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Implementation: The Payoff

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation: The Payoff"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation: The Payoff

2 What We Will Cover The Mission: A Talent Alignment Device
Moments of Truth: “Living the Mission” Reinforcing the Mission statement Internally Externally Mission’s alignment with strategy

3 The Purpose of a Mission for an Organization
To engage the soul and build an internal community committed to a shared purpose Provide a direction or “True North” for everyone in the organization Provide guidance in time & money allocation

4 Your Mission as a Device to Attract Talent…
…And Keep the Wrong People Off the Bus

5 It Starts With the Interview…

6 The Employee You Are Looking For
Is committed to the purpose of the organization Is motivated and wants to contribute to the organization and its team members in creating competitive advantage Is creative and productive utilizing the values and culture of the workplace

7 Questions to Separate Prospects from Suspects
Suggested questions to check candidate alignment: What accomplishment are you most proud of and why? What’s the toughest decision you’ve had to make (and how did you make it)? 3. Have you done any research on us? 4. How would you interpret our mission statement? 5. How would you utilize each of our four values when dealing with tenants, contractors and clients 6. Why do you want to work here?

8 Your Ultimate Goal is to Attract The Right Person
In Order For the Fit to Be Right Employees Need to: Know the Purpose of the organization Know Who they do it for Know What values are utilized to get the job done

9 Organizations are Made up of People
“Companies die because their managers focus on the economic activity of producing goods and services, and they forget that their organizations true nature is that of a community of humans” Arie de Geus

10 Jim Collins’ Advice for Excellence
“In fact, leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with “where” but with “who.” They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.”

11 “The goal is not to hire people who simply have a skill set you need, the goal is to hire people who believe what you believe.”

12 “People are either motivated or they are not
“People are either motivated or they are not. Unless you give motivated people something to believe in, something bigger than their job to work toward, they will motivate themselves to find a new job and you’ll be stuck with whoever’s left.”

13 The Power of Mission How to attract and retain the right people on the bus… Hire for attitude and motivation consistent with your mission and values Living the Mission and “moments of truth” Keep the Mission “Top of Mind” Examples in communications & newsletters Examples and contests in staff meetings

14 Living the Mission


16 New Employee Orientation From the Leader of the Company
Apple Apple has always been different. A different kind of company with a different view of the world. It's a special place where we have the opportunity to create the best products on earth - products that change lives and help shape the future. It's a privilege we hold dear."

17 A moment of truth takes place each time profits and production come up against mission and values

18 The Stated Values

19 When Volkswagen revealed that it had installed software on millions of cars in order to trick the Environmental Protection Agency’s emissions testers into thinking that the cars were more environmentally friendly than they were, investors understandably deserted the company. Volkswagen lost roughly $20 billion in market capitalization, as investors worried about the cost of compensating customers for selling them cars that weren't compliant with environmental regulations.

20 The Stated Values

21 The Real Operational Values
“…electronics conglomerate Toshiba admitted that it had overstated its earnings by nearly $2 billion over seven years, more than four times its initial estimate.

22 The Purpose of a Mission for an Organization
To engage the soul and build an internal community committed to a shared purpose Provide a direction or “True North” for everyone in the organization Provide guidance in time & money allocation

23 Utilizing The Mission Statement
Reinforcing Your Mission: Celebrate achievements that support mission and values Use company and building newsletters Staff meetings and contests Marketing materials

24 Is Your Organization Mission Driven?
How would you answer the following questions?

25 Are You Mission Driven? How would you answer the following questions:
Leadership uses mission and values to make decisions and provide guidance. Frontline uses mission and values to make decisions and provide guidance Mission and values are reinforced at each staff meeting and company newsletter Stories featuring employees exemplifying the mission and values are circulated

26 Are your mission and strategy connected
Does your onboarding process have a section on your mission and values Are your mission and strategy connected Is promotion based on adherence to company mission and values What percentage of your organization could recite your mission and values

27 The Purpose of Your Strategic Plan
The purpose of a strategic plan is to help the organization accomplish its mission. Thus, all strategic plans must start by looking at the organization’s mission

28 What We Covered The Mission: A Talent Alignment Device
Moments of Truth: “Living the Mission” Reinforcing the Mission statement Internally Externally Mission’s alignment with strategy

29 Some Final Thoughts... “In times of change, learners inherit the world - while the learned remain beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer

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