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Pertemuan 12 Manajemen Memory (Lanjutan)

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Presentation on theme: "Pertemuan 12 Manajemen Memory (Lanjutan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pertemuan 12 Manajemen Memory (Lanjutan)
Matakuliah : T0316/sistem Operasi Tahun : 2005 Versi/Revisi : 5 Pertemuan 12 Manajemen Memory (Lanjutan) OFFCLASS02

2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menjelaskan pengelolaan memory tingkat lanjut, misalnya swapping, virtual memory (C2)

3 Outline Materi Swaping Memory management dgn Bit Map Memory management dgn Linked List Algoritma pengalokasian memori Virtual memory Page table

4 Swapping (1) Memory allocation changes as
processes come into memory leave memory Shaded regions are unused memory

5 Swapping (2) Allocating space for growing data segment
Allocating space for growing stack & data segment

6 Memory Management with Bit Maps
Part of memory with 5 processes, 3 holes tick marks show allocation units shaded regions are free Corresponding bit map Same information as a list

7 Memory Management with Linked Lists
Four neighbor combinations for the terminating process X

8 Algorithm for memory allocation
First Fit Next Fit Best Fit Worst Fit Quick Fit To speed-up search: Separate table for process and holes Hole list is sorted (eg ascending)  Best fit = first fit; next fit is unnecessary

9 Virtual Memory Paging (1)
The position and function of the MMU

10 Paging (2) The relation between virtual addresses and physical memory addresses given by page table

11 Page Tables (1) Internal operation of MMU with 16 4 KB pages

12 Page Tables (2) 32 bit address with 2 page table fields
Second-level page tables Top-level page table 32 bit address with 2 page table fields Two-level page tables

13 Typical page table entry
Page Tables (3) Typical page table entry

14 TLBs – Translation Lookaside Buffers
A TLB to speed up paging

15 Inverted Page Tables Comparison of a traditional page table with an inverted page table

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