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Young people with disability in rural and regional Australia: the views of parents Photos courtesy of- The ARC Society for People with Intellectual and.

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Presentation on theme: "Young people with disability in rural and regional Australia: the views of parents Photos courtesy of- The ARC Society for People with Intellectual and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young people with disability in rural and regional Australia: the views of parents
Photos courtesy of- The ARC Society for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Massachusetts, USA, n.d. ; Google photos Kerre Willsher, PhD student, University of South Australia, April 12th, 2016

2 My Standpoint I have a standpoint as a sibling of a person with intellectual disability, and was raised in a rural area where resources were scarce. My brother John is now 56 years old and was unemployed for many years.

3 Children born with disability are now more likely to live until adulthood
Due to medical advances, many children born with disability are now living to adulthood. Previous research has revealed that parents of a son/daughter born with disability have major concerns about the future when they are no longer able to care for them. These concerns are magnified in rural areas where resources including employment options for young people with disability are scarce.

4 Where the Research Interviews took Place

5 The Research Methodology
Feminist Disability Theory and R.I. Brown’s Quality of Life Concept Framework were used as theoretical guides to discuss the results. Semi-structured interviews with fourteen parents/carers of children with disability and a focus group of eight community members took place in regional areas of South-eastern Australia in

6 What is Feminist Disability Theory? /RI Brown’s Quality of Life Concept?
The United Nations Model of Disability, which has a human rights focus, was used in the research. Feminist Disability theory advocates for a more equitable environment where impairment is appreciated and accommodated rather than eliminated. The voices of people with disability are central. Brown’s Quality of Life Concept is a lifespan, holistic, developmental approach which builds upon concepts such as anti-discrimination practice, human rights and social inclusion.

7 Themes that Emerged Several themes emerged from the research, including concerns for the future as parents age, quality of life, stigma and access to services. Joan in a sad voice, put things quite succinctly into a nutshell-”Jack wants a job, house, wife and kids but my fear is that this is not going to happen for him.”

8 Recommendations Good coordination between the person with disability, families, schools, TAFE, Universities, service providers and employers. “ Young people with disability, families, service providers and employers ought to be talking to one another and plan well ahead of time to ensure a smooth transition to meaningful employment” (Anne, focus group member). More options, better pay. Reasonable expectations on the part of all stakeholders Disability friendly work environments. Courtney- ys-on-the-up/?cs=1046

9 Reference List Brown, R.I., Schalock, R.L. &.Brown, I. (2009). Quality of Life: Its Application to Persons With Intellectual Disability and Their Families –Introduction and Overview. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 6 (1), 2- 6,doi: /j x. Davis, K 2014, ‘Courtney’s on the up’. Whyalla News, June 24, 2014, p. 9, accessed April 2, up/?cs=1046 Garland-Thomson, R. (2005). Feminist Disability Studies. SIGNS 30 (2), , doi: / Gething, L. (1997). Sources of Double Disadvantage for People with Disabilities Living in Remote and Rural Areas of New South Wales, Australia. Disability & Society, 12, (4), , doi: / The United Nations. (2006). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, accessed April 2, Willsher, K. (2015). Disability in Rural Areas of Australia: An Opportunity to Develop Community Resources. The International Journal of Community Diversity, 14, (4),

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