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Riding the Wave of Innovation
Payroll Highlights Michelle Neiswender Product Unit Manager
Employee Salary Report - HESAL02A.REP
Added the “Calendar Year” and “Contract Year” to the report heading.
Employee Salary Report - HESAL02A.REP
Employee Salary Report - HESAL02A.REP
Employee Salary Report - HESAL02A.REP
Use the Employee Salary Report to report an employee's salary accounts and amounts for the four quarters of the year. Use the data included in the Employee Salary Report to complete the Medicaid Reimbursement spreadsheet for each quarter in the calendar year. This report includes employees’ salary amounts without benefits you could limit it to only include state funds. You can filter the records included on the report by dimension name (fund, object, and program, employee category group, TERM date type, and primary job. Optionally, you can print the report for a maximum of five specific employees. You can generate a Summary or Detail Report. Spreadsheet ready.
Pay Calc – Blended/Flex Overtime
Modified Pay Calc to handle Blended/Flex OT using the following two profiles:
Pay Calc – Blended/Flex Overtime
Weekly Hours Threshold
Pay Calc – Blended/Flex Overtime
The Blended/Flex/OT rate is entered as .00 as it will be calculated
Pay Calc – Blended/Flex Overtime
Pay Calc – Deferred Limit
Modified the Payroll Calculation process to use profile key FED_DEFERRED_LIMIT to select the combined deduction/benefit limit for 401k and a Roth 401K or 403b deductions and the pay type and deduction/benefit group that define these deduction/benefit codes. When the FED_DEFERRED_LIMIT profile key is implemented, the calculation will limit the ded/ben deduction so it does not exceed the defined thresholds.
Pay Calc – Deferred Limit
Pay Calc – Deferred Limit
Copy Payroll Check/Advice - HCCPY01A.FMX
Copy Residence Code checkbox: Selected – populates from the original check NOT selected – populates from Employee Miscellaneous
Check Copies for alio Content - HHCNT10C.FMX
Copy and Print New Copy Residence Code: Selected – populates from the original NOT selected – populates from Employee Miscellaneous
Check History Inquiry - HHINQ02B.FMX
Add the Additional Withheld Federal and State amounts to the Checks tab in the W-4 information section of the form
NEW Employee Taxes/ Ded-Bens- HEDED11A.FMX *** 12C only! ***
Tracking Employee Deduction/Benefits – Tuesday, 3:45 – 4:45
NEW Employee Taxes/ Ded-Bens- HEDED11A.FMX *** 12C only! ***
View/maintain/adjust Federal, State, Social Security/Medicare, and Unemployment tax deductions View/maintain/adjust payroll deductions and benefits View/maintain/adjust additional payroll deductions View/adjust deduction/benefit encumbrance details View a summary of an employee’s deduction/benefit record Link one or more of an employee’s jobs to a deduction/benefit record
Users – AMSEC05A.FMX limit the tabs displayed in program HEDED11A.FMX by individual user. For example, user HR can access only data on the Ded/Ben tab; user CLERK can access data only on the Taxes and Other tabs; and user MANAGER can access data on all three tabs.
Deduction/Benefit Master – HMDED02A.FMX
Identify the Ded/Ben Tab to display in HEDED11A.FMX
Profiles – AMPRF01A.FMX
Profiles – AMPRF01A.FMX
NEW Employee Taxes/ Ded-Bens- HEDED11A.FMX *** 12C only! ***
NEW Employee Taxes/ Ded-Bens- HEDED11A.FMX *** 12C only! ***
NEW Employee Taxes/ Ded-Bens- HEDED11A.FMX *** 12C only! ***
Historic Long Register - HHEDT02A.REP
‘Control No’ now has an option for ALL payroll controls
Historic Long Register - HHEDT02A.REP
Use this program to generate the Payroll Long Register for historical purposes. This report contains the payroll details for a selected date range. Use this report to research past payroll issues for specific employees and for record keeping purposes. You can print a summary or detail report. The detail report includes pay setup, leave information, deductions, benefits, gross totals, miscellaneous employee information, and summary information. Optionally, you can break out voided checks and advice of deposit documents from the check and advice of deposit totals. When the Breakout Voids parameter is implemented, the voided checks/advice of deposit documents are excluded from the following totals: No of Checks Issued and No of Advices Issued Check Range and Advice Range This section displays directly after the Totals section of the report. You can filter the payroll data by date range, control number, and location type. Optionally, you can group and break down the payroll data by location. You can sort the report by: Employee name Work location Check location Employee category You can run the register for up to ten specific employees or all employees
Calculations Totals\Errors & Warnings - HPEDT04A.REP
Modified the Calculations Totals\Errors & Warnings program to calculate the HSA Total. The HSA Total field will default to 0 (zero) if the value is null.
Calculations Totals\Errors & Warnings - HPEDT04A.REP
If Profile HPEDT04A_HIDE_WARNINGS is set to Y, the Calculation Warnings section of the report will not display. Review the Calculation Totals \ Errors & Warnings report and verify that gross wages and net wages are accurate. If any totals on the report are incorrect, perform the necessary actions to correct the problem. guidetopayrollprocessing.pdf Table 6-3. Calculations Totals/Error & Warnings Report messages
NEW Roll Jobs & Pays ***12C Only***
Created NEW 12C job and pay roll forms and a utility to update job and pay values; State Days was renamed to Full Year Days on the calendar and its associated forms and report. Roll Jobs & Pays by Calendar-HPROL11A.FMX Jobs and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX Calendar Master - HMCAL01A.FMX Calendar Listing - HMCAL01A.REP Calendar Copy - HMCAL03A.FMX Roll Jobs / Pays Processing Wednesday, 9:10 – 10:10
Roll Jobs & Pays by Calendar-HPROL11A.FMX
Roll Jobs & Pays by Calendar-HPROL11A.FMX
Use this program, Roll (Copy) Jobs and Pays by Calendar to roll (copy and paste) employees’ job and pay records to the new contract year, if your organization assigns work calendars to its employees’ pay records. Optionally, after the roll process is complete, use program HPUTL07A.FMX – Jobs and Pays Utility to mass update the employees’ job and pay records copied to the new fiscal year. Use this utility to clear or reset field values, as needed. Refer to the “using the Jobs and Pays Utility” topic in the Guide to Tools & Utilities for alio HRS for more information.
Jobs and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX
Mass update employees’ job and pay records in the new fiscal year after the roll process is complete. Use this utility to clear and/or reset field values, as needed. Selection Criteria - used to identify the employees’ job and pay records to be updated.
Jobs and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX
Employee Jobs tab used to change or clear the data in the employees’ job records that meet the selection criteria.
Jobs and Pays Utility - HPUTL07A.FMX
Employee Pays tab used to change or clear the data in the employees’ pay records that meet the selection criteria.
Calendar Master - HMCAL01A.FMX
State Days was renamed to Full Year Days
Calendar Listing - HMCAL01A.REP
Print Calendar Listing to print the calendar records in the Calendar Master. You can print all calendar master records or up to five specific calendar master records. State Days was renamed to Full Year Days
Labor Distribution - HPDIS01A.PKG
Added employee number to two error messages to help identify the culprit.
Pay Calc-HPCLC01A.PKG Labor Distribution-HPDIS01A.PKG
Created a new calc method: CALCIFACCOUNTEXISTS
Pay Calc-HPCLC01A.PKG Labor Distribution-HPDIS01A.PKG
Created a new calc method: CALCIFACCOUNTEXISTS Payroll Calc Methods Tuesday, 3:45 – 4:45
NEW Job Roles Forms and Reports
Job Roles - HMJOB10A.FMX Employee Job Roles - HEJOB10A.FMX Supervisor Job Roles - HMJOB10B.FMX Employee Job Roles Report - HEJOB10A.REP Job Roles by Employee Report - HEJOB10B.REP Employee Job Role Supervisors Report - HEJOB10C.REP NOTE: A client that uses Applicant Portal and Applicant Portal Interface can use programs HMJOB10A.FMX – Job Roles, HMJOB10B.FMX – Supervisor Job Roles, and HEJOB10A.FMX – Employee Job Roles to correlate the Applicant Portal Interface applicant Job Role to the employee’s Job Role in alio.
NEW Job Roles – HMJOB10A.FMX
Define the various job roles available for assignment to an employee in program HEJOB10A.FMX – Employee Job Role program. Remember to define the Supervisory Roles in this program.
NEW Employee Job Roles – HEJOB10A.FMX
Assign job roles to an employee.
NEW Supervisor Job Roles – HMJOB10B.FMX
Define the reporting structure for a Supervisor Job Role.
NEW Employee Job Roles Report – HEJOB10A.REP
Lists employees and their assigned Job Roles. You can include all job roles or a specific job role on the report. You can filter the job roles included on the report by status, e.g., list only active job roles on the report. Employees are listed in alphabetical order by last name and first name and grouped by job role.
NEW Job Roles by Employee Report – HEJOB10B.REP
Lists Job Roles assigned to each employee in your organization or a specific employee in your organization. You can filter the job roles included on the report by status, e.g., list only active job roles on the report. Employees records are sorted in alphabetical order by last name and first name. The job roles assigned to the employee display below the employees name in alphabetical order.
NEW Employee Job Role Supervisor Report – HEJOB10C.REP
List each Supervisor assigned a Supervisor Job Role, the Job Roles assigned to each supervisor job role, and the employees assigned to those Job Roles. You can generate a Detail or Summary report. You can filter the supervisor job roles and job roles included on the report by status, e.g., list only active supervisor job roles and their assigned active job roles on the report.
Employee Account Distributions - HEDIS01A.FMX
Modified the Employee Account Distribution program to show the Account Year under the Account Id field. Use this field to identify the year associated with an account, e.g., 17 versus the 07
Earning Codes - HMERN01A.FMX Payroll Input - HEPAY10A.FMX
Increase the 'Default Amount' to allow 4 decimal places
Employee Lookup - SLEMP01A.FMX
Created a profile to sort the lookup different ways.
Employee Lookup - SLEMP01A.FMX
Sorted Alphabetical by Name Profile Key set to AIT Now it is in Status order-all active first
Employee Verification Report - HHVER01A.REP
Employee Verification Report - HHVER01A.REP
Generate the report to verify your employees’ employment and pay history. This report includes the employees’ hire dates, pay amounts, and pay totals. You can view the employees’ payment information for the current contract year and the last three years. This report is useful for tracking past pay amounts and verifying employment for external resources, such as firms performing credit checks.
Employee Verification Report - HHVER01A.REP
Federal Reporting
ACA 1095C & 1095B - EFDEPH01A.FMX Modified the XML layout for 1094C and 1095C Create File process for correction file per IRS layouts Modified the 1095C EFDEPH04A.FMX & 1095B EFDEPH11A.FMX Maintenance screens to show Create a 1095 check mark to show
ACA 1095C & 1095B - EFDEPH01A. FMX Print W2 Self-Seal Forms - HEW2S90S
ACA 1095C & 1095B - EFDEPH01A.FMX Print W2 Self-Seal Forms - HEW2S90S.REP Modified the Print W2 forms for Self-Seal sort options Employee Name Check Location Removed Zip Code and replaced with Work Location
Create W2C File – HEW2S02C.FMX
Added “L - Self-Prepared” option to the list of Preparer Codes on dropdown when creating W2 correction file Option already exists in W2 File Creation - HEW2S03AR.FMX
Print Vendor 1099 - FVTEN05A.REP Detail Attorney Proceeds
Print Vendor 1099 - FVTEN05A.REP Detail Attorney Proceeds
IRS 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return- HE94101A.FMX
Added the following: Line 11: Qualified Small Business Tax Credit Line 12: Total Taxes After Adjustments and Credit All other line numbers from Line 12 moved down by 2
IRS 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return- HE94101A.FMX
Federal Reporting Wednesday, 12:45 – 1:45
IRS 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return- HE94101A.FMX
Employee Service Portal
Users not in LDAP directory need ability to log into ESP
Added ability to authenticate using ESP credentials or LDAP credentials based on employment status of user Added option to Hide Create an Account Link
ESP LDAP Modifications
ESP-754 When using LDAP, verify the password and update the database each time user logs in Modified program to automatically update the user’s password in ESP if their LDAP password changes. ESP-755 When LDAP password contains a +, allow user to login without error Modified program to correctly authenticate an LDAP password containing a +
Direct Deposit Requests
Direct Deposit Requests will check the start and end dates and only display active records
Direct Deposit Requests
Added Start Date and End Date fields to the employee’s Direct Deposit Request
Direct Deposit Requests
Added Prenote field to the final approver’s page
Past Request - Leave Detail
Displays the Days/Hours designation on the Past Requests leave details page.
Edit Leave Request Displays the leave plan as Description (code)
Edit Leave Request Added warning message when leave date range is greater than 7 days
E-mail Settings Added Cancelled – Email Request email template
Modified the program to send an message to all current and past approvers when an employee cancels a request
Settings Modified the program to send an message to all current and past approvers when an employee cancels a request
W2 and ACA Print options – System Setting
Added 2 new options to Demographic Request Settings W2 Print ACA Print Modified Demographic Requests to allow the employee to choose to have their W2 and/or 1095C electronically delivered when the options are enabled.
W2 and ACA Print options – General Demographic Request
Modified Demographic Requests to allow the employee to choose to have their W2 and/or 1095C electronically delivered when the options are enabled.
Leave Request Calendar
Modified the program to keep the Leave Calendar open when approving leave requests. When leaves are approved, the calendar grids and counts are refreshed.
Dependent Change Request
Modified the Dependent Request page to display the Coverage Start/End Date fields.
Professional Development
Added Professional Development feature to the General section of Feature Availability in administration Defaults as selected
Professional Development
Added Professional Development navigation button Added Professional Development page
System Settings - Portal Timeout
Added Portal Timeout Set By and Portal Timeout (Minutes) options to General Preferences Portal Timeout Set By options are Preferences or User Roles Default time is 20 minutes
System Settings - Portal Timeout
Added Role Timeout (Minutes) options to User Roles Default time is 20 minutes
General Demographic Requests
Added Direct Deposit Print option to Demographic Requests Available selections are Print Advice, Advice, or Don’t Print or Advice Option is only available if SHOW_DIRECT_DEPOSIT_OPTIONS profile key is set to Y
Time Entry Request Added Leave Time column to the Current Leaves grid on Time Entry Requests
System Setting – Comp Time
Added Default Excess Time to Paid OT option to Time Entry Request Settings Default is not selected
Time Entry Requests - Comp Time
Time Entry Request showing option default
Pay Check Simulator Created a NEW Pay Check Simulator
Allows employees to make simulated changes to their pay and to see the effect of those changes Allowed to add/modify pay Allowed to add/modify deductions Allowed to add/modify federal and/or state withholdings
Pay Check Simulator Feature Availability – activate Pay Check Simulator
Pay Check Simulator Pay Check Simulator link is located on the Payroll page The page displays with sections collapsed and Effective Date defaults to the current date
Pay Check Simulator Change tax withholdings section
Allows employee to make Federal tax changes Allows employee to add/change/delete State tax information
Pay Check Simulator Change earnings and deductions section
Allows employee to add/change/delete pay information Allows employee to add/change/delete deduction information
Pay Check Simulator
Allow user to change security questions and answers
Modified the program to allow the user to save changes to their security questions and answers when the questions and answers are not complete on the User Account Security Questions/Answers page.
Additional Training If you are interested in other alio WebEx group training sessions, you can view a list of sessions currently available at: If you prefer one-on-one training, please contact your alio support provider directly for cost and scheduling information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact alio support at or by direct to
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