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Safeguard Children in Halton

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1 Safeguard Children in Halton
Halton Safeguarding Children Board 2nd Floor, Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn Telephone Number: Website: Intro self LSCB – responsible for coordinating and ensuring the effectiveness of safeguarding children in Halton.

2 Definition of Safeguarding
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children's health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Working Together 2015 What do we mean by the term “safeguarding”?

3 Levels of Need & Associated Services
Explain the levels linking to services and roles of other agencies – The Halton Levels of Need Framework aims to support agencies to meet the needs of children, young people and their families to ensure the best possible outcomes. It aims to assist practitioners and managers in assessing and identifying a child’s level of additional needs and how best to respond in order to meet those needs as early as possible to prevent needs escalating further. The Framework sets out three levels of additional needs above Universal Services that captures the full range of additional needs as they present. Universal Services remain at the heart of all work with children, young people and their families and are in place for all whether additional needs present themselves or not. The fundamental relationship between Universal Services and the three levels of additional needs is captured in the diagram below: Key Principles of the Framework  Safeguarding runs throughout all levels. Provide early help and support at the first possible stage and meet needs at the lowest possible level. The focus is on Halton’s more vulnerable groups and directing service responses at preventing vulnerability. Builds on existing good multi-agency working and formalises shared responsibility for meeting all needs. Supports work of all agencies and is equally applicable to all agencies. Flexible and fluid, allows free movement between levels as additional needs increase or reduce. Clear and understandable Focus on the needs of the child and family to ensure the best outcomes for all. Universal Services are not seen as a level of the framework as they are a given entitlement for all CYP and are in place at all times whether they have additional needs or not e.g. schools, youth service, GP, friendship networks etc.

4 Child Abuse Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Neglect
Types of Child Abuse and Neglect. What type of harm and children most at risk of in Halton? Neglect – includes parental alcohol & substance misuse; Mental ill Health Emotional – Includes Domestic Abuse Physical Sexual

5 Child Sexual Exploitation
E-safety Child Sexual Exploitation Missing Substance Misuse Self Harm Children may find themselves particularly vulnerable to: *CSE – child might not see themselves at risk; might not see it as abuse “boyfriend/girlfriend” *Missing – from home or care: leads to risky situations – where’s the child stating? Who has access to them? Criminal activity to feed themselves, to get money. May lead to substance misuse, risk of CSE. *Substance Misuse – illegal drugs, “legal highs” (now NPS – New Psychoactive Substances). Not just risks from the effects of taking the substances, but also the effects on capacity – ability to understand and make decisions – and criminal activity. *Self Harm – whole range of activity: scratching/cutting, eating disorders, taking substances, risk taking behaviour. *E-Safety – cyberbullying, grooming, gambling. Inter-related. Specific guidance – found on LSCB website in Pan-Cheshire Procedures Specific Assessment tools – CSE & Missing Specific Services – Catch22 CSE & Missing Service, work closely with DA Service; CAMHS & KOOTH – Papyrus here today. You may have key info to support these assessments.

6 Concerns about a child’s welfare
What to do if you have a concern about a child’s welfare Concerns about a child’s welfare Dscuss with Safeguarding Lead without delay Immediate Risk of Significant Harm (Level 3) Still has concerns about a child’s welfare No longer has concerns about a child’s welfare Halton Integrated Contact and Referral Team (ICART) Tel: 9am - 5pm Monday – Thursday (9am – 4:30pm Friday) Emergency Duty Team (Out of hours): Tel: pm – 9am Monday – Thursday (4:30pm – 9am Friday) and 24 hours throughout the weekend and Bank Holidays Cheshire Police 24 hour Tel: 101 (non-emergency) Always contact 999 in an emergency Refers to Children’s Social Care providing a written follow up referral within 48hrs No further action needed and referral closed CSC acknowledge receipt of referral and decide on next course of action within 1 working day If there are additional needs identified ICART may advise a Common Assessment Framework (CAF) - (Level 2) Referral Pathway: what happens when anyone has a concern. March 2016 set up iCART One place/number t report concerns – early intervention and CSC. Multi-agency – Early Help workers & social workers; Police; Health; Education: Adult Services; Catch 22 MFH & CSE Services. Some staff are there every day, some on certain days. CSC feedback to referrer in writing on next course of action within 3 working days. (Referrer should contact CSC if not heard back within this time period) Risk of Significant Harm. Section 47 Enquiries (Level 3) Section 17 Child In Need Procedures (Level 3)

7 Contact details Integrated Contact and Referral Team (iCART)
am -5pamm Monday to Thursday, 9am pm Friday Emergency Duty Team Monday to Thursday and Fridays (24 hours on bank holidays and weekends) Cheshire Police 24 hour Tel 101 (on emergency) 999 emergency (for secure )

8 Halton Safeguarding Children Board
Independent Chair – Richard Strachan Business Manager – Tracey Holyhead Learning & Development Officer – Dawn Lewis Quality Assurance Officer – Gordon Grinney Administrator – Melanie Skelton Training Administrator – Abbi Cooper Telephone: Website: HSCB Support Team – how to contact us. QUESTIONS? (Adults & Children)

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