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New Fermions at the Crossroads of Tevatron and LHC

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1 New Fermions at the Crossroads of Tevatron and LHC
Summary of the previous workshop Second Workshop on Beyond 3 Generation Standard Model — New Fermions at the Crossroads of Tevatron and LHC October 23, 2011, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi


3 Outline Opening: Unel, Holdom
Summary of Previous [Four Statements] / Approaching Strong 4G EW Precision Tests & Leptons Plehn, Ozcan, Antipin, FFLee CKM Constraint: Lenz, Lacker; BaBar, Belle, D0, CDF; Ma, Nandi, Bashiry; LHCb Intro / B Factory / Tevatron / Flavor & CPV / LHCb Prospect Direct Search: CDF, D0; CMS, ATLAS; Maltoni, Bar-Shalom, Arhrib Tevatron / LHC Prospect / Pheno Beyond SM4: Alwall; Branco, Nebot; Ozcan Exotic / Vector-like / Search Theory: PQHung, Kikukawa, Hashimoto Fixed Point / EW Phase Trans. / DEWSB Two Forums: Lattice Higgs-Yukawa Gerhold (Intro), DLin, Kikukawa, Soni Towards Super B Factory Paoloni, PChang, Lacker, Nakao, Musy, Punzi Summary Soni

4 TOPCITE = 100+

5 S1: Viability S2: Desirability S3: Accountability S4: Discoverability
Could reuse again: LP11 S1: Viability S2: Desirability S3: Accountability S4: Discoverability

6 Approaching a strong fourth family (Bob Holdom)

7 We await the light SM Higgs verdict
Bob Holdom We await the light SM Higgs verdict

8 EW Precision Constraints
Tilman Plehn Kribs, TP, Spannowsky, Tait

9 Test ran for SM4 quarks, and Majorana n’s
Erkcan Özcan Test ran for SM4 quarks, and Majorana n’s

10 Clear signal with 10 fb-1 @ 14 TeV
Oleg Antipin Antipin, Heikinheimo, Tuominen, JHEP 09 Clear signal with TeV n.b. backdrop: walking TC w/o 4G quarks

11 Fei-Fan Lee WSH, Lee, Ma, PRD 09

12 Constraints on CKM4 Heiko Lacker “CKM4fitter”

13 How much space is left for a new family?
Alex Lenz Bobrowski, AL, Riedl, Rohrwild, PRD 09 Overly “Ultraconservative”? Unfortunately Chanowitz could not attend.

14 One Source of “Anomalies”: B Factories

15 The other Source of “Anomalies”: Tevatron
CDF: Giovanni Punzi D0: Daria Zieminska n.b. this was before 5/2010

16 Giovanni Punzi

17 Flavor and CPV data with heavy t' and b'
Chien-Yi Ma

18 Chien-Yi Ma WSH and Ma, PRD 10 smaller

19 Soumitra Nandi B and K Physics
Soni, Alok, Giri, Mohanta, Nandi, PLB 10 & PRD 10

20 Soumitra Nandi Belle + BaBar CDF + D0 Vali Bashiry
Soni, Alok, Giri, Mohanta, Nandi, PLB 10 & PRD 10 Belle + BaBar CDF + D0 VB & Bayar, EPJC 10; VB, Shirkhanghah,. Zeynali PRD 10 Vali Bashiry

21 The Hammer of Judgement: LHCb
Marco Musy Not Quite Thunderous this summer !

22 Direct Search Daniel Whiteson → PRL 10

23 Novel D0 Searches Elemér Nagy

24 Novel D0 Searches Elemér Nagy
based on: Dobrescu, Kong, Mahbubani, JHEP 09 color octet spin 1

25 CMS Prospects Tulika Bose also: Top Partner

26 New Tools ATLAS Prospects Daniel Whiteson
Fabio Maltoni’s talk on single top and 4G given by Plehn

27 The “3-prong composite solution” to the SM4 (figure taken from: Chanowitz, Phys.Rev.D79:113008,2009)
Shaouly Bar-Shalom mH ~ O(1) TeV < 2mt’b’ mt’,b’ ~ O(500) GeV 34 ~ O(0.1) Central value Eilam, Soni, SBS, PLB 10 The compositeness SM4 “spot”? Direct searches Further hints from: compositeness Flavor data Beyond SM3, Taiwan 2010 14-Jan

28 Still quite some while …
Abdesslam Arhrib AA, WSH, PRD 09 Still quite some while … also: Eilam, Melic, Trampetic, PRD 09

29 Production at early LHC
Beyond SM4 Johan Alwall Production at early LHC JA, Feng, Kumar, Su, PRD 09 inspired ATLAS search

30 Yeong-jyi Lei, next session
Vector-like Quarks tomorrow Yeong-jyi Lei, next session

31 Non-SM Fermions ATLAS V. Erkcan Özcan ATLAS Fast Sim
Mehdiyev, Siodmok, Sultansoy, Unel, EPJC 08

32 Theory P.Q. Hung PQH, Xiong, & [NPB 11 & PLB 11]

33 DEWSB, 4G and MultiHiggs Michio Hashimoto Yoshio Kikukawa
MH, Miransky, PRD 09 & 10 Yoshio Kikukawa Kohda, Yasuda, YK, Prog. Theor. Phys. 09

34 Forum: Higgs-Yukawa Model on a Lattice
The Forums Forum: Higgs-Yukawa Model on a Lattice

35 Lattice Intro Philipp Gerhold

36 Forum: Higgs-Yukawa Model on a Lattice
The Forums Forum: Higgs-Yukawa Model on a Lattice Remote Talk tomorrow Forum: How can Super B factory pin down 4th generation parameters Didn’t get far … Still Time

37 How Soni flipped from Warped to 4G
Summary of Summary A. Soni How Soni flipped from Warped to 4G

38 Summary of Summary A. Soni Yogi to Soni: Gotcha !

39 B Physics Results from the LHC
Gerhard Raven LP11

40 Summary of LP11 Michael E. Peskin

41 Let the Workshop Begin !


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