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Intelligent Fluid infrastructure for Embedded Networks Aman Kansal, Arun A Somasundara, David D Jea, Mani B Srivastava, Deborah Estrin. University of California,

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Fluid infrastructure for Embedded Networks Aman Kansal, Arun A Somasundara, David D Jea, Mani B Srivastava, Deborah Estrin. University of California,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Fluid infrastructure for Embedded Networks Aman Kansal, Arun A Somasundara, David D Jea, Mani B Srivastava, Deborah Estrin. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) MobiSys ‘04, June 6-9, ACM 2004

2 Outline Overview: Hardware Prototype Control Primitives
The Idea Advantages The system – components of the infrastructure Hardware Prototype Control Primitives Communication Protocol Experimental Results Future Work

3 Overview – General Idea
Fluid Infrastructure: mobile components built into the system for enabling specific functionality that is very hard to achieve using other methods Built-in intelligence to adapt to achieve objectives Energy constraints, security, delay, sparse networks Founded on real world behavior of wireless devices; not based on radio models; Real time test Focus on Network Layer Functionality Sensor networks Mobility: Random: whales, zebra Predicted: a network node mounted on a bus and acts like a base station for collecting data Controlled: introduce an element of deliberate control over mobility; controlled by the infrastructure Increase performance

4 Overview - Advantages System lifetime 
Battery capacity of embedded static nodes. Replace/Recharge not feasible: Physically not reachable, cost A mobile agent helps conserve energy at static nodes: Reduce number of hops Reduce number of packets transmitted by static nodes Mobile nodes are not energy-constrained Static nodes are energy-constrained Assume Data gathering protocol: Directed Diffusion: broadcast INTEREST, Data in response via nodes from which INTEREST heard. 1-5 hops ; 1-2 hops - INTEREST Transmission = 60s. - INTEREST Expire = 75s - Sample Generation Period = 5s - Samples Per Data Packet = 4 - 16 minutes simulation period, TOSSIM - Stop at each node 60s

5 Overview - Advantages Quality of data  Reduce number of hops
Probability of errors ↓ Reduce retransmissions at static nodes: energy conserved

6 Overview - Advantages Data Rate ; or Latency ↓
Network capacity increased; physically carrying data in mobile router Collisions reduced Less hops: error rate ↓ Mobile device has connection with the base; used only when at Base mica2 motes Each mote: 512KB flash M; 500KB stored 38.4Kbps baud rate Max speed of router: 388 cm/s; 200 cm/s used Tideal = T(A,A,B) + T(A,B,base) + T(B,B,base) Tmobile = D(base,A) + T(A,A,mobile_router) + D(A,B) + T(B,B,mobile_router) + D(B,base) + T({A,B},mobile_router,base).

7 Overview - Advantages Handle Sparse (low density) & Disconnected Networks Reduce transmission range to lowest value to reach the mobile router; energy conserved To ensure connectivity [14]: Communication range = 2*Sensing range Use mobile agent instead of relay nodes that are just for connectivity; energy conserved

8 Overview - Advantages Others:
Time synchronization error decreases; less hops Security enhanced; data travels across less hops

9 Overview – The System Prototype hardware Control primitives
A sensor network An autonomous mobile router Real hardware for test; usable methods Control primitives Control the motion of mobile routing components Communication protocol Changes with the nature of the system; presence of mobile router

10 System Architecture Motes: Static embedded sensor nodes; mica2 [14]
A mobile router: the fluid infrastructure connecting the static nodes to the base (The base could be a human user based system, or controller)

11 System Architecture A traction platform: Packbot
A rugged terrain robot Unmanned ground vehicle interface to get commands SIR (Simple Interface for Robots): only 2 API functions roboAct(), roboAdd() to move, rotate, and flip Runs only on Linux, and TinyOS Supports 2 robots: Packbot, and Amigobot robotAct(id, ‘f’, 30): robot of ID ‘id’ perform command ‘f’ (move forward) with parameter ’30’ (30 cm/s) robotAct(id, ‘m’, 30, 1.0, 1.0): robot ‘id’ move to coordinate (1.0, 1.0) at 30 cm/s; 2D.

12 System Architecture Stargate [20] Processing board; xScale processor
card: Communicate with the Base Send commands to the Packbot A mote network interface card (NIC): Communicate with static motes Software: Localization, Navigation not complete Assumption: obstacle free environment

13 System Architecture The mobile router’s Mote
Relays data received from radio to Stargate Relays data from Stargate to radio Can be used to transfer data to the Base

14 Adaptive Motion Control
2 factors: Constraints due to the terrain Depending on terrain: router can visit all nodes or a subset 1st Fluid Infrastructure is for gathering data from an ecosystem Mobility is restricted, and could lead to a disturbance to the habitat Motion control algorithms designed with the path traversed by the mobile node agent is fixed The data collection performance parameters

15 Adaptive Motion Control
2 factors: Constraints due to the terrain The data collection performance parameters Application priorities can be considered in the algorithm Max life time: visit each node, least amount of energy in transmitting data should be used by embedded nodes Total amount of data collected: static nodes generate data at rapid rate, router transfer max possible data to Base. Mobile router could use a hybrid topology (Multi-Hop & mobile infrastructure)

16 Adaptive Motion Control
2 factors: Constraints due to the terrain The data collection performance parameters Latency: maximize number of data collected within a period; high speed of router Limited buffers of static nodes : router to collect data before overflow Multi-hope may be needed for part of transmissions Higher speeds for mobile router, frequent traverses Delay needed to charge the router’s battery: added to data latency if data is continuously collected, otherwise it is not a factor and intervals of no activity will exist

17 Adaptive Motion Control
Speed Influence on Data Collection No account for any influence of speed in collision free radio channel for the motion control algorithm 2 motes out of range, continuously transmitting The influence of speed only Speed s, time t to cover the trail, n packets 2s, t to cover the trail twice, n/2 packets per round results of each speed averaged over 3 rounds of trail

18 Adaptive Motion Control
Speed Influence on Data Collection

19 Adaptive Motion Control
Latency Sensitive Data Collection T = The max latency of the time for reporting sensor readings T = The max time the mobile router spends to complete one round Objective: maximize amount of data collected within T Naïve Approach: get the speed of the mobile router from T, the length of round.

20 Adaptive Motion Control
Latency Sensitive Data Collection Network conditions: Certain nodes in range of the router for longer duration; closer to the path More than one node in range of the router; Communication BW will be divided among nodes MAC collisions Wireless channel may introduce errors at particular nodes at certain times; data rate reduced for such nodes Router moves slower/ stops when more time needed; to increase the data collected Router speeds up when higher data rates achieved

21 Adaptive Motion Control
Latency Sensitive Data Collection An algorithm that: Is founded on real world behavior of wireless devices; not based on radio models which is not practical; Real time test Does not use geographical info about location of static nodes: Location could be not available Error in location estimate can be significant Does not require the router to know number of static nodes The number changes: adding nodes, node damage, battery death. Router estimates this number using node ID in received data The router to adapt by learning about network conditions (regions of congestion, poor transmission, or high data rates)

22 Adaptive Motion Control
Latency Sensitive Data Collection T: latency for round traversal time Naïve speed s. At speed 2s, router can complete the round at T/2 Extra T/2 for collecting data in regions that is congested, or have poor transmission of data 2 approaches to manage the extra time SCD: Stop at locations where nodes are found waiting with data ASC: Move slower in regions where data collection is poor and stop in regions where data loss is severe

23 Adaptive Motion Control
SCD: Stop to Collect Data Algorithm No need to know locations No need for time synchronization No deadlocks SCD is proposed in case of latency sensitive communication in Sparse Networks

24 Adaptive Motion Control
ASC: Adaptive Speed Control Stargate is sufficient for processing; not energy-constrained The router decides when to slow down, stop, or speed up depending on communication characteristics of the deployed network. Router keeps State Info that is based on received data from static nodes Every packet’s header from any static node includes: The remaining number of data samples it wishes to transfer Using first and last packets from a nodes: the percentage d of total samples that were received ** 4 Sample sent per packet

25 Adaptive Motion Control
ASC: Adaptive Speed Control d = n/(s1 + (s2 - s1) + n) ; % of received samples = n/(s2 + n) Where: n = number of unique samples received from a node s1 = number of remaining samples count as per 1st pkt s2 = number of remaining samples count as per last pkt ** Also used for number of samples collected after sending 1st pkt ** di = d for a node; Router keeps d for every node it hears from

26 Adaptive Motion Control
ASC: Adaptive Speed Control 2 thresholds are selected 0 < ω1 < ω2 < 100 2 classes of nodes: N1: di < ω1 The router will stop if encounters N1 node N2: ω1 < di < ω2 The router will slow down to speed s if encounters N2 node Otherwise: move at 2s. If n1 from N1, and n2 from N2: ∆ = T/2 / ( n1 + n2/2) Gives extra time to N1 nodes (double): Moving at 2s then stops for ∆ : lost time is ∆ Moving at 2s then slows down to s for : lost time is ∆/2

27 Adaptive Motion Control
ASC: Adaptive Speed Control Router can be in one of 3 states: SL: encounters a node of class N2 ST: encounters a node of class N1 TE: current state timer expired M: the timer, m: elapsed time since timer was reset δ: duration to which timer reset can be different at different resets

28 Communication Protocols
Based on Directed Diffusion No interest in addresses of nodes, but in data elements Designed to collect data from a large number of sensor nodes Interest message Data constraints TTL: number of hops for which Interest will be forwarded Each node getting the Interest: store it in Interest-cache, decrease the TTL, and rebroadcast if not TTL is 0 Reverse path toward the Router is built and used to forward data from sensor nodes to router Whenever a node has data: check the cache for data constraints, If constraints met, forward data to the node from which it heard Interest Repeated till data delivered to sink (the router) Expiration timer is used to handle different changes and errors in net.

29 Communication Protocols
Modification is needed Requirements: Static nodes needed to send data directly to router if possible; otherwise use multi-hop communication to reach the nearest node to the router 1st modification: 1st round is used to learn about connectivity of mobile router For every Interest received, each node records if it is from the router or other static node If heard from the router, the node will not respond to or rebroadcast any subsequent Interest from other static nodes. Only rebroadcast Interest from the router

30 Communication Protocols
The mobile router may move out of range while the Interest didn’t expire; data sent in this duration is lost 2nd modification: Use of ACK retransmit scheme Mobile router sends ACK to the node sent the data The node will not send next packet till it gets the ACK Retransmit timeout, resend data Also, this recovers from lost data When Interest expires, no data is sent After hearing new Interest, the node may complete from where it was or begin new data transmission depending on the Interest message

31 Communication Protocols

32 Communication Protocols
Forwarding nodes can pre-fetch data from nodes for which they forward data From 2nd round. If a node hears a response to an Interest transmitted by it, it knows that others forward data through it The node starts local diffusion, Interest with TTL = 1 Nodes receiving this, may begin local diffusion (they have node that forward through them) No need to know exact topology of net, or length of path

33 Communication Protocols
Sleep mode: Radio is a major power consuming component, and must be on when the router is in range and there is data to deliver While ACK is received, router is in range Time synchronization is needed: T for one round could be made known to sensor nodes at design, using Interest message, or run time using

34 Experiments Dense Network
T = 72s to keep s and 2s within limits of the robot Speeds: Naïve 50cm/s, Fast 100cm/s, Slow 50cm/s ASC: ω1 25%, ω2 75% Results averaged over 7 rounds

35 Experiments Sparse Network
2 groups out of range; nodes of same group are in range

36 Experiments Sparse Network
Connectivity does not exist without mobile router SCD is used

37 Future Work Adding navigational support Several paths for the router
Multiple mobile routers/nodes are available Enhancements of the communication protocol Interaction between sleep management and local diffusion with motion control primitives

38 Thank You

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