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It builds on the previous strategy, Tackling Climate Change: South Australia’s Greenhouse Strategy released in 2007 and Prospering in a Changing Climate:

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Presentation on theme: "It builds on the previous strategy, Tackling Climate Change: South Australia’s Greenhouse Strategy released in 2007 and Prospering in a Changing Climate:"— Presentation transcript:

1 It builds on the previous strategy, Tackling Climate Change: South Australia’s Greenhouse Strategy released in 2007 and Prospering in a Changing Climate: South Australia’s Climate Change Adaptation Framework released in 2012. The Strategy was developed under the Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007. South Australia’s new Climate Change Strategy was delivered in November 2015.

2 - The 5 regional adaptation plans that have been delivered to date
recommendations of the Low Carbon Economy Experts Panel public consultation on 6 discussion papers (Overview, Lead, Adapt, Reduce, CNA, Innovate) including 12 regional workshops, targeted adaptation, industry and conservation sector workshops, website and online discussions, written submissions, etc), Original advice from the Premier’s Climate Change Council – independent advisory body – Vision for SA Strategy informed by: - Building capacity to take action at a community level. - Creating a prosperous and resilient state (primarily adaptation focussed) - Innovating to drive a resilient and competitive low carbon economy - Showcasing Carbon Neutral Adelaide (emissions reduction and adaptation) - New net zero emissions 2050 target - Leadership Outline key themes: Strategy Themes • South Australia taking the lead on climate change action • Towards net zero emissions • Showcasing Carbon Neutral Adelaide • Innovating to drive a resilient and competitive low carbon economy • Creating a prosperous and resilient state • Building community capacity to take action on climate change.

3 - Increased intensity of extreme rainfall events
Shared investment maximises benefits to all partners Integrated approach to cross sectors and avoid maladaptation Utilising local knowledge in local decision making Respecting existing roles and responsibilities Why a partnership approach: - Building partnerships across regions, industries and communities - Shared ownership model - share all planning, funding and implementation with state and local leaders acting together. Climate change impacts all of us. It is only by working together that we can adequately adapt and the manage the trade offs. South Australia’s approach is founded on this very simple principle - Increased height of extreme sea-level events - Rising mean sea level - Lengthened fire season - Harsher fire-weather climate - Increased intensity of extreme rainfall events - Decreasing winter and spring rainfall - Fewer frosts - More hot days and warm spells - Average temperatures will continue to increase in all seasons Climate change implications for South Australia Prospering in a Changing Climate released in 2012 outlines how South Australia will prepare for climate change. South Australia’s Adaptation Framework • Prospering in a Changing Climate (2012) • 5 Regional Adaptation Plans delivered to date • Remaining regions delivered by end of 2016 • Enabling conditions: State level coordination and leadership; and social capital and capacity building • Informed by downscaled climate projections for South Australia delivered by Goyder Institute for Water Research with Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

4 Creating a prosperous and resilient state
Key themes arising from 5 finalised regional adaptation plans: • industry adaptation • biodiversity management • water resources management • vulnerable citizens • community services • coasts • planning, development and infrastructure (including green infrastructure). Regional adaptation plans reflect local values, climate vulnerabilities and priorities of the regional community. Consequently we see a different emphasis from each plan that reflects specific regional values and assets. This is also played out in terms of economic opportunities and challenges arising in each region: For example: Eyre Peninsula – focus on adapting primary production (farming practices, crop types, etc), fisheries and aquaculture, mining. The region also has significant wind resources and wind farm industry. It has also resulted in a focus across industry sectors on ports and energy infrastructure to service these industries in the face of sea level rise. Barossa – significant wine producing region – has a significant water and production focus Murray Mallee – again a focus on water and implications/actions related to irrigation Northern Adelaide – metropolitan area experiencing significant challenges as a result of economic transition – decline of car manufacturing. Key focus on working with industry and businesses – part of adaptation planning includes an Adaptive Economy Forum. Yorke and Mid North – Key area of SA for renewable energy deployment. Currently looking at economic opportunities in relation to the energy transition (eg renewable energy technologies and deployment) and relationship with sustainable primary production (eg Clare Valley wine region).

5 Creating a prosperous and resilient state
Initiatives: • Delivering a State-wide adaptation action plan • This includes responding to and staging priority actions identified through regional adaptation plans • A specific focus on engagement with industry (adaptive economy), and support for vulnerable communities • Delivering adaptation actions: coasts, bushfire, water sensitive urban design and green infrastructure. South Australia is seeing economic opportunities associated with adaptation actions arising from: the regional adaptation planning processes (identification of regional values, integrated vulnerability analysis, and prioritisation of action) as these processes identify regional values and assets) the nexus with climate change mitigation activities (eg co-benefits of climate smart buildings) positioning of new business opportunities through both the energy transition and as industries adapt to climate change (eg development and export of new water efficiency technologies). We are keen to further explore opportunities to export adaptation expertise and technologies and base our economy on innovative climate resilient practices and technologies. It is anticipated that this area will also be a theme in our Adaptation Action Plan. State wide, whole-of-government Adaptation Action Plan - To be delivered by end 2017 - Will provide a vehicle to consider and respond to priorities identified through regional adaptation plans - Engaging across whole-of-government brings all agencies into the response - Enables conversation about staging SA’s response, highlighting where action is required now (using a pathways approach to plan for future actions). - Delivering adaptation action – while some actions have been identified in the climate change strategy, further actions will be developed in consultation with key sectors and the community through the remaining regional plans and in the development of the government action plan.

6 You are invited to Climate Adaptation 2016 Key Dates:
• 15 April 2016 – early bird registration closes • 5-7 July 2016 – Climate Adaptation Conference • NCCARF delivers research that supports decision makers prepare for and manage climate change risks. South Australia is hosting the national climate change conference in Adelaide from 5-7 July 2016. The conference is a partnership between the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). NCCARF works to support decision makers throughout Australia (and beyond) as they prepare for and manage the risks of climate change and sea-level rise. The work program is focussed on addressing the adaptation needs of decision makers and practitioners.

7 Michelle English Manager, Climate Change Unit
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources Government of South Australia

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