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Bio-Informatics Workshop, Beijing , October 2009

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1 Bio-Informatics Workshop, Beijing , October 2009
GÉANT: European & World Connectivity Network Performance & Data Transfers Linking EBI & China Richard Hughes-Jones DANTE Delivery of Advanced Network Technology to Europe Bio-Informatics Workshop, Beijing , October 2009

2 European R&E Networking
Each country operates it own independent R&E network. Depending on the country, this can connect universities, colleges, research laboratories, schools, libraries, museums, municipal offices, hospitals. These national research and education networks (NRENs) may use different technologies and offer different services. The NRENs are interconnected by a pan-European backbone called GÉANT. GÉANT provides extensive international connectivity to other world regions and is operated by DANTE. The key is close Collaboration & Co-operation.

3 The GÉANT – NREN Evolution:
7th generation of pan-European research network federated infrastructure: A 20 year success story EuropaNET  TEN34  TEN155  GÉANT (GN1 GN2  GN3) Connects 36 European countries through 32 NREN partners. Serves over 3,500 research and education establishments across Europe Over 30 million users Provides extensive international connectivity to other world regions. Funded jointly by NRENs and the EC. Mechanism is the GN3 Collaborative Project: co-ordination by DANTE via the PMT (Project Management Team) complemented by TERENA involves > 400 NREN staff Collaboration & Co-operation. Vasilis Maglaris

4 GÉANT GN3 Objectives Provide a dependable Network Expand the reach
Complete the GÉANT European Footprint New partners in South Eastern Europe Associate and Cooperate with Eastern Europe partners Widen the user base e-Infrastructure (ESFRI) projects including : Earth Observation, Climatology, Space and Fusion, Bio & Life Sciences, Arts and Humanities

5 38 European Countries Dark Fibre Hybrid network: IP Packet routed
Switched point-to-point Circuits Dedicated wavelengths Lambdas 25 POPs (+4) serve >30 NRENs 11600 km of fibre ILA sites 50+ x (own) 10G lambdas 9 x (leased) 10G lambda 8 x 2.5G (leased) “lambda” + some lower speed links Juniper T640, M160, M40 routers NREN accesses at up to 10Gbps (+ backup) + P2P GÉANT topology – April 2009

6 Network Connectivity Services
GÉANT & NRENs will offer connectivity. Hybrid networks built on dark fibre infrastructures lit with DWDM equipment. Basic IP access via a GÉANT2 router - GÉANT ip High Bandwidth Multicast IPV6 QoS MPLS / Traffic engineering Point-to-point Circuit Network - GÉANT plus Dedicated Capacity – typically 1 Gigabit paths Quickly configurable More than 60 dedicated circuits by January 2009 Wavelengths - GÉANT lambda Full 10Gbps wavelengths across Europe – linking data centres Note that not all networks may be able to offer all these facilities. Key phrase is Multi-Domain

7 Network Services GÉANT & NRENs will offer network services.
Network Monitoring perfSONAR - based on OGF Standards e2eMON (Troubleshooting tool EGEE) eduPERT Network Provisioning “on demand”: Circuits / VPNs / MPLS / QoS autoBAHN tool from GN2 World wide interoperation – OGF Standard being developed Quick configuration tool as a minimum Security & mobility PKI coordination Roaming Access Service eduROAM eduGAIN Service introduction Note that not all networks may be able to offer all these service facilities. Key phrase is still Multi-Domain


9 The Hybrid GÉANT2+ services
Lambdas Lambdas Primary IP Peering IP Backup GÉANT+ IP Backup Primary IP Peering GÉANT+ To NREN A To NREN B IP Router Switch Switch IP Router Backup IP Peering for NREN A Dark fibre/amplifier chain GÉANT POP A GÉANT POP B

10 GÉANT global connectivity
Includes EU Developmental Initiatives

11 EUMEDCONNECT Topology April 2008
Global Connectivity ALICE Project: RedCLARA Topology October 2007 TEIN3 Topology January 2009 EUMEDCONNECT Topology April 2008

12 TEIN3 Topology January 2009 TEIN2 2005 – 2008 Now TEIN3
Federation of NRENs Upgrade: Smaller links 64Mbit 115Mbit Larger link 622Mbit  2.5 Gbit 2.5 Gbit Singapore to Europe SG & HK routers M 120 NOC in HC Short RTTs

13 Network Monitoring

14 perfSONAR: Using NM-WG Schema
perfSONAR uses the OGF NM-WG Recommendations (ontology) and Schemata for the API OGF NMC-WG for protocols perfSONAR is performance middleware Modular Web services-based Decentralized Integrates: Network measurement tools Network measurement archives Discovery Authentication and authorization Data Manipulation Topology Visualization 14

15 perfSONAR Uptake & Deployment
perfSONAR is a joint effort: ESnet GÉANT2 JRA1 Internet2 RNP (Brazil) ESnet includes: ESnet/LBL staff Fermilab Internet2 includes: University of Delaware Georgia Tech SLAC Internet2 staff GÉANT2 JRA1 includes: Arnes Belnet Carnet Cesnet CYNet DANTE DFN FCCN GRNet GARR ISTF PSNC Nordunet (Uninett) Renater RedIRIS Surfnet SWITCH Other contributions & installations: CLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) LHC Network JANET An OGF success story: 27 partners 15

16 Weather-map E2Emon Link Status

17 Projects Using GÉANT

18 Sichuan Earthquake Recovery Efforts
Sichuan Earthquake on 12th May 2008 Satellite images of disaster region transferred over the ORIENT link from JRC (Italy) to RSGS (China) with routed IP. Tuned TCP throughput Added a second GE link from CSTnet in China.

19 VLBI 1GE Circuits & IP connections in 2008
1 Gigabit Ethernet point to point circuits to the telescopes in Europe. Supplied by NRENs & GÉANT Also use Routed IP to other world regions Timeliness very important Data rates: 64Mbit/s 512 Mbit/s 1 Gbit

20 GÉANT lambdas form the DEISA Network 2008
All the Super Computers use 10 G Ethernet links connect to a 10 GE switch in DFN Frankfurt. Also use the routed IP service.

21 GÉANT lambdas form the LHC Optical Private Network
10 Gigabit Lambdas form a dual star on 2 routers at CERN. Connects National data centres to CERN DANTE advised on architecture & resiliency. Have backup links. LHC operate the OPN Use Routed IP for other international traffic Edoardo Martelli LHC

22 Collaborative projects with high societal impact: eHealth & eLearning
WISDOM: ICT-LEAP (EC-TEMPUS project) Massive biomedical data challenge Involves parallel use 5000 computers in 27 countries (~ 420 years’ computing for a single PC) e-Infrastructure accelerate screening of drugs against malaria, avian flu and other emerging diseases Links universities from Polar Area to Middle East Facilitates e-learning centres in Middle East Broadens access to education Virtual enrolment in remote lectures Virtual capacity building in e-learning of teaching staff

23 Working with Emerging Users
GEO / GEOSS Accepted as a participating Organisation. Areas: BW for disasters, linking data centres, Africa FEAST,GEONET EUMETSAT Discussed requirements. working with them on options for using the academic network. Collaborative tests on high BW multicast. Bio-Informatics Examine current connectivity. Interest in creating a Bio-NREN forum. ITER Require high bandwidth data transfers. Assisting multi-gigabit transfers to Japan.

24 Current & Emerging Users
China – Europe Current & Emerging Users Particle Physics iHEP Radio Astronomy eVLBI "World Lecture Theatre" with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) GEO Earth Observations GEONETtCast Deutscher Wetterdienst EUMETSAT - China Meteorological Administration Bio-Informatics ITER - Fusion Grids - INWA-GRID, Bridge-Grid

25 Network Path Performance

26 Beijing – Stockholm UDP Throughput for eVLBI
In collaboration with the Radio Astronomers Sep 2008: We made measurements of throughput, packet loss, jitter to our test PC in the PoP in Beijing & to VLBI PCs. VLBI data requires UDP flows of 512Mbit/s Provide liaison with the Chinese NRENs CSTnet & CERNET

27 ESLEA and UKLight at SC|05
Disk-to-disk transfers with bbcp Seattle to UK Set TCP buffer / application to give ~850Mbit/s One stream of data 840 Mbit/s Stream UDP VLBI data UK to Seattle 620 Mbit/s No packet loss Worked well

28 Help with TCP Throughput
BaBar on Point2Point Circuit HighSpeed TCP Linespeed: 940 Mbit/s DupACKs <~10 (expect ~400 for loss) BaBar on routed IP network Standard TCP 425 Mbit/s DupACKs – re-transmits Packet loss is the killer 28

29 Network Path Performance use cases

30 LHC ATLAS Remote Computing Concepts
Remote Event Processing Farms Copenhagen Edmonton Krakow Manchester ~PByte/sec ATLAS Detectors – Level 1 Trigger ROB ROB ROB ROB PF PF Data Collection Network PF PF Event Builders lightpaths SFI SFI SFI L2PU Back End Network L2PU L2PU L2PU Level 2 Trigger GÉANT Local Event Processing Farms PF SFOs CERN site 320 MByte/sec Switch PF Experimental Area Mass storage

31 ATLAS Remote Computing: Application Protocol
Send OK Send event data Request event ●●● Request Buffer Send processed event Process event Time Request-Response time (Histogram) Event Filter Daemon EFD SFI and SFO Event Request EFD requests an event from SFI SFI replies with the event ~2Mbytes Processing of event Return of computation EF asks SFO for buffer space SFO sends OK EF transfers results of the computation tcpmon - instrumented TCP request-response program emulates the Event Filter EFD to SFI communication.

32 TCPmon: TCP Activity Manc-CERN Req-Resp
Round trip time 20 ms 64 byte Request green 1 Mbyte Response blue TCP in slow start 1st event takes 19 rtt or ~ 380 ms TCP Congestion window gets re-set on each Request TCP stack RFC 2581 & RFC reduction of Cwnd after inactivity Even after 10s, each response takes 13 rtt or ~260 ms Transfer achievable throughput 120 Mbit/s Event rate very low Application not happy!

33 TCPmon no TCP cwnd moderation: TCP Activity Manc-CERN Req-Resp
Round trip time 20 ms 64 byte Request green 1 Mbyte Response blue TCP starts in slow start 1st event takes 19 rtt or ~ 380 ms TCP Congestion window grows nicely Response takes 2 rtt after ~1.5s Rate ~10/s (with 50ms wait) Transfer achievable throughput grows to 800 Mbit/s Data transferred WHEN the application requires the data 3 Round Trips 2 Round Trips

34 TCPmon no TCP cwnd moderation: TCP Activity Alberta-CERN Req-Resp
Round trip time 150 ms 64 byte Request green 1 Mbyte Response blue TCP starts in slow start 1st event takes 11 rtt or ~ 1.67 s TCP Congestion window in slow start to ~1.8s then congestion avoidance Response in 2 rtt ,300ms after ~2.5s Rate 2.2/s (with 50ms wait) Transfer achievable throughput grows slowly from 250 to 800 Mbit/s

35 Tests: Europe to China

36 Packet Loss & TCP

37 How it works: TCP Slowstart
Probe the network - get a rough estimate of the optimal congestion window size The larger the window size, the higher the throughput Throughput = Window size / Round-trip Time exponentially increase the congestion window size until a packet is lost cwnd initially 1 MTU then increased by 1 MTU for each ACK received Send 1st packet get 1 ACK increase cwnd to 2 Send 2 packets get 2 ACKs increase cwnd to 4 Time to reach cwnd size W TW= RTT*log2 (W) (not exactly slow!) Rate doubles each RTT CWND slow start: exponential increase congestion avoidance: linear increase packet loss time retransmit: slow start again timeout

38 TCP (Reno) – Recovery Time
What Time for TCP to recover its throughput from 1 lost byte packet given by: For rtt of ~200 1 Gbit/s: 2 min UK 6 ms Europe 25 ms USA 150 ms China 200ms 1.6 s s min min

39 Packet Loss and new TCP Stacks
TCP Response Function UKLight London-Chicago-London rtt 177 ms 2.6.6 Kernel Agreement with theory good Some new stacks good at high loss rates

40 Network Topology EBI, London, Beijing & Stockholm
Multi: Vendor Technology Domain

41 UDP Throughput & loss ah04 – Beijing
Coalescence ON MTU 1500 bytes Max throughput 928 Mbit/s Packet loss ~60% for small packets ≤ 200 bytes & < 5µs These losses are mainly in network 1-10% losses (sometimes in end host)

42 TCP reno Throughput Buffer Scan ah04 – Beijing
Traceroute: PC-hinxton-hinx-lonJ-lon-ams-cop-BJ-PC RTT 203 ms BDP TCP buffer 25 MByte Mathis (1997) TCP reno Get about 2 Mbit/s for 0.1% packet loss Some understanding to be done !

43 UDP Throughput & loss ah04 – London
Londonah04 0.1% packet loss for 1472 byte at line speed

44 TCP reno Throughput Buffer Scan ah04 – London
Traceroute: PC-hinxton-hinx-lonJ-lon-PC RTT 2.6 ms BDP TCP buffer 325 kByte EBIlon as expected UDP is OK here too. Lon EBI ?? Mathis (1997) TCP reno Expect about 140 Mbit/s for 0.1% packet loss

45 TCP reno Throughput web100 London  ah04
TCP buffer 200k bytes TCP Congestion Window opens OK Many dupACKs with time-outs Packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 565 Mbit/s (higher at start)

46 TCP reno Throughput web100 London  ah04
TCP buffer 300k bytes – bursts larger TCP Congestion Window opens OK Many time-outs and losses Packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 580 Mbit/s

47 TCP bic Throughput web100 London  ah04
TCP buffer 200k bytes TCP Congestion Window opens OK Many time-outs Packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 700 Mbit/s

48 UDP Throughput & loss London – Beijing
0.1% packet loss for large packets at line speed > 60% loss <400 bytes & <8 us Beijing  London 1-7 % packet loss for large packets at line speed

49 TCP reno Throughput Buffer Scan London – Beijing
Traceroute: PC-lon-ams-cop-BJ-PC RTT 201 ms BDP TCP buffer 25 MByte BJ lon ~140 Mbit LonBJ disappointing

50 TCP reno Throughput web100 London  Beijing
TCP reno buffer 25M bytes TCP Congestion Window classic , Two packets re-transmitted at the start iperf Ave throughput 40 Mbit/s TCP bic buffer 15M bytes Several timeouts Many packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 115 Mbit/s

51 UDP Throughput & loss Stockholm – Beijing
Max throughput 926 Mbit/s 0.3% packet loss for large packets at line speed > 60% loss <400 bytes & <8 us London Beijing 0.1% packet loss for large packets at line speed > 60% loss <400 bytes & <8 us

52 TCP reno Throughput Buffer Scan Stockholm – Beijing
Traceroute: PC-sto-cop-BJ-PC RTT 201 ms BDP TCP buffer 25 MByte Plots smoother BJ Sto ~150 Mbit similar to BJ-lon Sto  BJ ~ 200 Mbit

53 TCP reno Throughput web100 Stockholm  Beijing
Send-stall TCP reno buffer 25M bytes TCP Congestion Window classic , send-stall No packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 200 Mbit/s TCP bic buffer 15M bytes TCP Congestion Window + send-stall No packets re-transmitted iperf Ave throughput 700 Mbit/s

54 China – Europe Some next steps
The following is input to our discussions. Complete the understanding of network performance & transfer rates Fully involve NRENs & sites in end-to-end tests Need to identify user projects & set the routing to allow use of the ORIENT link Measure & estimate future load on the access links to TEIN3 & ORIENT

55 Any Questions ?

56 Backup Slides

57 GÉANT Links to the US All 10 Gigabit (or OC192) Route Funding Usage
MAX GigaPoP – Frankfurt GÉANT IP SDH (Washington mid Atlantic Crossroads) MANLAN – Amsterdam IRNC/NSF IP SDH New York – Paris GÉANT circuits 10GE/SDH New York – London Internet2 circuits 10GE/SDH

58 Fibre Footprint 2004 Fibre/Wavelength Footprint GÉANT2+NRENs 2004
Black = Leased 10 Gbps wavelengths Red=Fibre carrying 10Gbps wavelengths Black: Leased Lines Red: Dark Fibre

59 Fibre Footprint 2008 Fibre/Wavelength Footprint GÉANT2+NRENs 2008
Black = Leased 10 Gbps wavelengths Red=Fibre carrying 10Gbps wavelengths Black: Leased 10Gigabit Red: Dark Fibre

60 The ALICE Project The ALICE Project EU Development Initiative RedCLARA Network Topology, October 2007

61 RedCLARA RedCLARA Network Topology 2009

62 TCP Flow Control: Receiver – Lost Data
Received but not ACKed ACKed but not given to user Window slides Lost data Data given to application Last ACK given Next byte expected Expected sequence no. Receiver’s advertised window advances leading edge Application reads here If new data is received with a sequence number ≠ next byte expected Duplicate ACK is send with the expected sequence number

63 Packet Loss with new TCP Stacks
TCP Response Function Throughput vs Loss Rate – further to right: faster recovery Drop packets in kernel Managed Bandwidth MB-NG MB-NG rtt 6ms DataTAG rtt 120 ms

64 VLBI Application Protocol: The Effect of Packet Loss
Data1 ●●● Timestamp1 Time TCP & Network Receiver Timestamp2 Sender Data2 Timestamp4 Timestamp5 Data4 Timestamp3 Data3 Packet loss VLBI data is Constant Bit Rate tcpdelay instrumented TCP program emulates sending CBR Data. Records relative 1-way transit times of the data

65 Constant Bit-Rate over TCP
When there is packet loss TCP decreases the rate. TCP buffer 0.9 MB (BDP) RTT 15.2 ms Effect of loss rate on message arrival time. TCP buffer 1.8 MB (BDP) RTT 27 ms Timely arrival of data Can TCP deliver the data on time?

66 Constant Bit-Rate over TCP
Very large TCP buffer: 160 MB RTT 15.2 ms Drop 1 in 1.12 million packets Data Rate: 525 Mbit/s Peak throughput ~ 734 Mbit/s Min. throughput ~ 252 Mbit/s TCP does regain timely delivery Peak delay also large: 2.5 s

67 TCP Flow Control: Sender – Congestion Window
Uses Congestion window, cwnd, a sliding window to control the data flow Byte count giving highest byte that can be sent with out an ACK Transmit buffer size and Advertised Receive buffer size important. ACK gives next sequence no to receive AND The available space in the receive buffer Timer kept for each packet Unsent Data may be transmitted immediately Sent Data buffered waiting ACK TCP Cwnd slides Data to be sent, waiting for window to open. Application writes here Data sent and ACKed Sending host advances marker as data transmitted Received ACK advances trailing edge Receiver’s advertised window advances leading edge

68 TCP Congestion Avoidance
How it works: TCP Congestion Avoidance additive increase: starting from the rough estimate, linearly increase the congestion window size to probe for additional available bandwidth cwnd increased by 1 segment per rtt cwnd increased by 1 /cwnd for each ACK – linear increase in rate TCP takes packet loss as indication of congestion ! multiplicative decrease: cut the congestion window size aggressively if a packet is lost Standard TCP reduces cwnd by 0.5 Slow start to Congestion Avoidance transition determined by ssthresh CWND slow start: exponential increase congestion avoidance: linear increase packet loss time retransmit: slow start again timeout

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