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Immaculate Conception Parish Annual General Meeting St. Joseph’s Church MARCH 12, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Immaculate Conception Parish Annual General Meeting St. Joseph’s Church MARCH 12, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immaculate Conception Parish Annual General Meeting St. Joseph’s Church
MARCH 12, 2017

2 Agenda: Opening prayer/Parish Council welcome
Progress on our previously stated objectives By the numbers: Parish census, deaths/baptisms Financials 2016 Budget 2017 Revenue breakdown Parish property/maintenance Liturgy updates Question and Answer Period

3 Opening Prayer/ Parish Council Welcome

4 Parish Council Status Luke Reynolds, Chair (5)
George Whalen, Vice-Chair (3) Sharon Whalen-Reeves, Secretary (1) Philip Snow, Finance (2) Pauline Hunt (2) Patrick Haire (2) Margaret Smith (1) Vacant Father Emmanuel

5 For your information our Constitution requires that people serve on Parish Council for a maximum term of 3 years. After which a member must/should step down and then be at least 1 year before they can consider returning to Council. This allows Parish Council to evolve and gives all Parishioners a chance to serve. It should not be perceived that Parish Council is continually managed by the same persons and could be construed that their view points are the only view points of the Parish. For this reason Parishioners should consider offering themselves and their talents to the Parish in this capacity.

6 Progress over 2016 on Stated Objectives
Recreate our community We have been operating as one Church and one Community of People. This has served to provide the parishioners with our Saturday evening and Sunday morning masses in a central location. Our Parish Community is now into our second year in this mode and while we have lost some parishioners because of the changes we feel comfortable we are satisfying the needs of the majority within our financial capabilities. As we view this presentation take note that we have some vulnerabilities on the financial side, but we are offsetting that by taking a cautious financial approach to our funds. We have looked at where we have been for the past 1-12 years. Lets now look ahead to what we the parish Council envision as a preferred future, a vision so to speak. The inner renewal of our parish will only succeed if it starts from a better understanding and celebration of its liturgy, faithful to its tradition, and openness to the needs of the time. Point . Currently limited resources are used to assist the poor, the home bound, the sick, the disabled, and we must ask ourselves is this what our parish community is all about, basically going to mass on Sunday.

7 2.Vocationist Fathers During 2016 we welcomed the Vocationist Fathers to our Parish. Father Emmanuel has been our new Priest and both he and the community have been working together on our Pastoral issues. A warm welcome to Father and we trust he knows we appreciate his hard work. We must realize as we need a Missionary Priest it sends clear signals. A lack of local Priests is now upon us For this reason we need to keep our Parish as robust as possible to ensure we will always have a dedicated Priest The inner renewal of our parish will only succeed if it starts from a better understanding and celebration of its liturgy, faithful to its tradition, and openness to the needs of the time. Possibly the musical talent may be the people today who do not attend mass?

8 Our Parish…by the numbers
Parish census, deaths/baptisms Contributions through collection/dues Fundraising vs. collection Financials 2016 Budget 2017

9 Parish Statistics: Census 2010-11 Spaniard’s Bay 144
Upper Island Cove 72 Riverhead 486 Hr. Grace 399 Total Parishioners /- 1100

10 Parish Statistics 2012-16 YEAR DEATHS BAPTISM/OOP Average 2002-12 21
2013 31 19/5 2014 24 19/4 2015 15 20/4 2016 26 13/3 We lost 70 Parishioners in past 3 years and we have had 44 baptisms or -37%

11 Financials: 2016 Receipts/Expenses Budget 2017 Current Bank Balance
Funding Raising 2017

RECEIPTS CHURCH COLLECTION $116, $123, $133,095 FUNDRAISING , , ,233 CEMETERY , , ,090 OTHER RECEIPTS , , ,678 TOTAL RECEIPTS $188, $183, $169,096

DISBURSEMENTS SALARIES $41,506 $42,335 $44,096 INSURANCE , , ,219 DIOCESAN ASSESSMENTS , , ,441 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE , , ,019 CEMETERY , , HEAT & LIGHT , , ,626 OTHER , , ,971 TOTAL DISBURESMENTS $185,402 $186, $151,372

TOTAL RECEIPTS $188, $183, $169,098 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $185, $186, $151,372 RECEIPTS LESS DISBURSEMENTS $3, ( $ 3,269) $17,726 MAJOR EXPENSES NOT INCLUDED IN DISBURSEMENTS ABOVE $250,000 $37, $16,919 CASH IN BANK $89,193 $353, $389,333

CHURCH COLLECTION $118, $123,000 FUNDRAISING $ 32, ,400 CEMETERY $ 14, ,200 OTHER RECEIPTS $ 40, ,600 TOTAL RECEIPTS $205,200 $187,200

SALARIES $45,200 $ 60,400 INSURANCE , ,600 DIOCESAN ASSESSMENT , ,000 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE , ,000 HEAT & LIGHT , ,600 CEMETERY UPKEEP , ,500 OTHER , ,200 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 185,900 $185,300 REVENUE (LOSS) $ 19,300 $ 1,900

17 Where does our revenue come from?
Collection/Dues $116,000 62% $125,000 68% Fund raising $28,000 15% $24,000 13% Cemetery fund $13,000 7% $ 17,000 9% GST rebate $6,000 3% $ 4,000 2% Sundry/other $25,000 13% $ 14,000 8% Total $188,000 $184,000 In the absence of fund raising we would be short $24,000 or 13% of budget requirement. As we currently stand we are unsustainable financially as a parish based on our ability to self fund ourselves through our collection/dues. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves why is that so?

18 Parish property – status/maintenance
Immaculate Conception Property Parish house/office and chapel Academy Hall St. Anne’s Property St. Joseph’s Church Downsizing IC Church closed St. Anne’s Church closed Sacred Heart Church closed St Joseph’s Hall demolished Remaining property as above XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

19 Immaculate Conception Property
Building is now into its third year since its closure as a Church. Re-Purposing Committee established in consultation with Bishop Daniels continues to operate. No solutions to the property have been presented to date. We will continue to liase with this group and work towards an acceptable outcome. Restoration Financial Information: $119,790. has been transferred to our bank account representing the following: $46,500 for re-dedicated windows $48,290 smaller dedication donations $25,000 Knights of Columbus supreme council pledge for Bishop Dalton’s crypt site As an important part of this program, windows at St. Joseph’s Church will be acknowledged for dedications in memoriam to replace original plan at IC Church. There will be a dedication ceremony at the weekend masses of July 15th and 16th. Further information to follow.

20 Parish house/office/chapel
Property has several uses but overall it is a home for our Parish Priest. For this purpose, it is a large property requiring high maintenance, heating costs, etc. For the immediate future, we see continued usage in its current format. No major expenditures planned.

21 Academy Hall Knights of Columbus continue to operate. We continue to support this group as our Dalton Council was the first Council to be established in the province. We would suspect that at some point in time there will be changes with the operation of the property as Knights of Columbus Supreme Council does not wish to be involved with operation of liquor facilities in the future.

22 St. Anne’s Property Building remains closed and insured – year 3
Property is comprised of former Church building as well as gravesites surrounding the Church yard. Insurance on this property will be eliminated at the end of this year (2017) by the Insurance Company as it is an unoccupied building. This creates liability issues and consequently we must address. Parish Council offered the property for sale and a prospective purchaser came forward, however, due to zoning issues as well as some dissention with respect to the burial sites, it did not materialize.

23 Parish Council is currently in process of assessing the future of this property and currently feel the property will continue to be held as our gravesite. With respect to the building, we will likely have to reoffer for removal. However, we intend to consult further with parishioners in this area for their thoughts.

24 St. Joseph’s Church Major project undertaken to upgrade this property:
New siding New Windows Added insulation Replace eves and exterior trims Electrical upgrades New Oil Tank $230, total cost

25 St. Joseph’s Church Further Upgrades Required
Overall this building has been upgraded to provide a comfortable environment for the near future to satisfy the needs of Parishioners. Other maintenance noted for future work: Floor replacements (priced at $30,000.) Altar area modifications Enhancement of the altar background

26 Ministries and Liturgy

27 Liturgy Committee Focus Year in Review 2016
Nurture spiritual life of our parish community Year in Review 2016 During 2016 all Ministries have been addressed with respect to content and organization. This was a huge undertaking and required considerable time and effort. Our thanks to CarolAnn Northcott as the co-ordinator for providing her time and talents to this important task. Ministries operating within our Parish today Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion Altar Servers including adults Bereavement Ministry Gift Bearers Readers Collectors Sacristans Music

28 Food for everyone’s thought:
When we have a funeral in our Parish, the Bereavement team is one of the first groups contacted by the Funeral Home. Our Parish Bereavement team provides: Two members to assist with the funeral arrangements (anywhere from 3 to 5 visits per funeral) Three Altar servers (Cross and Two Candle Bearers) Sactistan Music Members For all of us, we have to mindful of this great work done by our volunteer Parishioners.

29 Catechetical Program Objective of this group is to give our children an opportunity to learn and understand the teachings of the Church. In order to accomplish this, we have seven persons plus one coordinator (part-time employee) who present this program to the children at various levels. Current enrollment: Preschool Ages 6 to (21 First Communion) (6 Penance) Ages 13 to (All Confirmation Candidates) The Parish recognizes the importance of the children receiving instructions as well, we would like to see their parents becoming a larger part of our Parish Community enhancing our Parish Growth.

30 Question & Answer Session
Any questions / thoughts Closing Prayer

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