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Coaching Your PBIS Team

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1 Coaching Your PBIS Team
Coaches Training Fall 2017

2 Who is Here? What else do you do at school
Did you volunteer or were you ‘assigned’ Are you new at this or a veteran Is your team new, or veteran

3 Coaching Defined Coaching = active and interactive delivery of:
(a) prompts that increase successful behavior, and (b) corrections that decrease unsuccessful behavior. Who? When? Where? Coaching is done by someone with credibility and experience with the target skill(s) Coaching is done on-site, in real time Coaching is done after initial training Coaching is done repeatedly (e.g. monthly) Coaching intensity is adjusted to need

4 Coaching Goals: Two Big Ideas
PBIS Outcomes: Academic & Social Competence Practices Systems Data The basic framework for effective coaching is to assist schools in truly understanding and structuring their PBIS implementation efforts around these two “big ideas.”

5 Tiered Instructional and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Framework
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individually Designed Interventions Address individual needs of student Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individually Designed Interventions Strategies to address needs of individual students with intensive needs Function-based assessments Intense, durable strategies 1-5% 1-5% Targeted, Group Interventions Small, needs-based groups for at risk students who do not respond to universal strategies High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted, Group Interventions Small, needs-based groups for at-risk students who do not respond to universal strategies High efficiency/ Rapid response Function-based logic Core Curriculum and Differentiated Instruction All students Preventive, proactive School-wide or classroom systems for ALL students 80-90% Core Curriculum and Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive School-wide or classroom systems for ALL students and staff 80-90% 5

6 Coaches Self Assessment
Data Practices System 3 = Fluent/Mastered 2 = Building Skills, but not fluent 1 = Still learning

7 Coaches Assessment Are our meeting effective?
Is our data collection effective? Is our data analysis productive? Is our teaching practices effective? Is our reinforcement system effective? Are we prepared to self-assess on implementation?

8 Reinforcement System Effectiveness
Are all students accessing the system? Are all staff using the system? Do they understand why? Do you have buy-in from staff Do they know how to give effective feedback? Is it easy to use? Is the system equitable?

9 Implementation Evaluation
Tiered Fidelity Inventory New Schools (2 times/year) Returning Schools (1 time/year-Spring) ODRs (Submitted to Google form) School Climate Survey Tier 2 schools: Progress Monitoring Data (de-identified for purposes of evaluation)

10 School-Wide Systems for School Improvement Success
Academic Practices Behavior Practices Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions % _____________________ 1-5% Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions ___________________________ Tier 2/Secondary Interventions % ___________________________ 5-15% Tier 2/Secondary Interventions ____________________________ Use secretively at first, and share with school when they are ready. Tier 1/Universal Interventions % ________________________ 80-90% Tier 1/Universal Interventions ____________________________ Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at 10

11 PBIS Outcomes: Social and Academic Competencies
Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

12 Tier 1 – TFI: DATA DATA 1.19 – Feedback and Acknowledgement
1.12 – Discipline Data 1.13 – Data Based Decision Making Fidelity Data 1.15 – Annual Evaluation DATA

13 Tier 2 – TFI: DATA Level of use Student performance data
How many are utilizing Tier II services Using a progress monitoring tool Student performance data % of students meeting their goals Tracking tool, progress monitoring Daily/Weekly progress report sheets Team reviews data monthly

14 DATA: Roles of a Coach DATA
Guide schools in the use of multiple data collection systems (ODR, TFI, Surveys, achievement) Assist schools to collect other data as needed (e.g., mini surveys, positive v. negative ratio counts, “gotcha’s by grade level, …) Teach & support team in using data to guide the decision-making [and assess effectiveness of interventions] ( ref. Decision-making Guide & problem-solving process) DATA

15 Tier 1: DATA DATA Is there a data collection system?
A form A place to collect data Access to graphed versions of data Looking at Fidelity Data Looking at Evaluation Data Integrating Academic and Behavior Data DATA

16 Tier 1 DATA should indicate…
Are 80% or more successful Are less that 15% in need of Tier 2 Are less than 5% in need of Tier 3 Are 80% or more staff practicing? Are all students accessing reinforcement Are we collecting the Big 5? Are we collecting minor data? DATA

17 Identifying the Priority
Tier 2 Data Collection & Analysis DATA

18 Tier 2: DATA DATA Do we have less than 15% in need of Tier 2
Do we know how many students are inappropriately referred to Tier 2? Are we using data to determine: Primary priority? Function Intervention Success of intervention How are students responding to Tier 2? Do we have data to tell us if we are doing it right?

19 Student Data DATA Summarize behavior data Summarize attendance data
Summarize Math academic data SB results School assessment results (NWEA/AIMS/other) Classroom formative assessment results Summarize ELA academic data School assessment results (NWEA, AIMS, DIBELS, other) Summarize behavior data ODRs: major & minor How often, where, when, what & why Screening data (social emotional screening) Teacher nomination/concern Summarize attendance data Daily attendance Tardy ISS/OSS Nurse visit Student name/grade

20 Intervention planning based on quadrants
Chicken or the egg situations? Poor math, poor reading, poor attendance & poor behavior? Great math, good reading, poor attendance, poor behavior? Good math, good reading, great attendance, poor behavior? Poor math, poor reading, great attendance, poor behavior? DATA

21 Tier 2 Intervention Check


23 Self Check! As a coach, is your team a:
0 – we need A LOT of work in Data 1 – we have some stuff in place but still need to work on Data 2 – We are killing it with Data! What might you do first to move the dial with Data?

24 PBIS Outcomes: Academic and Social Competence
Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

25 Tier 1 – TFI: PRACTICES 1.1 Team Composition 1.2 Team Op. Procedures
1.3 Behavioral Expectations 1.4 Teaching Expectations 1.8 Classroom Procedures PRACTICES

26 PRACTICES: Roles of a Coach
Guide schools in implementation of critical features of school-wide PBIS (attend mtgs., ref. TFI, take “show me” stance, review “big ideas” periodically, distribute “timely” information) Provide schools with models and examples of other schools implementing PBIS (Ref. Coaches’ Toolkit, cross-school networking, Illinois PBIS Network) Guide schools in adopting evidence-based practices (Define e-b practice, contextual fit w/school) TIC = light wand of Coaching E-b practice = PRACTICES

27 PRACTICES: Roles of the Coach (2)
Advise schools in strategies for increasing appropriate behavior and decreasing inappropriate behavior Guide schools in basic principles of applied behavior analysis (i.e. reinforcement, punishment, stimulus control, A-B-C, etc.) Provide info. re: effective classroom instruction and management (as needed) “Principals of behavior management”/”science of behavior” applied to student body or building at large. Define, teach, practice, monitor, reinforce (to increase); define, ignore, consequent, consistent response PRACTICES

28 PRACTICES: Tier 1 Instruction
Are expectations/rules posted Are expectations/rules taught in context Are appropriate behaviors reinforced Are routines in place Are high ratios of interaction in place Are minor misbehaviors managed effectively and consistently Are classroom data collected, shared and analyzed PRACTICES


30 Hattie & Yates, 2014 Teacher as Activator d Teacher as facilitator
PRACTICES Teacher as Activator d Teacher as facilitator Teaching students self-verbalization .76 Inductive teaching .33 Teacher clarity .75 Simulation and gaming .32 Reciprocal teaching .74 Inquiry-based teaching .21 Feedback Smaller classes Metacognitive Strategies .67 Individualized instruction .22 Direct Instruction .59 Web-based learning .18 Mastery Learning .57 Problem-based learning .15 Providing worked examples Discovery method in math instruction .11 Providing goals .50 Whole language .06 Frequent effects of testing .46 Student control overlearning .04 Behavioral organizers .41 Average activator .61 Average facilitator .19

31 Explicit Instruction Strategies
Anita Archer 16 critical content pieces Effective instruction limits behavioral incidents Active participation PRACTICES

32 Video Clip Watch the video
Record the # of and variety of opportunities to respond PRACTICES

33 Self Check! As a coach, is your team a:
0 – we need A LOT of work in PRACTICES 1 – we have some stuff in place but still need to work on PRACTICES 2 – We are killing it with PRACTICES! What might you do first to move the dial with PRACTICES?

34 PBIS Outcomes: Academic & Social Competence
Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior SYSTEMS DATA PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

35 Tier 1 TFI: SYSTEMS 1.5 Problem Behavior Definitions
1.6 Discipline Policies 1.7 Professional Development 1.8 Classroom Procedures 1.9 Feedback and Acknowledgement 1.15 Annual Evaluation SYSTEMS

36 Tier 2 TFI - SYSTEMS Screening – using multiple data sources
ODRs Academic progress Attendance Teacher nominations (classroom tracking) Using a decision rubric Will discuss in a bit (WIS) To score a 2: need written policy Multiple data sources Notify family SYSTEMS

37 Tier 2 TFI: SYSTEMS Professional Development Tier 2 Meetings
Behavior Screening Staff Reinforcement Action Planning

38 SYSTEMS: Roles of the Coach
Support effective team meetings Provide consultation and technical assistance to teams Promote the use of clear, identified and communicated processes Communicate effectively within/across schools Assist schools in establishing systems that support staff (reinforcement systems, PD, effective communication, documentation of PBIS practices) Encourage team to document school’s PBIS elements (handbook) Word-smithing: “facilitate” v. “support” Training keeps Coaches one step ahead of schools; Coaches maintain focus on “big ideas”; use Coach resources Staff systems = staff incentives, admin. walk-throughs, mentoring, monitoring, team representation, PD, data at faculty mtgs. SYSTEMS

39 Tier 2 TFI: SYSTEMS Professional development Staff handbook
Lesson plans for teachers TAT process, using daily progress report, delivering feedback, monitoring student progress SYSTEMS

40 TIER 2 TFI: SYSTEMS Do you have Tier II meetings?
How do you conduct your Tier II meetings? Monthly Agenda and minutes Appropriate people Current action plan Are you getting where you need to get? SYSTEMS

41 Do you have a Flow Chart? SYSTEMS
How do you know if a student needs Tier 2 support? What data are used? Who “says” when a student enters? How long does this take to start? When are parents contacted? By whom? How is the intervention monitored? By whom What happens if the intervention works? What happens if it doesn't?

42 Tier 1: Teaching and Recognizing Universal Expectations and Rules
No Is Tier 1 in place TFI & <80% less than 2 ODRs Yes Referral by Admin/staff ODRs >1 in a month (may be adjusted based on school needs) Universal Screening (fall and spring) BIS Data Collection (ODRs, cumulative review, teacher information, etc., prepare information for Tier 2 team meeting) Tier 2 Team (admin., BIS, school psych & other Is Tier 1 in place in the classroom? Routines, reinforcement, 4/1 Ratio, Active participation Ensure Tier 1 for student No SYSTEMS Yes: go to next page

43 No Yes No yes No Yes No Yes Progress Monitor for 6-8 weeks SYSTEMS
Tier 1: Teaching and recognizing Universal Expectations and Rules Is Tier 1 in place in the classroom? Routines, reinforcement, 4/1 Ratio, Active participation Ensure Tier 1 In the classroom for student No Yes Tier 2 team recommends Targeted Function Based Intervention (BIS obtains parent/guardian consent) CICO SIAG Group Mentor Other Progress Monitor for 6-8 weeks (DPR, ODRs or other) Is there fidelity of practice No Is student making acceptable progress toward goal? yes Fade Intervention & monitor No Yes Address fidelity Continue Intervention Is beh. escalating No Yes SYSTEMS Modify Intervention & monitor progress Refer to Tier 3 Individual plan


45 Tier 2 Identification SYSTEMS

46 “Positively Nag” and Cheerlead
Provide frequent, positive communication Find positives in school data Thank you’s, compliments, kudos, & edible reinforcers! Celebrate successes, however small Cc-ing key people, PR contact, presentations Encourage positive behavior by administrator Maintain coaches’ school binder Means of documenting efforts and celebrating success SYSTEMS

47 Self Check! As a coach, is your team a:
0 – we need A LOT of work in SYSTEMS 1 – we have some stuff in place but still need to work on SYSTEMS 2 – We are killing it with SYSTEMS! What might you do first to move the dial with SYSTEMS?

48 Tell Your Partner What are the first three things that you identified you might start with? How will you get going? Remember to keep it simple and focus on the PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS

49 An example…

50 PBIS “3-Circles” Problem-Solving Worksheet
Targeted Problem: _______________________ Step 1: What does the data say? ____________________________ Step 4: What will we do to support staff? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATA – Supports Decision Making SYSTEMS – Support Staff Behavior Step 2: What is the goal? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: What will we do to support student behavior? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRACTICES – Support Student Behavior

51 PBIS “3-Circles” Problem-Solving Worksheet
Targeted Problem: Behavior in the cafeteria Step 1: What does the data say? 38% of the ODR’s last month were for disrespect and disruption in the cafeteria. Step 4: What will we do to support staff? Train lunchroom staff to teach cafeteria expectations. Admin. Monitor and demonstrate appropriate use of “gotchas’ for workers. Admin. provide additional active supervision in café. Advise teaching staff of new procedures. Provide data feedback to staff. DATA – Supports Decision Making SYSTEMS – Support Staff Behavior Step 2: What is the goal? Reduce ODR’s from the cafeteria by 50% (from an average of 19 per month to no more than 9 or 10 per month). Step 3: What will we do to support student behavior? Teach “Cafeteria Expectations” in context. Classroom teachers to provide pre-corrections prior to dismissing class to lunch. Implement special “gotcha” system by class to earn class-wide recognition & privilege.. Use “stop light” system for monitoring noise level. Use a “silent table” to isolate chronic rule-violators. PRACTICES – Support Student Behavior

52 Focus on a Simple Problem-Solving Model
What data do we have to identify the problem and monitor effectiveness of proposed intervention? What outcome do you want? What practice can we put in place to support student behavior? What system can we put in place to support adult behavior?

53 Evaluation and thanks!

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