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Development of a Public Notifications Tool using Python

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1 Development of a Public Notifications Tool using Python
Nicola Morais – EnerGov Applications System Specialist City Of San Luis Obispo

2 The Request Need lists of Owners and Occupants within a distance of a new development or permit (in excel format). Need a map of the area and parcels notified (pdf). Must capture parcels containing multiple ownership e.g. Condos. Need a repeatable methodology which is easy for new planning interns to complete with minimal GIS training.

3 Setting up the map Group parcels Symbolized Layers
Create Folders and GDB

4 Python Script Parameters Spatial Query's Table Adjustments
User Selects Parcel to be Buffered, opens tool and fills out parameters. ProjectName = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) BufferDistance = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) OutputDirectory = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) arcpy.Buffer_analysis arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management Parcel Groups All Parcels (add to selection for Owners). All Addresses (add to selection for Occupants). arcpy.CopyFeatures_management (Create map Layers). arcpy.TableToTable_conversion (Create Table) Using arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 to allow overwrite Table Adjustments Map Adjustments arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management arcpy.DeleteField_management arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion Completed for both Owners and Occupants Tables arcpy.mapping.MapDocument arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management arcpy.RefreshActiveView() arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF Creates PDF Map of Notifications Layers Zoomed to the extent of the notified Parcels

5 Result Owners Excel list Occupant Excel list PDF Map Next Step
We then adapted the script to take a fourth Parameter: a shapefile to buffer instead of selecting a parcel. This tool can be used for Event Notifications.

6 Automation of Map Book Updates Python
Mary Andrews – GIS Specialist City Of San Luis Obispo

7 The Mission Automate updates to pdf map book pages (aka data drive pages) Capture - Utility staff updates (cityworks) - pipe type, pipe size etc. Export only a subset of pages- those with features


9 Python Script

10 Automate the Script with Task Scheduler

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