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NCEXTEND1 Grade 11 Training 2015-16.

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Presentation on theme: "NCEXTEND1 Grade 11 Training 2015-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCEXTEND1 Grade 11 Training

2 NCEXTEND1 Administration Videos
STC will receive an with the Google Drive link to access the sample administration videos Grade 10 ELA and Grade 8 Science Videos can ONLY be used to train assessors Distribution of these videos is permitted ONLY from the LEA TC to the STC and from the STC to assessor Distribution from teacher to teacher is NOT permitted Do not to staff Gr 8 Science video- 3:55

3 Google Drive To access google drive: Username: full CMS address Password: initial default password is Cm$ and last five digits of SSN (Cm$12345) After logging into Google Drive, select Shared with Me (on the left toolbar) to see the video links For more information about CMS google accounts:

4 Follow the same NCDPI rules as discussed today for:
Test Security Training Requirements These policies are located in the NCEXTEND1 Assessment Guide and the NC Test Coordinator’s Handbook

5 Test Security Added emphasis for NCEXTEND1:
Cannot disclose contents of the test or discuss with colleagues or students Cannot help students by indicating answers or rephrasing test questions Test materials must be distributed to assessors immediately before testing and returned immediately after testing Cannot reproduce test materials in any manner

6 Test Overview Test administered one-on-one
No estimated or maximum administration time Test time unique to each student Assesses NC Extended Content Standards for Common Core/ Essential Standards Grade 11 test includes 15 total questions 5 English, 5 math, and 5 science questions -Test administration time is unique to each student depending on the student’s ability, focus, and medical condition

7 Student Eligibility First time 11th graders only
Note on School Test Schedule if this excludes any students from testing Documented in current IEP Significant cognitive disability Instructed in NC Extended Content Standards in ALL assessed content areas Eligible hospital/ homebound students should be included in testing Assessor and proctor required Materials checked out in morning and back in same day after testing -NCEXTEND1 participants should NOT be on track for a high school diploma -NCEXTEND1 participants should NOT have scored proficient or showed growth on the standard or NCEXTEND2 version of test -Don’t forget about Hospitalized or Homebound students, same testing procedures apply

8 Scheduling Grade 11 Test Window: March 1 -15
Do not have to test as first activity of morning No instructional activity related to content prior to testing Must check materials out immediately before testing and check them back in immediately after testing Cover or remove hallway and classroom displays related to content Use Testing Do Not Disturb sign Check test rooms prior to testing each day Work with EC staff to determine how long to schedule for your students.

9 NCEXTEND1 Roles Administered individually to each student
One assessor and one proctor required Assessor Administers the test and interacts with the student and test materials Student’s primary teacher for assessed content Certified staff member Read Assessment Guide and sample scripts Proctor Monitors the test, may assist with student needs if necessary (e.g. medical) Familiar with the student being tested May not be a relative of student being tested -Assessor is required to be the student’s primary teacher for the assessed content area, have routine contact with the student, familiar with the NC Extended Content Standards -Proctor is required to be familiar with the student being tested, age 18 or older, and not be a relative or K-12 student -Additional requirements on page 3-4 of AG

10 Assessor Training Testing Code of Ethics and Test Security
Assessment Guide and NCEXTEND1 Administration Local Procedures Practice with sample script Sample assessor script (Appendix of Assessment Guide) NCDPI NCEXTEND1 site (Test Information Sheets, Released Forms, Glossary) extend1 Sample video link will be shared via Google Drive; can only be shared by STC not by teachers Also use the released test items to prepare students for testing.

11 X1 Assessment Guide Grade 11 Script, pg. 51
Use the break script at any time

12 NCEXTEND1 Administration
Script in Assessor Books must be followed verbatim All items must be presented to students in a standardized manner (e.g. response cards lined up the exact same way) All items must be presented to students All test items and response choices are read aloud to students by the Assessor for the Grade 11 test -No additional coaching/ student assistance can be provided

13 Positive Reinforcement/ Redirection
The Assessor may use the student’s name at any time during testing Positive reinforcement and redirection techniques (thumbs up, good job) may be used to maintain engagement May not give indication of correct/ incorrect response by student

14 Accommodations Follow accommodations documented in IEP
Built-in breaks at discretion of Assessor May take breaks if needed for any student and at any time during the test Can test in one or multiple sessions or days Utilize Review of Accommodations Used During NCEXTEND1 Testing form for each student and subject -Use the Review of Accommodations Used During NCEXTEND1 Testing form for each subject test being administered -Assessor may have access to manipulative cards only, not the other test materials -Don’t adapt original manipulative kits—make copies of items you need -Any accommodations not listed in the AG must be requested via the Accommodation Notification Form -Breaks may be taken at any time during the assessment, at the discretion of the assessor, regardless of documentation in the student’s IEP -If a student routinely uses Multiple Testing Sessions, the accommodation should be documented on the IEP to facilitate scheduling and ensure the student receives the appropriate accommodations

15 Accommodations Braille Large Print AT Device Multiple Testing Sessions
Order by ing StateAndFederalPrograms Large Print Assessor creates large print manipulative cards only (under secure conditions) AT Device Needs to be documented for state test use, even if used everyday Multiple Testing Sessions Document if typically used or if specific schedule needed Can take a break at any time

16 Adaptations to Manipulative Cards
Adaptations to Manipulatives documented in IEP for NCEXTEND1 Adaptations may be made up to 2 weeks before testing in secure group setting (3 school staff members) Only manipulative cards may be previewed All adaptations are secure test materials All adapted materials must be returned with testing materials Even adaptations made in error Pg. 23, all adaptations and materials created in the process (cards enlarged but not to sufficient size) are secure test materials that must remain securely stored at school and returned at the end of the testing window.

17 Adaptations to Manipulative Cards
If specific adaptation not listed in AG, State and Federal Programs for approval Examples specified in Assessment Guide: For student response modes (attaching cards to communication board or switch) For visual impairments (enlarging cards, raising lines for drawings, colored cards) For substituting objects for manipulative cards (using an actual ball for a card that says “ball”) Objects may be substituted for pictures only if used as method of responding Student-specific symbols may be substituted for pictures only if used in instruction Pg. 23, all adaptations and materials created in the process (cards enlarged but not to sufficient size) are secure test materials that must remain securely stored at school and returned at the end of the testing window. Approved adaptations listed on page 12 and in the scripts, i.e. page 49

18 Student Responses Students may respond using their regular method of response (e.g. verbally, pointing, eye gaze, AT devices) Students have up to two opportunities to respond to each item If correct on response 1, go to next item If incorrect on response 1 (or no response), remove card according to Assessor Book and give student second opportunity If student selects multiple cards, score as incorrect -Refer to the sample question at the end of the presentation for how to record student responses in the test booklet

19 Recording and Entering Student Responses
Student responses are recorded directly in Assessor Book After testing, assessor enter the responses from the Assessor Book in NC Education under secure conditions 2 points awarded for correct answer on trial 1 1 point for correct answer on trial 2 0 points for incorrect answer/ no response -Refer to the sample question at the end of the presentation for how to record student responses in the test booklet -Ensure that all scores are promptly entered in NC Education

20 Sample Item Stimulus Cards Card A Stimulus Card Card B Card C

21 Sample Item Trial 1 SAY: (Stimulus) “Here are 5 counters. Which card shows the same number of counters as this card?” Present the response cards in the following order (Card A, Card B, Card C). SAY: “Which card has the same number of counters? Which card shows the same number of counters?” Record student response below and follow directions to continue with Trial 2 or next item.

22 Sample Item Fill In Trial 1 Student Response Here
Card A Remove Card A, Trial 2 Card B Go to the next item. Card C Remove Card C, Trial 2 No Response Remove Card A, Trial 2

23 Sample Item Trial 2 SAY: (Stimulus) “Here are 5 counters. Which card shows the same number of counters as this card?” Present the remaining response cards in the following order If Card A was removed Present Card B then Card C. If Card C was removed Present Card A then Card B. SAY: “Which card has the same number of counters? Which card shows the same number of counters?” Record student response below and continue to next item.

24 Sample Item Fill In Trial 2 Student Response Here
Card A Go to the next item. Card B Go to the next item. Card C Go to the next item. No Response Go to the next item.

25 Before Test Day Procedures
Read NCEXTEND1 Assessment Guide Attend training session Read and follow test security procedures Practice with script Know how to recognize and report testing irregularities- All irregularities reported in OTISS Know local testing procedures Know how to provide needed accommodations Make student-specific adaptations to manipulatives (under secure conditions) Prepare testing environment -Adaptations to manipulatives must be completed under secure conditions in a group setting up to two weeks before the test administration. All copied materials are secure test materials. -Also complete the DLM First Contact Survey before testing.

26 Test Day Procedures Verify exact number of materials upon receipt
Ensure required test materials are provided All required materials must be provided, even if student does not routinely use (i.e. calculator) Follow uniform process of administration Use positive reinforcement to maintain engagement Grade 11 Materials Assessment Guide Assessor Booklet (per student) Manipulative Kit Contains: - Manipulative Cards & - ELA Selection Book Pencil/ Writing Utensil Blank Paper Calculator *Minimum 4 function including adapted calculators; must be cleared before and after testing. Timing Device -Must distribute all materials according to the AG, even if the student is unlikely to use them (blank paper, calculator)

27 After Test Procedures Count and return ALL test materials
Complete Review of Accommodations Used During NCEXTEND1 Testing form and place in IEP folder Enter information in NC Education under secure conditions Enter student test responses Enter notes/ feedback, if applicable Enter accommodations provided, if applicable

28 After Test- Data Entry Options
Test Responses must be entered in NC Education under secure conditions Assessor transcribes, another school staff member verifies, and a third observes All 3 sign front cover of test book Recommended Data Entry Schedule: Assessor returns materials to STC immediately after testing Meet with NCEXTEND1 TA at a separate time Assessor checks materials out and enters test responses and accommodations in NC Education under secure conditions STC confirms data entry in NC Education before assessor checks materials back in Responses are locked daily at 7pm

29 NCEXTEND1 Materials Received
Inventory materials and fax packing list Teacher Kits Shipped in plastic bag Contain Manipulative Cards per subject Paper- clipped with paper label Cards are numbered (i.e. 1-48, 2-48) Contain Selection Book for ELA Reused across students Looks the same as Assessor Book Assessor Books Materials: Count and record # of secure test materials and supplemental materials when first received, before distribution, after test administration, when materials are returned to TC. Must report any discrepancies immediately Must not be left unattended at any time All materials must be returned to school TC immediately after test administration Maintain in secure locked facility Teacher Kit bag will NOT contain Assessor Books

30 NCEXTEND1 Materials Procedures
Returned to the Scoring Center at ACCESS Check-In Schedule on SharePoint Separate table for NCEXTEND1 and CCRAA Materials Check-In Pack original boxes Top: Packing List(s) Used Assessor Books Student Name, ID #, 3 signatures Teacher Kits Unused Assessor Books Securely destroy (shred) used scratch paper at school or return at bottom of box NCEXTEND1 Assessment Guides may be retained for Grade 10 testing in May/ June Since there is no separate Assessor Rating Sheet this year, there are no materials to store at schools and no NCEXTEND1 Materials Storage form to complete.

31 Ncextend1 data processing guide Steps to complete in nc Education

32 Data Processing Guide Includes all steps for STC & Assessor
Submit NCEXTEND1 Eligibility Verification Forms √ Create and Approve NC Education Accounts √ Confirm Student List √ Match Assessors √ Enter NCEXTEND1 Test Responses a Enter Accommodations Provided a Verify Completion of Testing and Data Entry √ Already completed a Completed by Assessor

33 3) Confirm Student List The Grade 11 student list should be accurate, but is not a roster Ignore the Grade 10 student list in NC Education at this time Confirm student’s grade level State and Federal Programs if there are errors in the student list

34 4) Match Assessors Select course from NC Schools tab
Select Assessor Matching Under the Assessor 1 column, select the ASSESSOR’s name from the appropriate drop-down box

35 5) Enter Test Responses Must be entered under secure conditions
Assessor enters, another school staff member verifies, and a third observes Choose the student’s response for each item (Card A, B, C, No Response, or Not Used) Enter Item Feedback Error messages for data entry errors Verify and confirm scores to display Accommodations page -After the test -Select Enter Scores from the Assessment Info page (Assessment History must be completed first) -Enter notes/ feedback in the text field on the right -Enter Item feedback including item quality, clarity of language, alignment to Common Core Extended Content Standard, formatting and graphics quality, bias, and special accommodations made for a particular item

36 6) Enter Accommodations
Test responses will not be saved until accommodations are entered May choose multiple accommodations or select “No Accommodations Provided” Once submitted, Data Entry Complete shown under status Records locked daily at 7pm

37 7) Monitor Completion School Test Coordinator’s Responsibility
NCEXTEND1 Data Entry Reports Assessor Matching Student Responses- Grade 11* *Student Response report reflects Accommodations Entered. No separate report for accommodations.

38 Contact:
SharePoint: Shared Documents > State Testing Information > NCEXTEND1 NCDPI NCEXTEND1 site Test Information Sheets, Released Forms, and Glossary Do not the NC Education Help Desk unless directed to do so by State and Federal Programs

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