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Pg. 116 RTW: What was your favorite marine science topic this year?

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Presentation on theme: "Pg. 116 RTW: What was your favorite marine science topic this year?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pg. 116 RTW: What was your favorite marine science topic this year?
Monday, April 10th Pg. 116 RTW: What was your favorite marine science topic this year? Objective: I will be able prepared for the Marine Science EOC Final. Agenda: Final Review (questions 1-9) Answer questions thoroughly, try to not use notes, but use them if needed Homework: None 

2 Pg. 116 RTW: Of the 32 animal phyla, how many do you think are worms?
Tuesday, April 11th Pg. 116 RTW: Of the 32 animal phyla, how many do you think are worms? Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Annelida. Agenda: Annelida notes Annelida group be ready to present tomorrow! Homework: Fish Food Project

3 Phylum: Annelida Marine Worms

4 Marine Worms Platyhelminthes- flat worms Nemertea- ribbon worms
Simple Marine Worms Phyla: Complex Marine Worms Phylum Platyhelminthes- flat worms Nemertea- ribbon worms Nematoda- round worms Annelida Class Polychaeta- mostly marine worms

5 Characteristics of Marine Worms
Have nephridia (water regulating tubule) as part of the excretory system, a heart, and sometimes jaws. They show metamerism (division of body in repeating blocks or segments)

6 Special Attributes More than 15,000 species!
Most of the marine worms are in the Class Polychaeta including: Tubeworms Bristleworms Spongeworms Fireworms Christmas tree worm spawning Bobbit Worm

7 Nautilus Live- Tube Worms

8 No RTW Annelida group be ready to present when the bell rings!
Wednesday, April 12th No RTW Annelida group be ready to present when the bell rings! Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Annelida. Agenda: Annelida group’s presentation! Homework: None 

9 Pg. 116 RTW: What is one characteristic of Annelida?
Thursday, April 13th Pg. 116 RTW: What is one characteristic of Annelida? Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Echinodermata. Agenda: Echinodermata foldable & notes Echinodermata group be ready to present tomorrow! Homework: None 

10 Echinoderm Foldable Examples: Class Asteroidea: sea stars
Subclass Ophiuroidea: brittle stars Class Echinodea: sea urchin and sand dollars Class Holothuroidea: sea cucumbers Class Crinoidea: feather stars, sea lilies

11 Echinoderm Foldable General Characteristics:
(Most) Have a water vascular system for movement. Tube feet for attachment & locomotion One-way digestion : separate mouth and anus Skin covered in bumps External fertilization Some have the ability to regenerate

12 Echinoderm Foldable Diagrams: Draw an example of each of the classes.
Reproduction: Sexual and fertilization happens externally.

13 Echinoderms Phylum Echinodermata

14 Include sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers

15 Have radial symmetry based on 5 parts (similar parts surrounding central axis) Planktonic larvae has bilateral symmetry Considered to have oral/aboral sides, NOT dorsal/ventral

16 Body Structure Have a water vascular system- water filled canals
Tube feet-muscular extensions of these canals usually end in suckers used for attachment & locomotion

17 Ampullae-muscular sacs that sometimes fill tube feet with water
Madreporite-connects vascular system to outside on aboral (top) surface Also has gonads & digestive system No heart, brain or eyes

18 Complete digestive tract- stomach, digestive gland & anus
Endoskeleton-covered by a thin layer of tissue Surface covered with bumps & spines giving them their name- ”spiny skinned” (echinodermata)

19 Five classes 1)sea stars 2)brittle stars Class: Asteroidea

20 3)sea urchins & sand dollars Class: Echinoidea
4)sea cucumbers Class: Holothuroidea 3)sea urchins & sand dollars Class: Echinoidea

21 5)feather stars & sea lilies

22 Sea stars (starfish) 5 arms to 50 Most are
predatory- bivalves, snails, barnacle, etc.

23 Sunflower Star

24 Cushion Star

25 Brittle Stars Arms very long & flexible -tube feet lack suckers
Eat particles of organic matter passed from feet to mouth More species than any other group of echinoderms

26 Basket Star (Brittle Star)

27 Brittle Stars

28 Sea Urchins & Sand Dollars
Filter feed on drifting plant/animals Deposit feeders that live on bottoms using tube feet lined with mucus to pick up particles

29 Sea Urchins

30 Sand Dollar Alive vs Dead
Sand Dollars

31 Sea Cucumbers Wormlike, lack spines Tube feet around mouth reach
out and pick up organic material Escapes by ejecting digestive system distracting predators

32 http://www. youtube. com/watch
Sea Cucumber

33 Feather stars & Sea lilies
5 to 200 arms due to the branching Mucus helps in catching food Some attach to bottom, some crawl on surfaces in shallow to deep water

34 Sea Lilies (with Stalks)
Feather Stars (no Stalks Sea Lilies (with Stalks)

35 Biology Sexes are separate in most echinoderms External fertilization
Spawning occurs at once to increase survival

36 Echinoderms can use regeneration to replace missing parts
In some sea stars a severed arm can grow into a complete individual

37 No RTW Echinodermata group be ready to present when the bell rings!
Friday, April 14th No RTW Echinodermata group be ready to present when the bell rings! Objective: I will be able to cite examples and explain the adaptations to the marine environment of the invertebrate phyla: Echinodermata. Agenda: Echinodermata group’s presentation! Homework: None 

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