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Word roots Prefixes and suffixes.

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Presentation on theme: "Word roots Prefixes and suffixes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word roots Prefixes and suffixes

2 tract-drag, draw out, pull vinc-conquer
#2 PREFIX con- with, together ex out,away,from in in,into,not re back, again SUFFIX -ion state, quality, act -ible able to be

3 Directions: in Column A, identify the parts of each word by circling roots and then underlining prefixes and suffices. Match each word to its correct meaning from Column B. COLUMN A contraction _____ extraction _____ retract _____ convince _____ invincible _____ COLUMN B Unbeatable; impossible to overcome To persuade by argument or evidence Act of drawing together or shrinking Process of withdrawing, pulling out To draw or pull back Directions: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. Bridges must be built to withstand the expansion and __________caused by weather. The attorney tried to __________the jury that the defendant was not guilty. The tooth __________was done by an oral surgeon. The brave troops were trained to march forth as though they were __________. Cindy wished she could __________ what she said, but her friends had already heard it.

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