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The world awaits, oh Father, your healing light,

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Presentation on theme: "The world awaits, oh Father, your healing light,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The world awaits, oh Father, your healing light,
SA 235 The world awaits, oh Father, your healing light, your gracious intervention in war and strife. Dark clouds of doubt and prejudice grow day by day. Send us today a Saviour, illumine our way.

2 this season within each heart.
Be born, oh Christ, this season within each heart. In quiet preparation, let healing start. Oh lead us surely closer to God our Lord, and to our sister, brother, our suff'ring world.

3 Come Holy Spirit, fill us with perfect peace.
We crave your consolation; our hearts release from vain and anxious striving, from fear's distress. Dispel with your sure presence our faithlessness.

4 The star of joy invites us the child to praise.
Like shepherds in the story we kneel amazed beside the starlit manger in humble trust. Our yearning hearts adore him; he's born for us.

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