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PPUAC Report Helen Hayward.

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Presentation on theme: "PPUAC Report Helen Hayward."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPUAC Report Helen Hayward

2 News from Management The new organisational and management structure
As presented to Council 17/9/2015 SMB = Site Management and Building Department is a streamlined version of previous GS Department  will focus on resource-intensive tasks: civil engineering, buildings construction and consolidation, site services. Other GS activities moved elsewhere (Medical Service and Fire Brigade to HSE, SIS/Library to Research and Computing Sector, etc.).

3 News from Management Physics News:
Scientific strategy will continue Priority 1: LHC exploitation (including HL-LHC) Priority 2: scientific diversity programme (includes Isolde, Antiproton accelerator, SPS/ rare decays, neutrinos) Priority 3: Futures (Accelerator R&D, AWAKE, conceptual designs e.g. FCC) Currently working on incresing lumi by squeezing beta* Ireland EoI for joining, Lithuania to present fuller document Q: Are there discussions with China on FCC? Yes: they attend workshops and CERN advise the Chinese circular collider programme 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

4 GS/SMP Department – Service Report
212,000 requests in 2015 Doubled from 2011 48,000 in first 2 months on 2016 Most via Feedback button now available Suggestions box now available, but not wodly advertised (15 suggestions in 3 months) 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

5 Mobility center live – Parking Globe
Opening hours : 08h00-12h00 -13h00-17h00 (From Mondays to Fridays) Single point of contact for collecting and returning cars and bicycles (and much more). CERN Bikes Car pool (short and long term, logo and non logo cars) Car share Car rental (SIXT) Collection and return of cars outside working hours using safety deposit box system for SIXT and key management system Request of car rental through EDH 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

6 Garage B. 130 CERN bikes Repairs and maintenance during the rental
Opening hours : 08h00-12h h00-17h00 (From Mondays to Fridays) CERN bikes Repairs and maintenance during the rental Bike sharing maintenance CERN cars (incl car sharing) Small maintenance during the rental (oil, windshield washing product, wipers, bulbs and fuses, etc.) Battery charging and replacement Cleaning, Refuelling Back office for administrative actions and maintenance planning 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

7 SMB – cars/bikes misc. Q: electric cars? A: no, the costs do not stack up Q: bikes going missing A: possible due to collection of old bikes, but otherwise put a ticket in about theft. Basket available for bike on request Long term parking has to be booked too long in advance – looking to improve it. App for short term rental : you need “token” ! Token also needed for STFC vans 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

8 Crossing Entrance - Prévessin
New configuration of the traffic lights crossing – CERN Traffic capacity designed for the next 30 years Bike crossing on surface with dedicated light phase Protocoled between Ain Department and CERN in progress to finalise (CERN contribution– land session) Call for tender in preparation by the CD01-DDR Work execution planned between summer 2016 and beginning 2017 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

9 hotels New hotel contract: some teething problems - smooth now
Stricter application of existing rules Service review in summer Please report hostel comments immediately so they are taken account in review. 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

10 Globe renovation Pretty much on schedule; should be ready early April
10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

11 Gas contract change update:
Negotiations with the company are very close to being finalized. We have not yet charged any rental (included). Discussions on how to (re)cover the settlement fee are ongoing. Restaurant actions followed from suggestion box: Indication of vegetarian dishes. Additional beer spigots, etc… 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

12 Mobile Telephony Swisscom signals above ground tolerated until 31/12/15 (extended to 30/06/16) or an alternative solution in place. But Transmission power limited Service capacity limited 2G signals only French and Swiss authorities agree that a single operator can provide underground coverage for 2G, 3G and 4G services Another operator will replace Swisscom for the provision of above ground coverage in the Pays de Gex Taking over the Swisscom sites at LHC points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7; B866 & B887 in Prévessin and on the water tower. 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

13 Mobile Telephony The swiss-com transmitter on the water tower will be moved to B3191 or B188 to cover West part of the Meyrin site, minimising the coverage of French territory outside the fence. Another operator will put a transmitter on B40, similarly covering the East part of the site without unduly covering Swiss territory. Phone system to be replaced by end 2018 Q: Wireless in b40 A: There is no budget, but an RF study will be done Q: Can users buy a base station and have IT run it? A: No, but they can advise 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

14 Microcosm Reopened Jan 2016 with new exhibits
Realistic simulation/emulation of underground areas Gathering A/V onto website for reuse Q: Why not open on Sunday ? A: safety and cost Q: Why no more basic physics? A: did not agree 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

15 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

16 Health Insurance Revised criteria 01/04/15 excludes MPAs living in Switzerland > 3 months Initial price €139/month Annual review continued negotiations on a further enlargement of the eligibility criteria a bug in their software which leads to confusion: The certificate always shows a contract length of 1 year. The contract date on the membership cards is correct. A contract can not be extended. To renew a contract, a new contract must be started once the previous one is terminated. Costs increased in Jan 2016 A few cases of in-patient treatment (hospital) were costly AWC experiences a significant loss with the product Eligibility Criteria: MPA’s can take this insurance independent of the country in which they reside UNLESS they are obliged by state law to adhere to LaMAL insurance or the French national security scheme) New conditions apply as of 1st of April 2016: AWC proposed to increased the price by 100%. The brokers managed to negotiate a 77% increase: 246 € (Preferred Option) AWC proposes to introduce the option of a 100 € deductible per contract. This will reduce the increase of the fee to 70 %: 236 € Each contract maximum 6 months. (N.b most likely there will be another increase next year) 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

17 School Policy Starting from September 2015, the College-Licee has decided to decline offering this opportunity to pupils who have the language capability to study three languages as native speaker ACCU recommend CERN to support the continuation of trilingual education (as native Language) at the International School of Ferney-Voltaire 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

18 Strategic Communications
CERN is now working and preparing a strategic communications plan and there is the wish to revise all aspects of internal communications at CERN, including the Bulletin. what kind of internal information Users want to receive? what is most important information? and on what platform and frequency. Included in this discussion is the frequency and content of the notification. They are looking into methods of Customization of the Bulletin to adjust and to adapt the information to the needs of each individual. Central and important parts such as the official news should always be kept, but other parts could be suppressed if not wanted and decided by the readers, e.g. announcements of certain kind of seminars. A personal Bulletin reading profile seems possible and would be an option. An anonymous survey on communication was launched in February 2016, addressed to all Users. Results will be reported to ACCU at one of the next meeting 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

19 backup 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

20 for International Relations
Updated structure of the IR Sector Office of the Director for International Relations Strategic Planning and Evaluation Protocol Secretariat Education, Communications and Outreach Stakeholder Relations Host State Relations Editorial Content Development Audiovisual Production Service Design & Visual Identity Service Exhibitions & Global Engagement Member State Relations Non-Member State Relations Media and Press Relations Relations with International Organizations Teacher and Student Programmes Partnerships and Fundraising Visitors and Local engagement 10/05/2016 Helen Hayward - PPUAC

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