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Analyzing Cross-layer Interaction in Overlay Networks

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1 Analyzing Cross-layer Interaction in Overlay Networks
Srinivasan Seetharaman September 2007

2 Overlay Networks Overlay networking helps overcome functionality limitations of the Internet by forming a virtual network over the native IP network that is: Independent Customizable Complex machine with good processing power

3 Service Overlay Networks
Offer enhanced or new services by deploying intelligent routing schemes. Overlay link Relaying

4 Service Overlay Networks (contd.)
Characteristics: Nodes and links are persistent Perform overlay routing independent of native layer routing Each Overlay path comprises one or more Overlay links, based on a certain selfish objective Many types of services can be offered Multicast (e.g. ESM, Overcast) QoS (e.g. OverQoS, SON) Security (e.g. DynaBone, SOS) Better routes (e.g. RON, Detour, X-Bone) … and much more

5 Cross-Layer Interaction
Performing dynamic routing at both overlay and native IP layers leads to: Conflict due to mismatch or misalignment of routing objectives Contention for limited physical resources Functionality overlap (Both overlay layer and IP layer perform similar set of functions) We demonstrate the impact in our work

6 Cross-Layer Interaction (contd.)
These issues are amplified in the presence of Selfish motives and aggressive behavior Lack of information about other layer Increasing impact ( #overlays  |Traffic| ) P2P networks are a form of Overlay networks. But, they rarely relay data through other peers

7 Context Native network topology Attitude of native network
Intra-domain Inter-domain Attitude of native network Restrictive Oblivious Cooperative

8 Thesis Organization . Oblivious Restrictive Cooperative Intra-domain
Interaction with failure recovery [Chapter III] OR vs Load balancing [Chapter V] Overlay-friendly native network [Chapter VII] Inter-domain OR vs Policy constraints [Chapter IV] BT vs Load balancing [Chapter VI]

Chapter III

10 Dual Rerouting Each layer performs rerouting, with no knowledge of which layer leads to optimal restoration Overlay rerouting C OVERLAY1 LAYER E F H A G D A B A C E F Functionality overlap and suboptimality H X Failure B NATIVE IP LAYER D G Native rerouting

11 Downside to Dual Rerouting
Overlap of functionality between layers causing Unnecessary route changes (esp when connectivity in native network is very dynamic) Increased probing overhead Unawareness of other layer’s decisions leading to Multiple simultaneous failures Lack of flexibility and control

12 Tuning Dual Rerouting Intra-domain (keepAlive-time = 1 sec, hold-time = 3 secs) Dual Rerouting Suppress overlay rerouting at 0.5 prob. Defer overlay rerouting by secs Native-only rerouting Average route changes 125.08% 101.59% 109.85% 1.567 Stabilized inflation 100% 108.32% 1.202 Time when stable 113.7% 100.48% 107.33% 2.481 Peak inflation 114.22% 109.98% 110.73%

13 Further Improving Recovery
Adjust the functioning of native layer: Tuning the native layer keepAlive-time: keepAlive-time keepAlive-time This produces the best tradeoff between # of route changes, stabilization time and recovery time Tuning

Chapter V

15 Repeated Non-Cooperative Game
Player1: Overlay Routing - Latency-optimized paths between nodes Player2: Traffic Engineering - Optimal load-balanced routes Overlay Routing Overlay Link Latencies Overlay routes Overlay layer traffic Native link delays Say it in layman terms Traffic on each overlay link Traffic Engineering Native routes Background traffic TM

16 Simulation Results TE objective Overlay objective Overall stability

17 Our goal .. is to propose strategies that
obtain the best possible performance for a particular layer while steering the system towards a stable state.

18 Resolving Conflict – Our Approach
Assume: Each layer has a general notion of the other layer’s selfish objective Designate leader / follower Operate leader such that Follower has no desire to change  Friendly Follower has no alternative to pick  Hostile Use history to learn desired action gradually. Follower is forced

19 Performance of Preemptive Strategies
We proposed four strategies that improve performance for one layer and achieve a stable operating point Inflation factor = Steady state obj value with strategy Best obj value achieved Inflation Leader Strategy Overlay TE Friendly: Load-constrained LP Hostile: Dummy traffic injection 1.082 1.023 1.122 1.992 Native Friendly: Hopcount-constrained LP Hostile: Load-based Latency tuning 1.027 1.938 1.184 1.072

Chapter VI

21 BitTorrent File-Sharing
Popular file-sharing application that generates a large volume of Internet traffic Characteristics: Service capacity increases with demand Centralized tracker regulating neighborhood Dynamically change active peers by choke/unchoke protocol

22 Comparison to Overlay Routing
Data2 Data1 B1 B2 A3 A2 A1 Differences, Similarities AX BY

23 BitTorrent Protocol Tit-for-tat based incentive for uploading decisions Leecher: Unchoke the fastest uploaders Seed: Unchoke the fastest downloaders Popular strategy to improve performance Optimistic unchoke: periodically look for faster peers Feedback loop

24 BitTorrent Dynamics When bottlenecked on link L1 L2 L1
Choke Choke C When bottlenecked on link L1 L2 Unchoke Request Unchoke L1 X Peer TFT Upload stats Download stats Status Opt? Interested Pieces? My interest Load distribution across links is balanced BitTorrent apps use all available b/w

25 BitTorrent Dynamics When NOT bottlenecked on link L1 L2 L1
Choke Choke C When NOT bottlenecked on link L1 L2 Unchoke L1 X Fills up available bandwidth easily Load distribution across links is unbalanced

26 Cross-Layer Interaction
Operating BitTorrent disrupts load balance and can result in high max util: This can be a problem for background traffic Objective of native layer: Minimize ( Max Util.) Objective of BitTorrent: Minimize (Overall finish time)

27 Simulation Setup Pick 100 ASes with 60% of them being non-stub ASes
Upload bandwidth is heterogeneous with non-stub AS Pick 100 ASes with 60% of them being non-stub ASes

28 Simulation Setup L1 D F F B C A Peers per Torrent Peers per Torrent per AS Bandwidth constraints E L2 Generate 1-50 peers. Each associating with 1-3 torrents

29 Simulation Performance Metrics
Max util across access links = MaxaE ( Xa/Ca ), E is set of all links X is the load, C is the capacity Average finish time inflation of leechers = 1/Nl  ( ’i / i ) Nl is # of leechers ’ is finish time after strategy Nl i=1

30 Reducing Impact – Traffic Engg
TE can be performed across inter-domain access links, in order to minimize (Max util) Two flavors: Ingress / Egress Determines which access link to pick for a certain destination or source IP address

31 Reducing Impact – Traffic Engg (contd.)
Performance of a random AS (Focus AS) Results of focus AS Applying TE does not make much difference

32 Reducing Impact – Tuning BitTorrent
Alter certain BitTorrent protocol components or tune the associated parameters Minimal reduction of the max util Significant inflation of finish time Specifically, we tried each of the following: Make peer selection random Make piece selection random Reduce duration of optimistic unchoking Freeze list of unchoked peers after 10 mins Tune the unchoking timers

33 Reducing Impact – Locality-awareness
Locality-based traffic management Give priority to peers within AS No change to BitTorrent clients Also try caching of requests sent outside AS

34 Reducing Impact – Bandwidth Throttling
Limit bandwidth consumed by BT traffic Popular strategy among most ASes Involves lesser infrastructure cost

35 Cross-layer Conflict Native layer and BitTorrent layer constantly retaliate to other layer’s disruptive behavior Peers deploy BitTorrent Protocol Encryption to avoid detection by native layer We develop two “friendly” BitTorrent strategies that achieve a mutually agreeable point by reducing peak load

36 A. Limit # of parallel downloads
The unchoking protocol and their timeline is uncoordinated across neighbors Average

37 A. Limit # of parallel downloads (contd.)
Reduces peak load from 0.94 to Finish time inflation is

38 B. Avoiding common neighbors
Problem is that two peers in same AS often contact same peer outside AS Algorithm Perform bilateral info exchange where each peer A finds out if its neighbor B has a neighbor C inside its own AS If yes, toss a coin to determine if we can download from this peer B (Randomization acts as a load balancing strategy)

39 B. Avoiding common neighbors (contd.)
Reduces max util from 0.94 to 0.85 Finish time inflation is 1.187

Chapter IV

41 Inter-Domain Policy Violations
Two types of violations exist Provider 2 Provider 1 Peer Client 1 Legitimate native route $$ $ A Client 3 Client 2 Overlay route B C Transit violation Exit violation

42 Measurement Results Each transit violation has a corresponding exit violation upstream Extent of exit policy violations in multihop paths Violation Type % paths Next hop AS violated 72.05 Exit point violated 15.63 Total 87.68

43 Policy Enforcement by Native Layer
As ISPs become aware of the negative impact of overlays and commence filtering, this leads to drastic deterioration in overlay route performance commensurate with the number of ASes enforcing policy

44 Resolving Conflict Overlay Service Provider (OSP) adopts a combination of the following strategies for achieving good legitimate paths: Obtain transit permit from certain AS for $T Add new node to certain provider AS for $N Obtain exit permit from certain AS for $E

45 Illustration of Mitigation Strategy
With no filtering, Tier-1 provider Tier-2 provider Stub customer 11 13 AS hosting overlay node Cust-Prov relation 21 22 23 Peering relation 31 32 33 Transit violation

46 Illustration of Mitigation Strategy (contd.)
With filtering, we have no multi-hop paths Tier-1 provider Tier-2 provider Stub customer 11 13 AS hosting overlay node Cust-Prov relation 21 22 23 Peering relation 31 32 33

47 Illustration of Mitigation Strategy (contd.)
Option 1: Add new overlay node to provider AS 22 Option 2: Obtain transit permit from stub AS 32 Tier-1 provider Tier-2 provider Stub customer 11 13 AS hosting overlay node Cust-Prov relation 21 22 22 23 Peering relation Based on graph theoretic measurements, we obtain an optimal mix of expenses for a certain budget 31 32 33

48 Objective of Mitigation Strategy
For a certain budget, determine which ASes to obtain transit permit from to add new node to to obtain exit permit from … so as to achieve the best possible gain Gain = Native route latency – Overlay path latency Native route latency

49 Mitigation Results When all permit fee = P, new node fee = N Permit
Add new node

50 Summary of Cross-Layer Interaction
Overlays offer valuable services needed by end-systems. But, lead to complex cross-layer interaction with potentially detrimental effects Layer awareness is essential to reduce negative effects and to improve performance of both layers. We propose simple strategies that achieve this goal in an effective manner.

51 Contributions of Thesis
Knobs for better control over the cross-layer interaction Analysis and mitigation of the conflict in objective between native and overlay layers: inter-domain: OR vs Policy enforcement intra-domain: OR vs Traffic engg Ways to improve coexistence between BitTorrent file-sharing and native layer Framework for network layer support of overlay services

52 Future of Overlays Overlays are essential as…
Means for end-systems to collaborate Environment for testing future innovations (GENI) Architecture for Future Internet in the form of Network Virtualization  Cross-layer interaction will affect performance. How best to design protocols and services in the future? Two perspectives to the design problem

53 Future Work Need to address the network impasse. How to tune the network for .. the new breed of Internet applications? (e.g., file sharing) …and new paradigms of communication? (e.g., wireless) Which layer to implement a service at? For example, a service like multicast can be performed at both native layer and overlay layer! Which layer to use for a particular scenario? How can the other layer support this service? Solving chicken and egg problem Talk about IPTV

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