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Week 1: Day 4 Flag Image:

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1 Week 1: Day 4 Flag Image:

2 Opener: Fun Facts about Big Ben
1) Biggest ___ - faced chiming clock in the world. 2) The clock became operational on the __th of September 1859. 3) The four faces of the clock are ___ meters above ground. 4) The bell of 'Big Ben' weighs ____ tons. 5) The interior volume of the tower is _____ cubic meters. Clues to determine the missing value: 1) 2) 3) 5n – 13 = 42; n = ___ 4) A 29 degree angle is bisected by a ray. What is the measure of each smaller angle? 5) Find the product of 5 and 930. _

3 Closure: Properties of Big Ben
Closing Questions: What type of transformation is represented as the hands on the clock move with time? As the small hand moves around the clock, what can you verify about the angle measure? (See yellow angle) What type of lines do the red lines represent? When the clock strikes 6, what can you verify about the red lines? As the big hand moves around the clock, what can you verify about the blue line? Image:

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