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Boulder Junction Town Road Improvement Project

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Presentation on theme: "Boulder Junction Town Road Improvement Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boulder Junction Town Road Improvement Project
Public Information Meeting April 12 & 13 2017 Meeting Deliverables: Provide an overview of the Town Road Improvement Plan Obtain input from you regarding its contents and direction DRAFT ONLY

2 Town Board Recommendation
Final Scenario Selection Engineering analysis and cost refinement Cost estimate and scenario development Elector Selection We Are Here September: We Want To Be Here DRAFT ONLY

3 Public Information Meeting Agenda
Project Summary Review Project Details 2015 Town Road Survey Cost Estimates vs. Final Costs The Seven Project Scenarios Project Timeline Major Milestones Information Feedback Session Information Breakout Session & Adjournment DRAFT ONLY

4 Town Road Improvement Project Summary
GOAL: Develop a long-term road improvement plan to maintain, recondition where necessary, and guide the construction of new roads for the Town of Boulder Junction that is acceptable to the electorate. BACKGROUND: 64 miles (71%) of the town’s 93 total miles of roads have had little or no major reconditioning in recent history and are in need of repair. Without a plan to properly recondition and maintain the town’s roads, deterioration will continue and the costs of reconditioning will continue to rise. DRAFT ONLY

5 Town Road Improvement Project Summary
GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Grants and cost sharing by other entities will be pursued to offset any approved investment level. All bid documents will include the appropriate levels of engineering specifications to promote competition and cost effectiveness. Proper drainage determines the longevity of any road surface making it a key driver in selecting the appropriate surface material for any given road. Any road reconstruction plan needs to include an appropriate level of additional funding for long-term maintenance. DRAFT ONLY

6 Town Road Improvement Project Details
2015 Town Road Survey The How The Output Priority Ranking Category Pavement Types Priority Groups NOTE: Slides to follow are “screen shots”. Actual files are too large to display. DRAFT ONLY

7 Town Road Improvement Project Details
2015 Town Road Survey: The How The Prioritization Criteria Traffic Occupancy Condition DRAFT ONLY

8 Town Road Improvement Project Details
2015 Town Road Survey: The Output Priority Ranking DRAFT ONLY

9 Town Road Improvement Project Details
2015 Town Road Survey: The Output Category Pavement Types DRAFT ONLY

10 Town Road Improvement Project Details
2015 Town Road Survey: The Output Priority Groups DRAFT ONLY

11 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
First, a word about Cost Estimates…. The Road Survey (completed in 2015) and Cost Matrix (updated in 2017) have been combined to create the estimated costs associated with upgrading 64 of the 93 total miles of Boulder Junction’s town roads. These costs were sorted and analyzed by the project committee to create seven potential town road improvement project scenarios. DRAFT ONLY

12 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
And, a word about Final costs…. Final project investment costs and tax implications, engineering specifications, road prioritization, and subsequent bid packages will be completed if and when the project is approved, first by the town board and then by the electorate. DRAFT ONLY

13 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario I – Select Roads Upgraded to Asphalt $7.0 Million Investment All (64 Miles) Of Roads – 2018 & 2019 Includes Road Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

14 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario II – Chip Seal or Stone Mastic Overlay $5.5 Million Investment All (64 Miles) Of Roads – 2018 & 2019 Includes Road Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

15 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario III – Select Roads Upgraded to Asphalt $3.0 Million Investment Top Ten (20 Miles) Of Roads – 2018 Includes Road Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

16 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario IV – Chip Seal or Stone Mastic Overlay $2.0 Million Investment Top Ten (20 Miles) Of Roads – 2018 Includes Road Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

17 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario V – Staggered Investment $3.0M in 2018 (20 miles), $2.0M in 2023 (second 20 miles), $2.0M in 2018 (the last 20 miles) Includes Road Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

18 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario VI - $300K Annual Budget Increase Estimated 5 miles Reconditioned Per Year Subject To Long Term Higher Costs (Inflation Factor) Does Not Include Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

19 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Scenario VII - $200K “Emergency” Budget Increase Only “Failed” Roads Get Addressed Subject To Long Term Higher Costs (Inflation Factor) Does Not Include Maintenance Budget Increase DRAFT ONLY

20 Town Road Improvement Project Scenarios
Higher Investment = Higher cost, maximum mileage, least time and everyone benefits quickly Lower Investment = Lower cost, least mileage, longest time and very few benefit quickly DRAFT ONLY

21 Town Road Improvement Project Milestones
APRIL Conduct two public information meetings: April 12, :30 PM to 8:30 PM April 13, :00 AM to 12:00 PM Conduct Meeting Of Electors Update on 18 April 2017 One segment will be on the Road Improvement Project JUNE & JULY Conduct additional public information meetings to get input from the summer residents. Address lake associations, civic and community organizations to gain input from these key support organizations. DRAFT ONLY

22 Town Road Improvement Project Milestones
JULY Project Committee assesses all the potential scenarios and selects one for recommendation to the Town Board JULY & AUGUST The Town Board reviews the recommendation and decides on what action is to be taken SEPTEMBER Conduct a Special Meeting Of Electors for vote on the recommendation approved by the board September meeting will be critical to make 2018 budget preparation, project bidding, and 1 November grant application deadline DRAFT ONLY

23 Town Road Improvement Project Feedback
Information Feedback Session Ask a question, make a comment or state a concern 60 seconds per opportunity One per opportunity Will repeat until everyone has a chance to speak DRAFT ONLY

24 Town Road Improvement Project Breakouts
Information Breakout Session & Adjournment What do you like about this scenario? What concerns do you have about this scenario? How can we make it better? DRAFT ONLY

25 Town Road Improvement Project

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