models predict deviations in dijet mass spectrum at high mass. Example : some extra-dimension models. Mc = 4 TeV S. Ferrag, hep-ph/ Mc = 2 TeV Mjj (GeV) Mjj (GeV) Due to pdf uncertainties, sensitivity to compactification scales reduced from 6 TeV to 2 TeV in this example. [ sensitivity has to be checked taking into account jet energy scale uncert… ] E. Perez October 07
For “new physics” phenomena “coupling” directly electrons and quarks
Conclusions For “new physics” phenomena “coupling” directly electrons and quarks (e.g. leptoquarks, eeqq contact interactions) : LHeC has a sensitivity similar to that of LHC. The further study, in ep, of such phenomena would bring important insights : leptoquark quantum numbers, structure of the “eeqq” new interaction. These studies may be difficult, if possible at all, in pp. LHC sensitivity to new (directly produced) particles not much limited by our pdf knowledge. “Contact-interactions” deviations may be more demanding. However, the interpretation of discoveries at LHC may require a better knowledge of the high x pdfs : e.g. determination of the couplings of a W ’ or Z ’ if “at the edge” . E. Perez October 07
Work ahead … (not an exhaustive list)
Determination of LQ quantum numbers at LHC : real MC analysis with realistic simulation & backgrounds. Contact interactions : systematic analysis of - how pp data could discriminate between various models. - the complementarity between pp, ep, ee (cf A. Zarnecki, Tevatron/LEP/Hera) Assess the limitations due to our poor knowledge of high-x gluon in searches with jets. Further study of the LHeC potential especially in Supersymmetry. If slepton + squark accessible at LHeC, what additional information do we learn compared to LHC ? Need to involve people familiar with analysis in Atlas / CMS. Establish contacts on BSM at LHeC with theorists / phenomenologists. E. Perez October 07
Backups E. Perez October 07
Single LQ production at LHC
(pb) Single LQ production also possible at the LHC. g LQ g LQ ep q q e- q e- pp ee followed by eq -> LQ not considered yet. Not expected to change much the results shown here (Tevatron). Smaller x-section than at LHeC. And large background from Z + 1 jet. 200 GeV 1200 GeV MLQ (GeV) Can be used in principle to determine the LQ properties in pp. E. Perez October 07
Current high x uncertainties and NP processes at LHC : quark-quark processes
~ g Example: squark production (shown uncertainties: from CTEQ 61 sets) (pdf) on the relevant partonic luminosities instead of that on the of a given BSM process. Estimated LHC sensitivity (SUSY) But better if couple to u quarks as well… For a process involving high x d quarks, pdf uncertainty ~ 20% at the corner of the LHC phase space. Could be ~ 50% with extended sensitivity (e.g. LHC upgrade) E. Perez October 07
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