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The Short Story *General Information *Element of Narration: Plot

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Presentation on theme: "The Short Story *General Information *Element of Narration: Plot"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Short Story *General Information *Element of Narration: Plot
*Element of Narration: Setting

2 What is a short story? Short Concentrated: Fictional: Prose:
Narrative: Approximately 1600 to 20,000 words All attention is focused on a central plot or character; no detail is unimportant imaginary; invented; made-up In paragraph format Story

3 What is PLOT? what happens in a story
a series of related events that result when a character reacts to a problem (i.e. conflict) in order to resolve it

4 Plot “Ingredients” exposition (basic situation):
Reveals the protagonist (the main character experiencing the conflict) and the antagonist(s) (the character OR emotion(s) causing the conflict) Reveals the external conflict and/or internal conflict with which the protagonist wrestles

5 PRACTICE! Read paragraphs 1 and 2 of “The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage” Who are the main characters? What is the internal conflict? What is the external conflict?

6 Plot “Ingredients” complications (rising action):
the actions that the conflict causes the character(s) to take the consequences that result from these actions the character’s actions or responses to the trouble or difficulty caused by these consequences

7 PRACTICE! Read paragraphs 3-5 of “The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage” List each complication.

8 Plot “Ingredients” climax:
The turning point of the story at which the character (1) is in the worst possible circumstances and/or (2) makes his most difficult decision This climax leads right to the…

9 Plot “Ingredients” resolution: 1. falling action: 2. moment of irony:
3. ultimate outcome: The events that result from the character’s decision at the climax What one thought to be true is suddenly shown not to be true, or the opposite of what one expected occurs The physical and emotional end of the story, as the character triumphs over the conflict or loses to it

10 Note about the Ultimate Outcome
The physical resolution solves the external conflict. The emotional resolution (also known as thte denouement)—if there is one—solves the internal conflict.

11 PRACTICE! Read paragraph 6 of “The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage.”
What is the climax? What is the “falling action” of the resolution? What is the “moment of irony”? Why is this ironic?

12 PRACTICE! What is the physical resolution of the story?
What is the denouement of the story? What does the story teach us? How does the story use the elements of plot to teach us this lesson?

13 What is setting? The vivid images and informational details given by the author to indicate (1) the story’s physical location. (2) the story’s time of day or year, and (3) the historical context (or time period)

14 Setting is used to… (1) set the mood of the story, evoking a specific feeling in the reader

15 Setting is used to… (2) cause conflict in the story

16 Setting is used to… (3) Reveal a character’s personality

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