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Delivering return on your energy investment

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1 Delivering return on your energy investment
Rebirth Energy Delivering return on your energy investment

2 Big problem mean big solution
Climate Change- national threat, cost the US over $100 Billion last year Joblessness- real unemployment rate near 20% GDP growth is 2-4 % with all the big number gimmicking of the system

3 Embrace the change Conversion to conservation and clean energy will cost $10-12 Trillion Climate “emergency” means it has to get done rapidly- Aim for 5 years, miss and hit 7 Makes GDP growth rate a blistering 8-10% 5 million middle class jobs, non outsourceable Increases gov't revenues by $Trillion+

4 Where does the money come from?
It's already there. The US spends 1.4 trillion per year on energy, 500 Billion leaving the country for foreign oil Cutting that in half saves 700 billion per year, and keeping 500 billion a year at home adds up to a lot of money after a while 15-year payout comes to 12 Trillion

5 Gov't 1: Bond Issue Government kicks it off by backing a $100 billion bond 4% Handled by banks under 500 billion in market cap Create 2nd mortgage substitution of current electric bill for commercial and residential real max of 6%

6 Govt 2- Lend Loss program
Also issues $100 billion dollars in last resort lend loss insurance on a 10% loss rate covers minimum of 1 Trillion in loans Actual loss rates are 5%- really, 0% as any losses will get packaged into property sale- as enhanced property assessment Payoff on insurance is 5 years; creates a decent secondary insurance market

7 The time for change is now
So many hippy organizations calling for movement on Climate Change. World Bank, Munich Re, the Pope Potentially devasting outcomes include: extinction, desertification of the bread basket, city evacuations, etc

8 Homes National building code Mandatory thermal audits
Carbon tax system

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