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Nazareth Retreat Center

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1 Nazareth Retreat Center
Regnum Christi Regnum Christi Regnum Christi Christ our King! Thy Kingdom come! Men’s Spiritual Retreat Join us! October , 2016 (Friday-Sunday) At: Nazareth Retreat Center 1814 Egyptian way Grand Prairie, TX 75050 “CARITAS CHRISTI URGET NOS” “THE LOVE OF CHRIST IMPELS US”

2 Silent Retreat Registration Form
Regnum Christi Regnum Christi Regnum Christi Silent Retreat Arrival/Check-In: Friday, 6:30 PM (dinner will not be served on this day) Retreat begins promptly at 7 pm Departure: Sunday, 2 pm following lunch Daily Mass Guided Meditations Confession & Spiritual Direction available What to bring: Bible, Rosary, Sunday Mass Clothes and Toiletries. You can find driving directions and info on the Nazareth Retreat Center at: Registration Deadline: October 10th Registration Form Name:_______________________ Address:_____________________ City/State/Zip:_________________ Phone:______________________ _______________________ List any possible 2 roommates: _____________________________ Please mail this section and check payable to: “LC Pastoral Services or LCPS” In addition to my own registration fee, I have included…  $  $  $  Other___­_ to make this retreat possible for someone needing financial assistance. Cost: $ Single occupancy $ Double occupancy $ Commuters Make checks payable to: LC Pastoral Services, Inc. Mail your registration form by October 10th to: Men’s Spiritual Exercises c/o Fr. Peter Hopkins, LC 3813 Cabeza de Vaca Cir. Irving,TX 75062 THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS AFTER October 15TH More information: Fr. Peter Hopkins, LC (914)

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