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The 5 Major Discourses collections of JC’s sayings/teachings

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1 The 5 Major Discourses collections of JC’s sayings/teachings
presents JC as a rabbi (teacher) JC’s 5 Major Teachings = The Pentateuch

2 The 1st Discourse: The Sermon on the Mount
MOSES JESUS: The “New & Improved” Moses Mount Sinai The 10 Commandments fundamental duties of human beings the mount/mound The Beatitudes understanding the law of love to promote justice & compassion compliment Both offer guidance to live faithfully to God!

3 The Beatitudes “blessed” or “happy” JC’s Teachings:
the meaning & path to eternal holiness & true happiness God’s expectations of human relationships the values of the kingdom of Heaven

4 The Our Father “the perfect prayer” The Breakdown:
illustrates the faith & spiritual desires of Christians The Breakdown: “Our Father, who art in Heaven,” JC is connected to God & US! WE are God’s people united w/ Him & 1 another “hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” shows our adoration & praise “Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, for we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” we petition for His assistance

5 The 2nd Discourse: The Missionary Discourse
JC calls the Apostles gives them a heads up: they will be welcomed & taken care of by some they will be persecuted b/c of him (JC) no worries-God will protect them got to do it to receive the kingdom of Heaven JC calls his disciples (YOU!) bring his message to all stand up for what is right prayer, worship, & the Holy Spirit will help

6 The 3rd Discourse: The Kingdom Parables
JC’s parables taken from nature or common life experiences compares everyday situations to his message helps us understand the truths of the kingdom of God

7 The 4th Discourse: The Community Discourse
JC’s Teaching: Community Prayer Matthew 18:20 “For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” JC’s Teaching: Forgiveness the Apostles are given the power to forgive in his name the Sacrament of Reconciliation! The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) LESSON: If we expect God (the king) to forgive us, we (the 1st slave) must forgive others (the fellow slaves).

8 The 5th Discourse: The Sermons on Jesus’ Last Days
Matthew 25:31-46 The Judgment of Nations Who is the “king”? God Who are “the sheep”? those who ministered to others Who are “the goats”? those who ignored others’ needs JC’s Teaching: the love for God & the love for others cannot be separated foreshadows the expected events when JC comes again (SIDENOTE: This passage is ONLY in Matthew!)

9 Works of Mercy charitable acts for the physical & spiritual needs of others formed by the Church based on JC’s The Judgment of Nations Corporal Spiritual Feed the hungry. Teach the ignorant. Give drink to the thirsty. Counsel the doubtful. Shelter the homeless. Comfort the sorrowful. Clothe the naked. Bear wrongs patiently. Visit the sick. Forgive injuries. Visit the imprisoned. Warn the sinner. Bury the dead. Pray for the living & the dead.

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