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Crossfire Game Overview

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1 Crossfire Game Overview
Game Animation Link (5 minutes) Use Password at the end of this presentation

2 Crossfire Goal: Design and build a prototype robot to perform the following during a three minute match. Rescue a fire test manikin Contain the dangerous chemicals Extinguish the flames

3 Crossfire Game Field

4 Game Field Description
The field is comprised of three Zones: The No-Entry Zone, the Hot Zone, and the Cold Zone. The No-Entry Zone is where the flames are located. The Hot Zone surrounds the No-Entry Zone, and is divided into 4 smaller areas, each of which is only accessible by one team (Green, Red, Blue, Yellow). The Cold Zone surrounds the Hot Zone and is accessible by all four teams.

5 No-Entry Zone Details The No-Entry Zone is the 6’x6’x5’ structure in the middle of the field and is the origin point of the fire. Robots will not be allowed to enter – or even reach into – the No-Entry Zone. The No-Entry Zone is divided into four sections by Shields made from window screen. The fire is concentrated in three areas called Shelves (Top, Middle, and Bottom). Flames are located on the shelves in stacks of three. Robots may access “recycled Water” by opening the Water Return.

6 Hot Zone Details The Hot Zone is the 3’ wide area surrounding the No-Entry Zone. It is divided by walls into four smaller areas, accessible by one team (Green, Red, Blue, or Yellow). Manny the Manikin is lying on the ground in the left side of each Hot Zone. His exact position is somewhat random. There are three Chemical Drums in the right side of each Hot Zone, stacked in pyramid formation. The Drums have different amounts of Chemicals inside, which alters their weight, but not their outward appearance.

7 Cold Zone Details The Cold Zone is the 6’ wide area surrounding the Hot Zone. All robots are allowed all the way around the Cold Zone, except inside other teams’ Starting Boxes. This area contains the Starting Boxes, and the Containment Areas. The Containment Area is box located in the corner of the field and is the scoring position for the Chemical Drums.

8 Outside the Game Field Driver Boxes, Spotter Boxes, Stretchers, Rescue Timer Buttons, & Water Hydrants. The Stretcher is a box and is the scoring area for the Manikin. It is located to the immediate left of the Spotter Box outside the field. The Rescue Timer Button is located on a square platform on the right side of the Spotter Box. The Water Hydrant is a 2-gallon bucket, located on the left side of the Spotter Box, beyond the Stretcher. Note: The physical game field that robots compete on will be different from the exact dimensions described in the rules and field drawings. Teams will be more successful if they prepare for these differences by building robots that are flexible and robust (“minimally sensitive to factors causing variability”).

9 Game Field Pieces Flames Water Chemical Drums Manny the Manikin Water

10 Rescue Manny Scoring Opportunity 1 - Rescue Manny
Rescued - When the Manikin is inside the Stretcher with all four limbs oriented away from the head and touching the bottom of the Stretcher.

11 Rescue Timer Bonus Scoring Opportunity Timed BONUS - Rescue Timer Bonus Once Manny is rescued, the spotter presses the Rescue Timer Button to activate the Rescue Timer Bonus.

12 Extinguish Flames Scoring Opportunity 2 - Extinguish Flames
Extinguished - When a Flame is sideways, right-side-up, or off the Shelf.

13 Containing Drums Scoring Opportunity 3 - Containing the Chemical Drums
Fully contain chemical drums in the containment area.

14 The Maximum score a team can earn in a match is 600 points:
Scoring Summary The Maximum score a team can earn in a match is 600 points: Manikin Rescue 120 Points Rescue Bonus Max 180 Points (Rescue in under 1 second) Min 1 Points (Rescue in 179 Seconds) Flames Extinguished 150 Points (30 flames x 5 points) Under Control Bonus 30 Points (all flames extinguished of quadrant color, so the fire is under control) Chemical Drums 120 Points (3 Drums x 40 points)

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