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In the world of fairy-tales

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1 In the world of fairy-tales

2 The fairy-tale “Snow White”

3 Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Snow White
Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Snow White. She had a stepmother. The stepmother didn’t like her. Snow White was a hard-working girl. She worked from morning till night. The stepmother had a mirror. It was magic. The mirror said to the stepmother: “ You are the most beautiful in the world”. Many years the stepmother heard these words. But once the mirror said: “Snow Whine is more beautiful than you”. The stepmother was angry. She made Snow White leave her house. Snow White went to the forest. In the forest she saw a house. She entered the house and saw a table with 7 chairs and 7 beds. She was tired and went to bed. Soon she slept. The dwarfs lived in the house. They returned from the forest and saw a beautiful girl in their house.

4 Answer the questions, please!
1. What was the name of the girl? 2. Did she have a mother? 3. What did her stepmother have? 4. What did her stepmother say very often? 5. Why was the stepmother angry? 6. Where did Snow White go? 7. What did she see? 8. What did she do in the house? 9. Whom did the dwarfs find in the house?

5 Correct the wrong sentences.
1. Snow White didn’t have a stepmother. 2. Snow White saw a bear in the forest. 3. Snow White was hungry. 4. The dwarfs found a tiger in the house.

6 Choose the right answer to the question:
Why did Snow White run away to the forest? 1. She didn’t want to work 2. She couldn’t live with her stepmother. 3. Her stepmother was a very bad woman and didn’t like Snow White.

7 Choose the best title for the tale. Use the sentence:
1. I think that the best title is… 2. Snow White and 7 dwarfs. 3. The stepmother and her looking glass. 4. Snow White is a good friend. 5. The magic looking glass. 6. Snow White and her stepmother.

8 The fairy-tale “Cinderella”

9 1. Did stepmother and her daughters like Cinderella?
Answer the question. 1. Did stepmother and her daughters like Cinderella? 2. Was Cinderella a hard-working girl? 3. What did Cinderella do at home? 4. Who helped Cinderella? 5. Was Cinderella very happy?

10 Arrange sentences into a logical order according to the text.
1. The Fairy helped her. 2. She didn’t have a rest at all. 3. Cinderella went to the palace and danced with the Prince. 4. Cinderella was a hard-working girl. 5. Once upon a time there was a girl. 

11 Did you… 1. wash the floor? 2. see the plates? 3. see the spoons?
4. go to bed? 5. watch TV? 6. read books? 7. see a table with 7 chairs and 7 beds? 

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