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RUNNING START 101 Jill Brown, SC Counselor
Maria Tungol, High School Programs Coordinator Welcome! If you’re viewing and listening to this presentation, you’re probably considering enrolling in the dual-enrollment Running Start program. This presentation will provide a basic overview of the program and our experience with Running Start at Shorerest. You will want to follow up with your individual school counselor to discuss how Running Start might best work for you. Shorecrest High School, Spring 2017
What is Running Start? It is a dual enrollment program – allowing a combination of high school and college coursework, earning credit at both institutions State pays the tuition based on number of courses at your high school/college, combined ***Student is responsible for books, parking and additional fees Students may attend the community college campus full or part time, Fall-Winter-Spring quarters only Students must be in the 3rd or 4th year of High School As a Running Start student, the state will pay your tuition, and you earn credit for your college classes on both a high school and a college transcript. There are specific guidelines we will help you follow that determine the number of credits that will be paid for by the state. At Shorecrest, most of our students who participate in Running Start still take some of their courses in the high school.
What is Running Start? Must pass an assessment test to participate –
ACCUPLACER or Level 3 or higher on SBAC exams You MUST place into English 101 on the assessment to qualify for Running Start This placement will tell us that you are currently reading and writing at the level of a college freshman If this is not currently your skill level, you must remain in the high school program Students will complete the ACCUPLACER placement test at the college. Students must demonstrate readiness for English 101 as a minimum. This assessment process helps to insure that you are really ready for college-level work.
Is Running Start right for YOU?
Are you excited about academic challenges? Do you consider yourself more mature than most high school students? Are you comfortable with diverse situations? Can you be assertive and ask for help on a large college campus? Have you done well in previous academic work? Are high school activities important to you? Do you have reliable transportation? The college experience requires a greater degree of maturity and independence than most high school experiences, so it is important to reflect on your own readiness as you consider this option.
BENEFITS of Participating in Running Start
Free college tuition! Advanced course work and academic challenge Variety in course selection Flexible schedule (can take up to 15 credits) Develop independence A new social environment Running Start appeals to students for different reasons. We have seen students enjoy the depth of technical or professional programs, or just enjoy the experience of taking core academics in a college setting. We have had students complete a full professional Culinary Arts program, go in depth with music production, or complete a number of undergraduate transfer courses. Students can utilize Running Start to suit their individual interests and needs. Most Running Start students find they enjoy the social atmosphere of the college as well as the academic aspect of the experience.
CHALLENGES of participating in Running Start
Transfer credit issues- can be a problem at private schools and universities in other states Books, fees and transportation costs- can be a few hundred dollars per quarter Fast pace and time demands of college studies **The material covered in an 11-week quarter at the college is the equivalent to that which is covered in a year of high school Must meet all high school grad requirements to earn SC diploma Student responsibility to track scheduling (A/E/O days) and timely arrival for classes at both school and college Effective planning helps students maximize their Running Start experience. Working closely with your school counselor will help you choose the best courses to both satisfy your interests and graduation requirements, and keep a reasonable balance In your life.
CHALLENGES of participating in Running Start
Potential harm to your college and high school transcript by doing poorly- consider your intended major especially FERPA- Parents do not have access to student information unless student has submitted an Information Release Form to RS office (Parents do not have access to faculty at any time.) Planning ahead for year-long schedule and consider conflicting vacations/semester vs. quarters Sports/Activities/Clubs As is the case with all students, there is no guarantee that a RS student will be able to register for a particular class at the preferred time or quarter Parents and students should be especially aware that grades earned on the college transcript are permanent and could affect four-year college entrance or entrance into a selected major. For example, somewhat low grades in math or science courses taken in the college setting as a 16-year old student could affect a student’s entrance into competitive science or math- based majors in the future. Courses should be selected with care. Parents and students should also realize that students operate independently in the college setting- there is no attendance tracking nor grade progress notification. The student has to officially allow the parent access to educational information in the college. This can be very important. We have seen some students at Shorecrest struggle with the independence of the college setting fail several college classes and end up facing challenges to on-time graduation. Finally, though we will strive to coordinate the college and high school class schedules with you, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to take certain classes at preferred times or quarters.
Running Start Academic Policy
Community colleges require all students to achieve a 2.00 GPA “C” average or be placed on academic probation Approximately 10-12% of all Running Start students achieve below a 2.00 GPA in any given quarter Running Start students who achieve below a 2.00 GPA for ANY TWO QUARTERS will become ineligible to participate in the program As a Running Start student, you need to keep your grade point at 2.0 or above, or over time you will become ineligible for the program.
Why require a “C” average?
College admissions are getting more competitive every year. You will typically not gain admission to the college of your choice with a GPA this low Poor grades are a sign that you are not yet ready for this environment, and should do skill-building at your high school You do not qualify for financial aid (student loans) on future college tuition if you have an established GPA of less than 2.00 We enforce this policy to protect you. If you achieve less than a “C” average, you are closing off options for future studies and financial help. Running Start is designed to OPEN doors and SAVE you money This GPA parameter is in place to ensure that you are receiving the most appropriate instruction and support. It is important that participation in Running Start supports your long term goals, and low grades could work against you.
Applying to 4-yr college as a RS student
It is important to meet w/ an academic advisor at the community college There can be big differences between WA schools and those out-of- state Some private colleges do not grant college credit if the courses were taken while still in high school You always apply as a “freshman” applicant, and your credits are awarded after you are admitted Include your transcript from the Community College with your application – this is the student’s responsibility. If you choose to apply to four-year colleges for entrance after your senior year of high school, you will be considered a “freshman” applicant and will seek transfer of credits upon enrolling in the four-year institution. Be aware that the acceptance of transfer credits varies somewhat from college to college. You can work with an academic advisor to plan effectively for the transfer of credits.
How many classes can I take?
Combined enrollment allows for just a bit over full time student status, and is measured in instructional minutes Ex. 15 credits at college and one high school class may be possible Ex. Four high school classes and one 5 credit college class is usually possible The Running Start funding guidelines have changed, effective fall In short, students are allowed to be enrolled at the two institutions for just a bit over full-time status in any given quarter. For example, a student might take 3 college classes for fifteen credits, and one high school class. Or, a student might take up to four high school classes and one five-credit college class. The combinations of courses can vary, and your counselor will help you plan that out.
Enrollment Example SC - Algebra 2 Spanish 3 Chemistry Marketing *travel during Nutrition Break or Lunch Equals = 4.0 high school credits College – Fall Quarter English 101(5) Winter Quarter US History(5) Spring Quarter Psych 101 (5) Equals =15 college credits and 3.0 high school credits Here is one example- a student taking five classes in the high school and a full five-credit class at the college would exceed the allowed limit. That family would be charged a portion of the tuition. For more information, you can visit the Running Start page at the college of interest. And, you will work closely with your counselor to keep the combined credits within your plan.
Will I have to pay tuition at the community college?
Important to meet with counselor and complete Enrollment Verification Form - this calculates the combined enrollment. Make an appt each quarter before enrollment deadline.** Students always pay college fees, books and transportation If combined course enrollment exceeds the maximum allowed, students will be charged at the current tuition rate. Students and parents often wonder what their out of pocket expenses are for Running Start. You can count on paying for books, fees and transportation. We will help you plan carefully so that your combined credits do not exceed the tuition the state will pay. But, should you exceed that level, you will be required to pay the excess tuition.
RS at Shorecrest Students must meet with a counselor to review graduation plan/goals. **Do this in MAY for Fall enrollment Student and Parent/Guardian must sign Running Start Agreement Form prior to registration at community college. Available through counselors and on our website. Very important to regularly check your SC k We send critical academic and grad information. Seniors are required to take Civics (limited options at the college) and all SCP, Community Service, etc. As a Running Start student, you will make frequent visits with your counselor so that we can complete the required paperwork and be tracking your Shorecrest graduation requirements. Some courses, such as Senior Literature, are required to be taken at SC. Other courses are often best taken at SC, and we can help make the best plan for you.
Initial Steps Complete the college application online and submit with HS transcript to the Running Start Office. Application is available through the college Running Start website. Complete the ACCUPLACER placement test Submit Running Start Agreement form with parent signature to SC counselor and review course offerings and grad plan Ongoing – meet quarterly with SC counselor to complete Enrollment Verification Form to select specific classes, and return to college to register Register in May for Fall Quarter – do not wait until August!! To begin the process, you will need to submit an application and a transcript to the Running Start office. Then, complete a COMPASS test. Assuming you place into English 101, you can then meet with your counselor to begin planning your course selection. Each quarter we will need to work together to complete the Enrollment Verification Form which you will then return to the college to request your classes.
Every quarter. . . Schedule a meeting with SC counselor to complete Enrollment Verification Form to select specific classes to meet grad requirements Submit Enrollment Verification Form to college and attend a registration appointment Make sure to meet deadlines or risk classes being full! As noted, you’ll be seeing us a few times quarterly. This will help us collaborate to keep track of your requirements and scheduling. As usual, sign up in the counseling office to meet with your counselor.
Helpful Sites/Contacts
Shoreline Community College Running Start Office - (206) North Seattle Community College Running Start Office - (206) Cascadia College Kodiak Corner – (425) Each community college has a helpful Running Start website. And, by browsing the college course offerings, you can begin to get an idea of possible courses of interest. If you have more questions about Running Start, please make an appointment to meet with your counselor. We welcome your questions.
Questions? Feel free to contact the Shorecrest Counseling Office to make an appointment with your assigned counselor if you have specific questions (206)
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