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Introduction to CHOP Gene C. Barton, Ph.D..

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1 Introduction to CHOP Gene C. Barton, Ph.D.

2 CHOP is the Missing Piece …
Laboratory Systems and CODIS Ensure that all samples are taken to a scientific conclusion CHOP Ensures that all hits are taken to a judicial conclusion NIJ Has been supportive in approving the use of grant funds to implement CHOP

3 CODIS Hit Outcome Project
Used lessons learned from Cold Hit Sample Tracking to develop a companion Outcome Tracking system Focuses on Closing Cases

4 CHOP Access Protected (by password and encryption)
Compartmentalized (by DA, Lab, Law Enforcement Agency) Available (from any internet-enabled browser)

5 Easy to Use No training or manuals needed
Instructions and help are on-screen

6 Select Case User selects by district or search engine

7 Select Case User filters by preferences (optional profile) or status

8 Questionnaire Al Capone Background information about the case is provided, and the questionnaire appears as a flow chart to be filled in Tess Trueheart 94KCL6043 Perry Mason 07-472

9 Questionnaire - Flow Chart Demo
8/26/2009 Forcible Rape (7 cts), R 2/6/2007 Forcible Rape (3 counts); Rob 1 (4 counts); got 8 years on the Robbery and 29 years on the Forcible Rape (concurrent).

10 Help is only a click away
Help buttons are on every page

11 Reports provide perspective
Ad hoc and shortcut time intervals are selectable Reports showing statistics and performance are available

12 Reports (cont)

13 User Profiles CHOP filters notification through user-defined profiles:

14 Why Profiles? CHOP pushes the information users want :
notifications are sent for events in their area of interest User does not have to “check in” to see if there is anything relevant Profiles eliminate information overload Users get only what they choose But they can override or change their profiles anytime Search capability lets users find cases filtered within their profiles, or system-wide

15 Automatic Notification
CHOP automatically notifies users of cases of interest to them, as defined by each user’s profile:

16 What other opportunities does CHOP offer?
CHOP primarily supports follow-through of the judicial system… However, it also provides a new perspective on both internal and external processes…

17 A Simplified Model of the Process
CODIS Labs Notify OFFENDER SUSPECT Confirm Upload Law Enforcement Inventory Screen Profile Crime Scene DA DA

18 Opportunities - Internal
How long does it take for each step? Are any cases stalled in processing? What patterns affect processing time? How do we model case load vs resources? Where should scarce resources be allocated? CODIS Labs Notify OFFENDER SUSPECT Confirm Upload Law Enforcement Inventory Screen Profile Crime Scene DA

19 Opportunities - External
Did every received case make it into CODIS? If not, was Law Enforcement so advised? Are statistics available to DA’s, AG, and legislators? Is Law Enforcement notified of case-to-case matches? Is the DA notified of hits? Are any cases approaching Statute of Limitations? Are Cold Hits and lab work supported by the press? CODIS Labs Notify OFFENDER SUSPECT Confirm Upload Law Enforcement Inventory Screen Profile Crime Scene Note: Law Enforcement is involved at least 3 times DA LIMS Can data be populated automatically?

20 CHOP Extensions Develop forensic resource management and reporting tools Exploit capabilities of system to proactively interface with DA’s, Legislature, and Public Use historical data and modeling to support budget requests

21 Discussion

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