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Innovating the gaps away

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Presentation on theme: "Innovating the gaps away"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovating the gaps away
From data revolution to country solutions Geoffrey Greenwell PARIS21, Technical Coordinator

2 Data Gaps have been around for a while…

3 Introduction Innovations as a supply and demand issue
Demand: Statistical systems looking to innovate Supply: A pool of more and more solutions How to deal with imperfect market: Bringing innovators and innovations together Country implementation PARIS21 Innovations Market Ad 1: - Some countries’ NSOs innovate successfully  Colombia Private Sector often innovation provider Ad 2: - Many NSOs: No capacity for innovation assessments - Many innovators: No capacity for NSO needs assessments

4 Demand side diagnostics
Open Data Watch Open Data INventory US Census Bureau Tool for Assessing Statistical Capacity EUROSTAT Eurostat Snapshot AfDB Country Statistical Profiles World Bank Statistical Capacity Indicator UNECA African Statistical Development Index IDB Tool for Assessing Statistical Capacity PARIS21 Metabase …….. A lot of assessments and assessment frameworks out there, but where do they lead to? Knowledge per se does generally not lead to desirable behaviour! Assessments vary in scope, focus and comprehensiveness Many assessment publish neither question-specific nor country-specific results online The result is a patchy blanket of statistical capacity with very limited comparability

5 Solution supply: Innovations Inventory
“The Crowd” by: - geography - sector - innovation type - The Innovations Inventory is a collection of innovations from various areas of development data, e.g. an education management information system, a remote-sensing approach census preparation or an alternative funding model for an NSO. - Innovations are currently predominantly collected by PARIS21 staff. The inventory is, however, open for public participation. Crowdsourced innovations are quality-checked by PARIS21 staff before publishing. - Since the innovations market is incentive-compatible for both innovators as a free advertising platform and innovation seekers to gain a market update, we expect the crowdsourcing element will grow stronger over time. - Currently, innovations are structured by geography (region/country), by type of innovation (technological/organizational/institutional with sub-categories), by sector (categorized as the topics from Agriculture to Urban Development) and GSBPM (8 phases/44 sub-phases) - Case studies with government involvement as good practice are prominently displayed - Site is still in beta and is currently undergoing major revision Development Data Innovations

6 GAMSO Introduced by the UNECE HLG-MOS in March 2015
:= Generic Activity Model for Statistical Organizations Introduced by the UNECE HLG-MOS in March 2015 Centerpiece of the PARIS21 Innovations Market is the mapping of challenges NSOs face to potential solutions. Even though that kind of a mapping will always be subjective to a certain degree, we try to make it as transparent as possible. First, we use a widely recognized generic framework for it, the GAMSO. Second, we derive questions from the description of the GAMSO categories and “ask” them to both challenges and innovations. The description and questions will be publicly available on our website. 1. UNECE HLG MOS = UNECE High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Statistics 2. GAMSO = Detailed enough for experts, wide enough for top-level management, generic enough for cross-country use 3. Why not GSBPM? Too narrow, since relevant management (governance) aspects not covered 4. Why not CSPA? Focussed system integration, further down the road for developing countries’ NSOs 5. Why not DQAF et al.? Often focussed on a certain set of national statistics (macro-economic statistics, output-oriented etc.)  our approach is a process-oriented complement to that Extends statistical production with management aspects

7 PARIS21 Innovations Market
Cross Over Platform for matching assessments to solutions CHALLENGES Registry for Questions on Statistical Capacity SOLUTIONS Innovations Market as a matchmaker Innovations Market as consultation tool during NSDS process STEP

8 STEP StatCap Registry := STatistical Evaluation and Progress
country-tailored baseline questions StatCap Registry STEP is designed to address the patchy blanket of comprehensive statistical capacity assessments with tailored country follow-ups. This means, countries are only asked questions that have not been covered by existing exercises. A baseline of statistical capacity questions are derived from the existing major StatCap assessments. Therefore a central registry of statistical capacity questions is created and maintained.

9 STEP into country consultation and solutions
Deeper and broader evaluation of gaps in the data production process and applying innovations …through the Innovation Marketplace

10 The End

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