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Back Injury Prevention

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1 Back Injury Prevention
Rowan University Workforce and Student Population Darin Worley

2 Rowan University Workforce Population
Students: 16,155 Faculty: 1,598 Staff: 2,035 Other: various contractors and specialists for construction/renovation projects source:

3 Injury on the Job Avg Days lost per year: 8 ( Avg Cost for Employers per year: $15 to $18 Billion or $40,000 to $80,000 per employee ( Estimated Overall Cost for LBP: $100 Billion (

4 Components of the Back Muscle: Movement
Discs and Nerves: Cushion and Communication Ligaments and Facet Joints: Support and Structure

5 Common Causes of Low Back Pain/Injury
Muscle weakness Muscle over-tension Muscle fatigue due to repetitive movement or holding position for too long Disc injury that leads to pressure on the nerves Ligament injury from sudden movement or stress

6 Other Contributing Factors
Age: non-modifiable Diet: modifiable Physical Fitness/Activity Level: modifiable Overweight/Obese: modifiable Smoking: modifiable Occupation: modifiable

7 Back Pain and Injury Prevention
Proper Posture- Do not slouch and correct posture when poor posture is noticed. Proper Lifting- Maintain neutral spine, keep load close to the body, avoid twisting while lifting, ask for help with loads beyond capability Modify Repetitive Tasks- Avoid or minimize long periods of sedentary activity or constant strain Pay Attention to Your Body- Listen to the small sensations of discomfort or pain that could escalate into more severe issues source:

8 Back Conditioning to Prevent Pain and Injury
Department of Health and Human Services recommendation: -150 minutes of Moderate Aerobic activity or 75 minutes of Vigorous Aerobic activity per week -Strength Training exercises at least Twice per week -Acitivities that combine balance and strength such as yoga and tai chi source: Mayo Clinic (

9 Stretches for Back Health
-Knees to Chest (low back) -Cat and Dog (full back) -Hamstring Stretch -Side and Hip Stretch -Pelvic Tilt (low back)

10 Strength Training for Back Health
*Proper form is the most important aspect of strengthening exercises* -Bridging -Tabletop -Pilates Crunch -Forearm Plank -Airplaning, aka X’s

11 Sources

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