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Sue Lewis Chair, UK Financial Services Consumer Panel

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1 Impact of Social Education Initiatives 1st FLiP Financial Education Summit Vienna 6 October 2017
Sue Lewis Chair, UK Financial Services Consumer Panel Member, FLiP Advisory Board

2 ’Quids In’: Citizens’ Advice Bureau/Local Housing Association
Who 150 social housing tenants in Rugby area What Maximise available income; use appropriate financial products; avoid financial difficulties How 45 minute session delivered at home by skilled trainer; some small group sessions + takeaway toolkit Impact All participants followed up after 6-8 weeks; 20 in-depth interviews 3-4 months after training Over half better off, by average £10 a week More use of money saving tips, shopping around, budgeting Increase in savings – £11 a week Increase in opening or changing bank or credit union account Improved self-confidence People with earned income 7 x more liekly to take action than those on benefits

3 Barclays Bank ‘Money Skills’
Who Young people not in employment, education or training What Increase budgeting and saving; ability to communicate about financial matters How Peer learning (‘Champions’) 1-1 support for disadvantaged (‘Action for Children’) Impact Follow up questionnaires with participants, interviews with champions and support workers Number of young people keeping a budget doubled Increase in saving £5 or more a month Increase in financial knowledge Higher level of monitoring spending

4 FirstStop: Community Support for Older People
Who Four groups of vulnerable older people (65+): BME; long-term health conditions; unfit accommodation; self-funding care What Improve money management skills; increase income; reduction in fuel poverty How Website, advice line, peer support; face to face Impact Interviews with providers; participants’ self-assessment Participants received over £500,000 in new benefits Majority reported feeling more knowledgeable and confident, aware of available advice

5 Some references FirstStop, financial education as part of integrated support and guidance for older people.  Barclays ‘Money Skills’ for young people: harnessed social impact of peer support and volunteering.  Citizens’ Advice Bureau ‘Quids In’, financial training for social housing tenants.   Ulster Bank MASP programme. Local community support.   Australian Saver Plus scheme: Matched funding savings scheme with financial education support.  MyBnk 'Money House’. For vulnerable young people. Emerging findings:  study: 

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