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Considerations for ETC 2011

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1 Considerations for ETC 2011
Alice B. Herrera Adviser

2 Before presenting my suggestions for your ETC 2011 program, I would like to lay down some questions
You may already have discussed this but would like to present it any way as it will be the premise or basis of my suggestions You don’t need to discuss this lengthily but any reactions or feedback, kindly jot them down

3 What are our goals and objectives for ETC 2011?
To reach out to as many stakeholders as possible to provide useful and timely information? To get interest of companies to listen to our AEMAS program and to get them to participate? To get more image mileage? What else? Other BODs may have some more to add If we can get as many participants as we can, this means more income for ENPAP . . .more income means more activities

4 Energy Management: Key to Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness
What do we want to present? The following are my perception that respond to our theme: Energy management at the facility level (AEMAS speakers can take care of this) Energy management at a national level country’s overall energy policy directions (is it for economic development, reduction of energy use or environment protection) country’s current strategies on renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation, power supply

5 “Enabling environment” for energy managers (what energy managers should know to enable them to function well) Energy efficiency technologies Energy management software Adoption of RE in their facilities Financing of energy projects ESCOs and other service providers Purchasing strategies for electricity (e.g. TOU, open access)

6 3-day Conference If you agree that we need to inform the participants of all these things, then consider doing a 3-day conference we still have time March, April & May. We want to attract participants because of the topics that we are presenting because it will be useful for them Yes, we are highlighting the AEMAS Launch but we don’t want to invite participants because of the launch Main question is “what’s in it for them” Remember they are paying participants and they want to get the most out of their money

7 Exhibits We can venture into putting up exhibits (I know that this is hard but I have a suggestion for you to consider after presenting the program) Based on previous exhibits (ENMAP and ENPAP), we usually get most of our income from exhibits that is with the appropriate pricing.

8 Program Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 8:00 – 9:00 Registration 9:00 – 10:30
Opening Ceremonies Existing Energy Efficiency Programs EE Programs (EU, GTZ, PhilGBC) 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:30 Energy Management in Power Supply, RE Updates, EE Policy Updates Advanced Energy Efficiency Technologies Financing EE Projects (IFC, Banks) 12:30 – 1:30 Lunch Break 1:30 – 3:00 RE and EE Laws Update; Climate Change and CDM AEMAS Launch: What is AEMAS? Procedure EM & Purchasing Strategies (TOU, Open Access) 3:00 – 3:30 3:30 – 5:00 Adoption of Renewable Energy as an EM Strategy AEMAS Launch: EE Success Stories Closing Ceremonies

9 Notes We can probably have the DOE Secretary during lunch time and then after eating, we can proceed right away with the AEMAS Launch. I don’t want to put this on the 3rd day as we might lose some participants. I hope participants would stay for the success stories on EE.

10 Exhibits (Suggestion)
Traditional exhibits – with booth (e.g. 2x3 or 3x3) and located outside the Conference venue What I have seen in Toronto – exhibitors are inside the conference room (e.g. below)

11 Stage Stage Exhibitors Projection screens
Notes: Advantageous to the exhibitors; no booths – we only need tables which can be arranged from the hotel; exhibitors need to bring their own panels or stands

12 Please think about the suggestions
Please think about the suggestions! Let’s be open about it and look forward to really providing inputs and own contribution for ENPAP Thanks! Missing You All Kung Hei Fat Choi

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