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Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Today’s objectives:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Today’s objectives:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Today’s objectives:
Get Acquainted Find out what to expect Homework: Read and sign contracts Complete survey Gather supplies View website and read PP 1 a, b, c Today’s Handouts: HC Syllabus, Survey, Academic Contract, Parent letter, STEM Syllabus, STEM handouts

2 What is Honors Chemistry?
Lab based college preparatory class Prepares students for AP Chemistry

3 What does taking the AP exam and doing well mean to me?
Financial Benefit At Miami University* in Oxford Ohio: Acceptable score 3 to 5 Score of 3 earns credit for CHM 111 including lab (4 hours) Score of 4 or 5 earns credit for CHM 141, 142, 144, and 145 (10 hours).

4 What does taking the AP exam and doing well mean to me?
Benefit at Ivy League and other private schools: Make your freshman year easier Level the playing field (your peers will have all taken lots of AP courses) Acceptable scores 4 or 5 Impress College Admission Counselors Develop College-Level Academic Skills Save Money/Time – graduate sooner Choose a Major Sooner/register earlier Take More Elective Classes in College Add a Minor or Second Major More Easily

5 Next, Lets look at our handouts
Honors Chemistry Syllabus Safety and Academic contract Cornell notes template Student survey STEM Syllabus STEM – What do I need for STEM?

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