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Julia Lane New York University

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Presentation on theme: "Julia Lane New York University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Julia Lane New York University
A city-based focus on data access – legal, ethical and technical aspects Julia Lane New York University

2 Key ideas New data => new scale of questions
New sources => new scale of challenges Both combined => Major research AND engagement infrastructures

3 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

4 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

5 Federal

6 City and State

7 More city data

8 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

9 Paradigm shift in scale of users
social scientists government agency staff computer scientists private industry citizen scientists

10 Paradigm shift in scale of uses
Research social science computer science other domain sciences Data analytics Operations management Evaluation Policy analysis

11 New challenges Define a research question (what are we measuring?)
Think about what data are available and the measurement error (how are we measuring it?) Link datasets (what are we missing?) Statistical approaches (how can we draw inference?) Address Privacy and Confidentiality/Ethics (are we protecting human subjects?) Disseminate results (can people be reidentified?) Need access Need training

12 And here is just one reason why (thanks to Stefan)

13 Probabilistic Matching
Machine Learning

14 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

15 Engagement in environment

16 Juliazon Related to data you've viewed
New data similar to data you've used What others have done with similar data (recipes) Recipes like yours Thank you Charlie Catlett



19 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

20 Sandbox environment

21 11 million people move through 3,100 Jails
$22 Billion in costs 64 % suffer from mental illness, 68% have a substance abuse disorder 44 % suffer from chronic health problems Section title New Section

22 Mental Health Services Of the top 200 predicted individuals
Machine Learning systems can support targeted, preventative interventions to help people at risk of interactions with the criminal justice system Mental Health Services Of the top 200 predicted individuals 104 went to jail within 1 year 19 years total jail time Jail & Criminal Justice

23 Goals of the Course 1 Train the workforce in rigorous and modern computational data analysis methods and tools for decision-making 2 Develop new data products for government agencies 3 Create new integrated data to address cross- agency challenges 4 Establish new networks across agencies and geographies to address shared problems

24 Approach The program provides hands-on projects with real microdata in a secure environment so that participants can learn the basics of how to: Code and collect new data Work with spatial data Manage complex data, Apply machine learning, text and network analysis Visualize relationships Address inference issues Manage privacy and confidentiality

25 First set of courses Data on ex-offenders, welfare recipients and veterans Data on housing and transportation Trained Staff New Products New Networks Joined Up Datasets

26 Textbook


28 Outline Context Scale Access Training Next steps

29 Combine forces Technology Data Classes Outreach

30 Identify key priority areas
Crime/justice Welfare recipiencts Veterans ….

31 Learn from other fields

32 One vision Networked set of university/city institutes – interoperable with federal statistical system and program areas Teams of city/federal staff working with researchers on empirical problems (like ag extension programs)

33 Key ideas New data => new scale of questions
New sources => new scale of challenges Both combined => Major research AND engagement infrastructures

34 Thank you

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