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Year 8 Spreadsheets.

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1 Year 8 Spreadsheets

2 Can you explain where a spreadsheet can be used?
Shops – monitor stock Offices – record staff wages Home – to calculate your finances Builders/plumbers – to record money made and spent. Scientists to record results and create graphs and charts.

3 Goals By the end of the lesson you will be able to:
Understand how to create an IF statement. Be able to identify how spreadsheets can be used in different situations. Effectively implement multiple IF statements within a spreadsheet.

4 Keywords Spreadsheet, Worksheet, Cell, Formula, Function,
IF statement, Count IF statement, Format, Hide.

5 Main Task Create your own spreadsheet game, and use an IF statement, to tell the user if their answer is correct or wrong. If you finish: Format your spreadsheet to add colour and borders, Create a ‘Count IF’ function to tell the users if all their answers are correct.

6 IF Statement =IF(B12=B14,”Correct”,”Wrong”)
=Count IF(B15:F15,”Correct”)

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