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“Poof” Books - Exponents

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1 “Poof” Books - Exponents
CC Math 8A Ms. White Room 3

2 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!

3 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent

4 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent Page 2: Negative Exponent

5 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent Page 2: Negative Exponent Page 3: Exponents and Multiplication (aka Power of a Product)

6 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent Page 2: Negative Exponent Page 3: Exponents and Multiplication (aka Power of a Product) Page 4: Exponents and Division (aka Power of a Quotient)

7 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent Page 2: Negative Exponent Page 3: Exponents and Multiplication (aka Power of a Product) Page 4: Exponents and Division (aka Power of a Quotient) Page 5: Power of a Power

8 Requirements Title: “(Your Name)’s” Book of Exponent Rules!
Page 1: Zero Exponent Page 2: Negative Exponent Page 3: Exponents and Multiplication (aka Power of a Product) Page 4: Exponents and Division (aka Power of a Quotient) Page 5: Power of a Power Page 6: Helpful Hints and Tips

9 Scoring This assignment is worth one HW stamp and and additional 30 points in the “Projects & Activities” category

10 Scoring, cont’d Cover: 6 points Rule pages: 4 points each (24 points)
TOTAL: 30 points The appearance & neatness of each page will factor into the points

11 Write a definition and example for each rule!
Write the name of the rule at the top of each page! Write the page number at the bottom of each page!

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