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PHATIC COMMUNICATION Presented by: Erwidiarini Octha C

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Presentation on theme: "PHATIC COMMUNICATION Presented by: Erwidiarini Octha C"— Presentation transcript:

1 PHATIC COMMUNICATION Presented by: Erwidiarini Octha C11.2013.01404
Investiati Choirunnisa C

2 Phatic Communication Phatic communication is popularly known as small talk, the nonreferential use of language to share feelings or establish a mood of sociability rather than to communicate information or ideas.

3 The ritualized formulas of phatic communication are generally intended to attract the attention of the listener or prolong communication. Also known as phatic speech, phatic communion, phatic language, social tokens, and chit-chat.

4 Phatic communication can be verbal or non-verbal.

5 Examples of Phatic Communication

6 Verbal Receptionists use routine greetings to begin and end phone conversations. Sociologists suggest that making small talk opens up a social conversation.

7 "How are you?" "How ya doin'?" "Have a nice day!" "Cold enough for you?" "This train is really crowded." "What's your sign?" "What's your major?" "Do you come here often?" "Sincerely yours" "Some weather we're having."

8 Non-Verbal A simple wave is a type of non-verbal phatic communication, as it is a cliched routine that communicates a widely-known meaning. Non-verbal phatic communication, such as a handshake, is a good opening to conversation.


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